The Earth’s Heartbeat Is Sick-It’s Not Humans & Cows Carbon Emissions – It’s CERN, HAARP, GWEN Towers!

And then there are years of dropping missiles and all the years of nuke testing.

They have poisoned the waters, set the forests on fire, made massive holes with man made asteroids. They tested their ionospheric radars killing and harming people, sea life, bees, animals, birds and reptiles and act like it’s all because a cow passed gas!

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Many have asked and wondered what God would do to end this mess that man has made. Well, the Bible tells us EVERYTHING and the time has come and the earth is now trembling…God’s wrath is kindled!

 Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

WEF, UN, NATO, EU, are destroying the earth and depopulating it for their puppet masters. It’s all part of RESET.

HAARP is blowing holes in our ionosphere. 

Europe was already facing a critical energy shortage this winter, but they had Plan B ready if gas was cut off by Russia via Ukraine war. (Nord Stream one and two type of issues, the type they had nothing to do with? Remember?) But, God seemed to foil their strategic safety net Plan B by having the earth tremble in Europe’s Groningen field in the Netherlands – which is the largest natural gas reserve in Europe. OOPS!  Who knew it holds enough fuel to replace what Germany once imported from Russia…so said the Bloomberg News.

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The Netherlands is citing the measurement of tremors as dangerous as there are deep voids beneath the ground that could collapse. They also have wells drilled to dispose of wastewater from the drilling process that can have a lubrication effect on naturally occurring faults, leading them to slip and create a tremor.

Groningen field is now unsafe due to tremors which can cause quakes and sink holes and a REAL NATURAL DISASTERNOT a man- made pre-planned one…they can’t use it. Winter just got colder for Europe. Read: Netherlands shuts down rich natural gas field amid energy crisis – HotAir

This is sad for the good citizens of Europe who are victims of deranged KM puppet leaders the same as the US is suffering from Joey Avatar and the deranged Pelosi et al shouting “We must Save our Democracy!” Which is now the new name for their communistic one world order of RESET tyranny.

These wicked days have been growing into a beastly world disorder with plans to starve the people into eating worms, bugs and human flesh. Remember Celebrity Meat? This is part of the grand plan to kill crops and livestock as these crazed appointed puppet leaders depopulate on a grand scale. COVID was just one of many fake virus’s in their arsenol to push toxic jabs. Putin destroyed their bioweapon monster labs in Ukraine…but they have other labs throughout the entire world.

Those who have been watching and hearing all things have been given discernment from the Holy Spirit to see what was coming and knew this was Biblical and would come to pass. We will all soon see God’s mighty hand move in the same manner as the Israelites saw it move with Moses at the Red Sea. Trust me, God is not mocked and it is coming! The earth will rock back and forth like a drunkard as Amos wrote and the skys will roll up as a scroll.

The skies will be rolled up like a scroll, and all their stars will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like foliage from the fig tree.” Isaiah 54:10

The entire climate change gaslighting is a hoax. This is all man made so a handful of Khazarian Oligarchs will be able to rule the world so their Baal worship can be done openly. Which bring with it all of their lawlessness and depravity of God’s commandments, breaking His covenant and bringing wrath down upon their heads. Quite frankly, their father is Satan and the works of their father is what they do. That’s what Jesus told the Pharisees and Saducees…it applies in the same manner here this very day.

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That’s not how natural forest fires happen.

Climate Change is a man made push to destroy economies and push people into poverty and despair. It is a shielded smoke screen for all of their space based weaponry that creates earthquakes, Tsunamis, Monster Hurricanes, Winter monster blizzards, Tornadoes, droughts, and they can burn trees from the inside out and incinerate homes and melt steel steel tire rims while a bush 3 feet away keeps all their leaves green and unsinged. They really have had fun with their toys all over the world.

And now their plans to use Bible scripture interpretations to have it much easier to round up and herd those who didn’t die from jabs into their NEW WORLD RESET ORDER and those who survive all of their CERN manipulated weather wars…and I am sure a fake rapture is coming where much population will be incinerated or vaporized with their space based lasers.

They have now gone to far… the earth’s heartbeat is irregular. Dangerously so in areas. We are about to see an event where the sky will roll up as a scroll just like the Bible has said.

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CERN, HAARP, GWEN Towers Harming The Earth’s Heartbeat!

Their space based ionospheric weaponry has caused serious instability on the Earth’s Natural Schumann Resonances! They are destroying the earth with their CERN, HAARP, and Gwenn Towers of destruction!

The Earth itself, has a heartbeat, known as the Schumann Resonances and it has surrounded and protected all living beings in a natural steady frequency of 7.83 Htz for thousands of years. Animals can hear this frequency and know when a storm is coming or some other danger they heed the warning and take shelter. For years now in addition to the claims of what their monster technology is doing to harm humans, and all creation, there have been claims with sound evidence that HAARP, CERN and the GWEN towers are manipulating the Earth’s Natural heartbeat! Many believe the Schumann Resonance is not only being altered to control us, but, we can also alter it, depending on our own level of awareness!

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Read: NaturalNewsBlogs The Earth’s Natural Schumann Resonances are being manipulated by CERN, HAARP, GWEN Towers!

That being said, the dangers of what is being done to all of God’s creation in order to usher in Babylon the Great RESET are being seen and felt by humanity world wide. The gaslighting being done by fake news and world puppets is not working like they thought it would. God’s people are resonating higher through the Holy Spirit and wickedness is vibrating low and chaotic.

This is resulting into an out of control population where on one hand people are throwing milk and paint on everything, while some are shooting and stabbing at randum… and others are watching this and protesting against their government for allowing it and demanding their basic human rights. The puppets cannot stop what is coming upon them.

Thus, we take a look at the proxy war puppets in Europe at the European Union Ambassadors Conference…

Ursula enjoyed a lifely audience as she boasted of the EU Stronger than ever and they of course stand behind Ukraine. While the European citizens are done with Ukraine and the toddler Zelensky. Ursula’s plan is to go and recruit other nations they snubbed in the past.

It doesn’t take a lot of thought to realize she is doing her enlargement plastic surgery campaign on the EU, because it is dwindling and after watching the 47 little African nations push their WHO mandate all health care to the world to the UN trash bin earlier this year… she decided maybe she needs some of these in her clutches. Well, I have a feeling the pay back time for all their wicked plots is going to come at them so fast she and the WEF will have no time to seduce any more nations to follow them into the pits they’ve made for themselves.

But, she has a new enlargement package…candidate status….she or they made a list of the ones they want to join them. Read: 2022 Enlargement package (

The Only Thing Ursula’s EU Enlargement Package is making bigger is support for Russia and Belarus!

Meanwhile…before winter sets in…the French are protesting NATO, EU, and Macron the puppet. They are very angry!! They are sick of the lies and the enslavement!

At the same time Ursula is gaslighting the EU.

And don’t forget Germany is also protesting her EU! And their governments evil wickedness. No one likes to starve and freeze. And Ursula thinks she has other nations that want more of what they are doing? Oh my head hurts.

Someone needs to tell Ursula the people are against the sanctions, and they want gas, and they want Putin’s sanctions lifted.

In between Great Britains working citizens protesting they have climate change misinformed sitting in streets. Just wait til they find out the earth is having a heart attack over the real cause which is their government weather wars and testing how to blow things up!

Meanwhile Zelensky is very unhappy that he isn’t getting all the billions and punishment he wants done.

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Zelensky has gone quiet after a few bouts with Musk over some remarks.

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Emmanuel Macron was outraged by the prices of American liquefied gas for Europe: “Paying 4 times more for gas than your own companies is hardly like friendship.” he said. We still don’t know if Biden Avatar responded back. I think one lick on his icecream cone meant no comment, and two licks on his ice cream cone meant too bad.

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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