If It Doesn’t Look Right, It Probably Isn’t!

I’ll give it a “Probably” for in this show of mirrors where almost everything is opposite… there are a few bones thrown in – here and there – that do have some truth in it… that is why black psyops are such a good weapon against the kind hearts of humanity. Rabbi Dovid Feldman, spokesperson…Continue readingIf It Doesn’t Look Right, It Probably Isn’t!

And The Show Begins…

We are now seeing the clashes just as the KM Oligarchs have desired. Hopefully, all those who know that this is what the warmongers desired will not be participating. Hang on stand strong. Don’t let their hate be yours. Stay with the Lord and stand. Remember what President Trump said… Remember this is organized! They…Continue readingAnd The Show Begins…

Did You See The Warning Or Did You Believe It Was Just Artistic Expression?

They always tell you what they are going to do. It’s not their fault if you don’t have eyes to see or ears to hear. They love mocking God. In 2019, “The Madame X Tour” marked the eleventh concert tour by American singer Madonna, in support of her fourteenth studio album, Madame X (2019). It…Continue readingDid You See The Warning Or Did You Believe It Was Just Artistic Expression?

Shut Up and Let Fact Checkers Tell You What You See? No Way!

You were never supposed to see beyond the shadows that the Khazarian Puppet Masters meme for you! Before there was a thing called psychology… there was philosophy. Philosophers were the top PhD’s of the day and there were only a few that held great influence. Not because mankind wasn’t capable, not at all. But because…Continue readingShut Up and Let Fact Checkers Tell You What You See? No Way!

TRUMP WARNS of Dangers Americans Face…

President Trump has been telling us about the border crisis and the men coming across and now he suspects what is happening in Israel and Gaza may happen here. In case the video above gets removed, try: President Donald J. Trump Visits Club 47 in West Palm Beach, FL – 10/11/23 (rumble.com) One of the…Continue readingTRUMP WARNS of Dangers Americans Face…

Death and War is Being Forced On You….If you can’t see it, then move aside!

Hamas Leader Khalid Mashal Calls on Muslims Worldwide to Rise Up in Jihad on Friday! (Oct. 13th) This is how they create the crisis in your city. The us against them and they will attack you because they are organized and have sleeper cells laying in wait… some are paid to do it for the…Continue readingDeath and War is Being Forced On You….If you can’t see it, then move aside!

WEF Central Casting Lizard Academy of UNICORNS

This is not a drill… report to Tavistock Institute, London or your nearest black op instructor for instructions. OOPS! CUT! CUT! GET THAT GUYS CELL PHONE! So are they filming uninterrupted? Set the mood for the next set of “X” files by clicking on the sound here…. Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon……Continue readingWEF Central Casting Lizard Academy of UNICORNS

The Truth Is In There Somewhere… Your Job Is To Find It!

So Biden says, “If there was not an Israel, we would have to invent one?” Well, in retrospect that is what the Balford Act was all about… however… Joey is quite the bold one speaking about God’s Israel and how the United States could ever just go out an invent God’s people? And people wonder…Continue readingThe Truth Is In There Somewhere… Your Job Is To Find It!

Was Hollywood A Cult Mocking of Prophecy?

Or was it just a script written like a wish? Wishcraft? So now we have pro Israel Zionist groups versus pro Palestine groups in New York City, the home of crime and catch and release, and all the corrupt DOJ systems…  protesting against each other in the streets. Enter “Escape From New York”, scene ???? …Continue readingWas Hollywood A Cult Mocking of Prophecy?

Israel’s Most Intriguing War Photo?

The question was asked of the photo below, “What do you see? I Know what I saw right away, a soldier with no feet in the background. But there was something more about the photo that my gut said… keep looking. So I relaxed my eyes for it felt the thing needed to do. There…Continue readingIsrael’s Most Intriguing War Photo?