If you weren’t paying attention at the CNN Debate, Marco Rubio was called out by Trump for having the worst voting record or most absentees in the Senate. That is not impressive, and what was worse was Rubio’s answer as to why he missed all those chances to vote. He simply believed nothing gets accomplished…Continue readingMarco Rubio – Teaparty Favorite Now 21st Century Puppet!
Category: Uncategorized
TRUMP ONLY PLAYS TO WIN – HE KNOWS WHAT POP GOES THE WEASEL’S ALL ABOUT. Let’s face it folks, what we are watching in the news is a game of musical chairs all to the tune of “Pop Goes The Weasel”. They play the media hype that is music to the ears of the puppet…Continue readingTrump Verses The Puppet Masters Who Want You To Play “Pop Goes The Weasel”
Why in the world is little Lyndsay still allowed to continue? Aren’t there some type of rules somewhere that say if you don’t register in the polls after 30 days, or even in 60 days ??? Then you are not running? The highlight of his campaign and the closest point of useful information was his…Continue readingAre There Any GOP Rules That Explain How Long Zero Percent Candidates Can Run?
Marco Rubio really must believe Americans are idiots. For sure, this is one interview he should have spoken in Spanish. It would have left fewer repercussions. But, like a fool he spoke it in plain English! Or should I say, like a puppet? In an appearance Tuesday on Fox News, Little Marco again questioned Mr. Trump’s…Continue readingRubio Casts His Vote To Betray America, Then Attacks Trump On National Security Issues? Send that anchor baby home!
Will someone please tell the media to just shut up. Every move Trump makes gets ridiculed and each time they mock him, he gains in the polls. Well folks, a new poll is out and in spite of the media frenzie post debate Trump slam, and in spite of the media harlot trashing by Megyn Kelly where she held…Continue readingOf Walls and Balls – TRUMP HAS BOTH!
Outside the Vatican WALLS there is a DOOR, like the one Trump wants. Well almost, Trumps will be prettier. So will the Trump wall. While the Pope is visiting the United States and driving around in a tiny Fiat, with an entourage that is HUGE, you know real big and long with lots and lots of big CARS…Continue readingWhile The Pope Says You Don’t Have To Believe In God To Go To Heaven, And Build No Border Walls…
Jeff Sessions Sen. Sessions, Chairman of the Immigration Subcommittee, shared the following warning concerning the Administration’s plan to resettle nearly 200,000 refugees i…n the U.S. over the next 2 years: “The U.S. has already taken in four times more immigrants than any other nation on Earth. Our foreign-born population share is set to break every…Continue readingBREAKING NEWS – Senator Jeff Sessions, (R AL) WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS!
These are the days of Elijah, Declaring the word of the Lord: And these are the days of Your servant Moses, Righteousness being restored. And though these are days of great trial, Of famine and darkness and sword, Still, we are the voice in the desert crying ‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord!’ Behold…Continue readingSOUND THE TRUMP AND PREPARE YE THE WAY!
If you step away from the Pope, and the Election and somehow find your way into the real world and the headlines…..you will see Europe is under invasion and going borderless, Russia is on the ground fighting ISIS, traitor Rubio just gave Obama unlimited power, we are about to have WWIII and Obama is about to…Continue readingWhat Is On The Horizon?
Is anyone else tired of the media’s severe case of amnesia? I mean no one seems to remember what they said about their GOP darling the day they reported her firing of Hewlett Packard. It was not flattering, nor was it any indication that any thought she should ever run for a higher office. In…Continue readingWHY CAN’T THE MEDIA REMEMBER ANYTHING THEY’VE SAID ABOUT FIORINA IN THE PAST?