God Has All The Answers!

Behold the power of the Holy Spirit is in all who believe upon the Lord! The Lord shall show His people many things that were hidden, and many things that were not taught, but they are truths. Even in simple history, many things have been hidden… what we call prophetic are simple truths and testimonies…Continue readingGod Has All The Answers!

Yikes – The Truth Is Out!

A new study has proven….link between COVID Virus and 5G! Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) public health policy has focused on the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus and its effects on human health while environmental factors have…Continue readingYikes – The Truth Is Out!

It’s A Sick Show…

Is this the part where we look and find no one is in charge to ask what to do and the people finally turn to God in droves? Or is this the part where people take matters into their own hands and hate their strange thinking neighbors? What is worse? Child and human trafficking, COVID-19…Continue readingIt’s A Sick Show…

The Show Must go…

On and On and On…. The show actually started when a man named Trump came down an escalator and ran against a baseball team…. And today, we can still see all the clowns, the schemes, the coups, and deep state puppets. Balloons are everywhere and all of the doubles are amazed to see all the…Continue readingThe Show Must go…

Who’s Telling The Truth?

Bearing false witness…. We have been watching the “false witness in your face show” with attacks on Trump, Wood, Flynn, Powell, and many others. We have heard the false witness accounts from the likes of Rhittenhouse, fake news, Handcock, Byrne, Pelosi, Schumer, you name it…there are many out there bearing it… floating through the air…Continue readingWho’s Telling The Truth?

Where’s Joe?

TRUMP’S STILL HERE! It appears that what many have known and said all along… is looking like it is so. From Kelly Marie Brady – AKA Nancy Drew Telegram/ Trump still President? Note….President Trump has no consession date…no end date….he is still active! AKA Nancy Drew has done an amazing job of snooping for truth…Continue readingWhere’s Joe?

White Sky’s Aliens Oh My!

Or Rather White Sky’s Aliens A Lie! I’ve never heard any “Ancestral stories or legends” from the indigenous peoples of the great white skies have you?  I’ve not heard of the great poets write of such beauty or peril of the great white sky’s…. So where did our great white sky’s come from? But there…Continue readingWhite Sky’s Aliens Oh My!

The Invisible War

It’s all a show…but the war is real. You are all extras in the take down of the world cabal. You must think for yourself. No one can decide what you believe but you. It is all free will. The spiritual warfare is real. It is a battle we have never seen before but have…Continue readingThe Invisible War

America Flunks Child Trafficking!

In a Report: Florida only state with passing grade for anti-child trafficking! But before you all cheer and say good for Florida…they only got a C grade for their being the one to pass. All other states failed! Child and human trafficking is a serious issue and with the new failed grade reports it indicates…Continue readingAmerica Flunks Child Trafficking!

To Cabal, You’re The Simpsons

The not so prophetic Cabal are laughing in your faces. Many look at videos such as “The Simpsons Predictions for 2022” and go…wow…how did they know this? They marvel over how they got it right… and never connect the dots by the order of their numbers. Instead of going from dot 1, to dot 2,…Continue readingTo Cabal, You’re The Simpsons