Hillary All Fun Camps And No Guns! Not On Trump's Watch!

Hillary wants your guns.  She said she will get them.  Her supporting argument to confiscate them is, “ISIS uses guns to kill Americans.”  She’s going to make sure ISIS can’t get them illegally?  For some odd reason she believes this makes perfect sense?  She believes no one knows she is responsible for years of gun running…Continue readingHillary All Fun Camps And No Guns! Not On Trump's Watch!


What ever happened to vetting a candidate to meet the constitutional requirements for running for the highest office in the land? What is behind this requirement that used to be as American as George Washington himself?  Why now are we skewing and unable to identify what the founding fathers meant about the requirements to run…Continue readingBIRTHER, BIRTHER, BIRTHER, ALL I HEAR IS BIRTHER!


The biggest fail on the part of the GOP and all the establishment elite, especially the pundits, media and big donors is that they still believe the old tactics from their playbook will work on the voter.  They fail to realize that we have caught on to their fraud, their deception, their games, their playbook,…Continue readingTRUMPS REAL NUMBERS ARE AS HISTORIC AS HIS CROWDS!


The media pundits need to get over the fact that the Trump wave is roaring across the nation and true Americans are riding that wave! This morning the pundits were making their ridiculous scenarios again.  Saying things like, “If Trump drops out of the race, polls show that 65 percent of his supporters will vote for…Continue readingTRUMP WINS WHILE PUNDITS SHAPE SCENARIOS FOR CRUZ

Cruz Discovers He's Canadian From The News!

  Ted Cruz was shocked when he found out he was a Canadian! Imagine waking up and turning on the morning news and hear them reporting that you have dual citizenship?  Well, that is exactly what happened to poor Ted the day he found out. (see link below). “Now the Dallas Morning News says that I…Continue readingCruz Discovers He's Canadian From The News!

Mr. Cruz, Can You Please Explain?

Dear Mr. Cruz, if you could explain a few things, it would sure clear up a lot of questions myself and others have. You are the only one that has the answers and I know you will be very honest for you are a Christian and do not lie about anything. Mr. Cruz, why did…Continue readingMr. Cruz, Can You Please Explain?

Cruz, Rubio Presidential Eligibility Challenged In FL, VT, and MD!

Well, so far complaints involving the ineligibility for Cruz, Rubio and Jindal to run for president have been filed in three states. Florida, Vermont, and MD. It appears all these people have to do is show proof of the eligibility requirements to run for president as stated in the constitution. So far none have, however…Continue readingCruz, Rubio Presidential Eligibility Challenged In FL, VT, and MD!

Cruz and Rubio Side With BLM Over Land Grab In Oregon.

Any Senator or Congress person, and any candidate who is saying that the Oregon defenders of the constitution are being lawless need to do a bit of homework and look at why they are standing up and what they are really fighting. They are tired of the land grab of the BLM, tired of the…Continue readingCruz and Rubio Side With BLM Over Land Grab In Oregon.

10 Billion Will Be Spent To Get Your Vote In The 2016 Election! Where Is That Money Coming From?

It doesn’t matter who it is, big donors want favors. Big donors of Super PACs are wanting great merchant of the earth type favors. Big donors can corrupt the best of candidates. They train their puppets on what to say to deceive and teach them the tricks on how to skirt issues and present policies in…Continue reading10 Billion Will Be Spent To Get Your Vote In The 2016 Election! Where Is That Money Coming From?

Cruz Pushes Agenda 21 Wildlands Project!

I’m just going to spell this out for you TED CRUZ IS PUSHING AGENDA 21 NEW WORLD ORDER GOALS – THIS ONE IS CALLED THE WILDLANDS PROJECT! He is coming in through a partial truth in the back of your heart – that states want their federal confiscated lands returned.  He then is on your…Continue readingCruz Pushes Agenda 21 Wildlands Project!