Religion and Politics… Buyer Beware…

What is worse?  A hypocrite or a person who doesn’t pretend to be anything but what they are?  A holier than thou persona who covets the high places for himself, or a humble person who merely wants to take care of their family and pursue their liberties? I am sick of watching the prosperity preachers…Continue readingReligion and Politics… Buyer Beware…

Cruz, Blew It Big League and It's Not Going Away Any Time Soon!

Did Ted Cruz realize how many New Yorkers live in Florida? How many now have moved there to retire? He just shot himself in the foot with not only New York and Florida, he shot himself in the foot with every decent person across the nation that didn’t like watching that smug smirking snake oil salesman.…Continue readingCruz, Blew It Big League and It's Not Going Away Any Time Soon!

Cruz Debate Showdown…

Silly things Cruz wants everyone to forget about: *Whether he was naturalized or natural born or a citizen at all. *Campaign funds that were never reported. Goldman Sachs loans. *His wife Heidi a member of the CFR and author of the manual to Merge America Into The North American Union. *His insult about Trump’s New York…Continue readingCruz Debate Showdown…

The United Nations One World Religion-Not What You Think…

    “It is an occult law moreover, that no man can rise superior to his individual failings without lifting, be it ever so little, the whole body of which he is an integral part. In the same way no one can sin, nor suffer the effects of sin, alone. In reality, there is no…Continue readingThe United Nations One World Religion-Not What You Think…


It sure wasn’t a good time to start knocking New York…but that’s what Cruz chose to do in his comeback to Trump questioning his silly eligibility to run for president. He should have just shown his consular papers and put a stop to all the silly speculation. “I’ll tell you: The rest of the country…Continue readingCRUZ ATTACK ON TRUMP'S NY VALUES BACKFIRES!

One More Silly Thing Cruz Wants You To Overlook…

Cruz’ campaign spokeswoman (Catherine Frazier) denies any wrongdoing, claiming the failure to disclose was “inadvertent.” The problem is, Ted made a big deal over and over again about using 1.2 million dollars of their life savings to run for office. His famous story on how Heidi said absolutely in less than 60 seconds and agreed to invest…Continue readingOne More Silly Thing Cruz Wants You To Overlook…

Cruz – Fails To Disclose Campaign Loan From Goldman Sachs

We’ve all heard Ted Cruz tell his story of the day he made up his mind to run for the senate. Ted comes home and says to his darling wife, “I’ve decided to run for senator of Texas.” She smiles with curiosity, then Ted says, “Sweetheart, I’d like us to liquidate our entire net worth,…Continue readingCruz – Fails To Disclose Campaign Loan From Goldman Sachs

If You Like Obama, You Can Keep Him.

If you liked Obama you can keep him, just vote for Cruz.  They have a lot in common. *Both went to Harvard *Both were constitutional law experts (supposedly) *Both have yet to prove their eligibility to run for office (14th Amendment issue) *Both avoid using their real names- Rafael Eduardo Cruz goes by Ted (never…Continue readingIf You Like Obama, You Can Keep Him.


The commander of Iran’s navy threatens to sink American naval vessels, cites progressive naval capabilities after sending fleet toward US shores.   This is a developing story so this is what is in at present.  Updates will be added as news comes in.  Iran has threatened the United States with major losses at sea should…Continue readingBREAKING NEWS – IRAN SEIZES US NAVAL SHIPS

The Constitution Is Not Left To Private Interpretation

It’s not about Cruz, Rubio or Obama.  It is about an attack on the United States Constitution.  To allow the blatant ignoring of the statutes that specifically spell out the proper code of law to be followed, the code that is used as the base for all other law to follow…is a direct attack on…Continue readingThe Constitution Is Not Left To Private Interpretation