Trump In The Land of Oz….?

There is a lot of questions being raised about why Trump is endorsing Dr. Oz? Many have a lot of ideas… and the range is all over the place. I went digging to see what the answer could be. Here is some of what is floating out there, this endorsement has seemed to create quite…Continue readingTrump In The Land of Oz….?


There are many infamous tag teams among us that act Patriotic, Conservative, and Christian. They quote their Bibles and give their testimonies but under that artificial veneer they are greedy wolves, and some are downright snakes. These have infiltrated into pro America groups, churches, social media, and a vast number of other organizations of those…Continue readingBORIS and NATASHA…

There is no Covid-19 Virus and no mutations!

Scientific Fraud Exposed – IT’S TIME TO STOP THE UN, EU, NATO, USA, INC., CDC, WHO which are LED BY THE KHAZARIAN MAFIA FROM KILLING HUMANITY! There is no COVID -19 virus other than an theoretical abstraction made on a computer from a digital data base. Even the CDC admitted they made a digital virus…Continue readingThere is no Covid-19 Virus and no mutations!

UN and Schwab Accelerating 2030 Agenda and They Announce It To The World!

The World Health Organization Is Preparing Vote To Strip The US, And 194 Other Nations, Of It’s Sovereignty- Including the United States, And Give Them TOTAL CONTROL Of The World! They have no time to wait because the great awakening of the people is now threatening their momentum to overthrow the nations and force them…Continue readingUN and Schwab Accelerating 2030 Agenda and They Announce It To The World!

Ode To The Show

Wolves, Possum, Vipers, and Lions – Oh My! Where is truth? Regardless of where you are with eyes to see and ears to hear… you are in the war whether you want to be or not. The reality is this. As much as you would like to wake up and not remember a thing (which…Continue readingOde To The Show


Most people have no idea that their City just might be part of the New World Order…RESET!  They are not aware; they believe their Mayor and City Council is just doing the right thing for their city with innovative programs. Or the voters are complaining because they aren’t doing the constitutional thing, especially with COVID…Continue readingUNITED NATIONS AND YOUR CITY! 

RESET Is Not For Humanity

It is designed for a race of Khazarian Mafia Overlords to kill, steal and destroy in order to rule the world. The new world order plans are filled with smart cities and a sick idea of creation. An evil thing at that. The order is presented in different perspectives to appeal to different camps of…Continue readingRESET Is Not For Humanity

The Indian, Black Gender Confused, White Woman is about to have a stroke…

Will someone tell her that it’s still up to the states what they choose to do before she blows any more blood vessels. Nah….let her do her thing … whatever that thing is??? After a hard day of real issues…. it’s always nice to have some fun with the well seasoned politicians. Like the ones…Continue readingThe Indian, Black Gender Confused, White Woman is about to have a stroke…

Will U.S. Food Shortages Impact The World?

With all the talk of the preplanned food shortage as food processing plants, and distribution centers continue to burn all of a sudden, fire after fire like dominoes… with a few planes crashing directly into them, we are having empty shelves and very high price increases. Biden blames that on Russia. I guess Russians set…Continue readingWill U.S. Food Shortages Impact The World?

Now Armenia? Who Is Next?

“RESISTANCE MOVEMENTS” SEEM TO BE THE NEW BUZZ WORD FOR COLOR REVOLUTION AND REGIME TOPPLING! Stay ahead of the game – it looks like the Khazarian Mafia have started a color revolution game of dominoes. They are caught and it appears the plan is to start a cascade of color revolutions against their puppet regimes…Continue readingNow Armenia? Who Is Next?