Whatever Happens On Tuesday… It Will Be Big!

But, fear not… there are a lot of truths that are yet to be revealed!

Every rotten and corrupt thing will be shaken out! This is a process, but rest assured, when it is done, nothing will be able to stay hidden!

Lawlessness is everywhere and President Trump is winning the award for the most charges in a bogus indictment made up by a rogue Justice System. Rumors of all sorts of disastrous things are flying around like UFO’s and the facts are shoved under the boxes filled with stacks of real classified documents in Biden’s garage.

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Because they have no where to hide and they have been caught with treasonous acts and crimes against humanity, they have tried to find a way to remove President Trump from ever running for office again. They have tried to silence him and have made many attempts on his life. They are hoping most people will just see the headlines “Indicted by Grand Jury” and believe he’s guilty of their lies and propaganda. The media is in so deep, they too are going to be facing some serious treason charges when this is done. The truth of past administrations is going to be shown to the public and those will have treason attached to the headlines! Be patient, expose the truth and know the facts. The truth is what sets us free.

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Donald Trump Jr. blasted President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice and likened the United States to a “3rd world Banana Republic”!

Jim Jordan let loose with truth bombs as the fake news kept trying to make their fake points.

Fake news trying to put their words and their interpretation in Jordan’s mouth and he was NOT ALLOWING IT AT ALL!

The truth is deep and many who were connecting dots all along the way already knew who, what, when and where. They also knew how it was being hid by censoring and blocking with fact checkers and some things simply buried and gaslighted in your face. But remember, they have been exposing the Bidens and their illegal schemes with China and other countries.

Elon Musk has now revealed truths about the media protecting Obama and it’s over!

Which brings us to some other extremes we are facing that are beyond indictments. We are at the point where people are now looking at orange fog eating up New York and unidentified flying objects are appearing in the city skys at random, and news is giving us all sorts of lies for answers. The orange fog/smog is obvious cloud seeding weather modification, and the mysterious unidentified flying objects are obvious drones and other special disc aircraft. There may even be some holograms in the mix.

Well folks, we called it out a few days ago. The plot thickens to wear masks, stay inside and of course new mandates for this is the RESET ORANGE VIRUS! They just won’t tell you this is man made, from cloud seeding and not from fires from Canada. You will have to connect those dots because they want to go from orange to aliens so you don’t know what to fear most. Meanwhile… the news spins things because they can’t yet talk about cloud seeding. That is not allowed. At least not yet.

Some people are buying into all sorts of fear porn with all sorts of ridiculous rumors and reports about aliens and fires that make orange smoke. This fear will make some lose their breath and have pschological induced physical issues. Like watching someone bite into a lemon and your own mouth puckers up as though you bit into the lemon yourself.

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Where, there’s little time to do a classic debate on the atmosphere and satellites and the discussions of what science “climate change” puppets say, versus what common sense and connecting dots as you see them show you…. here is a cold hard fact: “People are being told all sorts of propaganda and science reports are written to say what they want you to believe”. And they have their smart reasons of why we need ground towers in our faces, every so many feet upon the whole earth… because satellites create a garbage waste in our spinning ball orbit, and to avoid space debri and to be safe we need towers bla, bla, bla. So, fact check it any way you like, here are some cold hard truths based on real life facts and not fake news scripts from puppets pushing global RESET for their masters.


Why do you think they quit trying to use them? They were falling and landing on earth. Fact check it… it’s not a secret.

Satellites falling to Earth:

That being said, NASA has twisted their science from eugenics to UFO’s, and has conducted monstrous experiments on humanity to see if their evil ideas work. From creating monster storms, and devastating earthquakes, to testing their Direct Energy Weapons on anything that is fixed or moves just to see what happens. They have willfully went on missions of destruction destroying everything in their pathes. There has been no regard for human life in the process of looking for some sort of bioweapon combination that they can use to enslave the earth, or grow cells into a life form of their own making.

They are caught and now they are being taken down. So fear not as this process makes its way to the final battles that lie ahead. Know that what you see is man made, there are no aliens but there are vile men possessed with evil spirits.

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This is the biggest election interference in the history of American Elections! But, every time they do something like this… President Trump just comes back bigger, better and stronger than before.

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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