Trump and NWO Idiots…

Welcome to the Inquisition… what else would you call it?

If you ever liked, shared, reposted, or supported President Trump on social media, or if you in any way considered it in your thoughts to do such an act…. you are guilty of something terrible, wrong, and very, very bad! Or so the KM Oligarch machine system says so, therefore they can and will make your life a living hell on earth!

Or at least they think they can do that and so they do it.

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How long they continue to do such tyrannical acts of lawlesseness is anyones guess. But, most are thinking it will continue until the rising up of enough lawsuits are filed pointing out all the unconstitutional acts and libel suits for defamation of character. But, as far as the Lawfare games go … those are at an all time high and the premiums on that one are millions and millions of dollars at the pleasure of the B.A.R., and its wrinkled gold fringed flag of the Crown.

But doesn’t that all belong to the bankrupt US Inc.? Keep it all where it belongs on the fenced off DC ten mile radius.

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And now the likes of John Gray who is an atheist and of course one of those who spoke for the London banker types, who were and yet are, out to rule the world… and share with his fellows, the distain for the so labled predudiced ones who believe in God and His Son Jesus. Who he and his fellows do not believe in, but instead argue against God, even railing all sorts of blasphemies as though they were above any reproach.

Gray has argued that this belief in progress, commonly imagined to be secular and liberal, is in fact derived from an erroneous Christian notion of humans as morally autonomous beings categorically different from other animals. (The dumb sheep philosophy shared by other nasal talking fellows). This belief, and the corresponding idea that history makes sense, or is progressing towards something, is in Gray’s view merely a Christian prejudice. He fit in quite well with Klaus Schwab, and his sidekick Yuval Harari, and all the KM Oligarchs who kept the likes of him in coin for his chattering views at the London School of Economics and Political Science of which he retired from in 2008.

He has authored his atheistic and communistic views and was applauded as an influencer (of which it’s obvious he wrote them for the ones who allowed him a good fortune for doing so.) Such books include False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism (1998), which argues that free market globalization is an unstable
“Enlightenment” project currently in the process of disintegration; Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and other Animals (2002), which attacks philosophical  humanism, a worldview which Gray sees as originating in religions; and Black Mass: Apocalyptic Religion and the Death of Utopia (2007), a critique of utopia  thinking in the modern world.

Gray has been applauded by fellow philosophers and socialists for his insight of seeing volition, and morality, as an illusion, and portrays humanity as a ravenous species engaged in wiping out other forms of life. Whereas he perfectly describes his athiestic world without God and at least got one thing right and that one thing is that “humans … cannot destroy the Earth, but they can easily wreck the environment that sustains them.” Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. And Satan’s children are hell bent on doing just that. My, my how he sounds like a lump of dough right out of the Fabian Cookie Cutter Society.

Is he pushing global warming, climate change or just plain deceit with green things? Does anyone really give two cents what this man thinks about their life? Especially in this last hour?

It’s not about this man named Gray… it’s about his message and those who have positioned all the little atheists as influencers to push an evil, wicked agenda. To know that these ones have been working in lockstep against God and all of His children! There are many Gray’s out there. And some are pushing an ARC for you to board that leads to the very same place all the atheists are bound for.

It was very unpleasant to listen to John talking through his nose as he rattled off his ideas on “enlightment” he charged as the point at which the Christian doctrine of salvation (of which he believes not in) was taken over by secular idealism and became a political religion with universal emancipation as its aim. When he, as well as his fellows know it was taken over by their own contributions of deceit along with Jesuit Free Masons who set out to water it down, and rope in a world council of churches that actually breed Communism, fascism and “global democratic capitalism”, which are all characterised by Gray in his writings as Enlightenment “projects” which have led to needless suffering, as a result of their ideological allegiance to this religion.

More sickening was to hear the “I now believe in God and I’m a Christian” from Peterson, and being a sheep… I was touched by his coming to the Lord… and it wasn’t until he put God and Jesus on his psychiatric couch and analzyed them that I knew the wolf had let his sheep skin fall off somewhere between, I’m a Christian and getting on his ARC “Alliance of Responsible Citizens” going green and obeying the Oligarchs GLOBAL RESET LOCKSTEP, funded by billionaires who are involved with the WEF.

Looking at all the athiests who have crawled out from under their Collegiate podiums and their failed efforts to send the world into total enslavement of confusion has always been sickening. But today while the world is shaking, even so, these sorts persist in stating “there is no God”… there are no words to express how disgusting it all is to even hear them. It’s like they have no idea what they sound like? Nor how it’s obvious they truly do not sound like an expert on anything except how to make obnoxious nasal toned noise?

Mr. Atheist Gray, along with all the other KM Oligarch puppets are in for one HELL OF A SURPRISE when they leave this realm. Sad, very sad.

Meanwhile Green Climate Change Schemes exposed – how does that get to play on You Tube?

Michael Moore, like him or hate him… is actually good at exposing some true things even though it’s peppered with a bit of rhetoric, which makes one wonder for whose side does he do it? If there is a side… it’s hard to pinpoint what one that is. Remember Fahrenheit 911 where he exposed that was an inside job, the patriot act and Bush?

I often wondered how he was allowed to live without being, well you know… without consequences?

Well, his new film which is basically against everything… at least exposes many of the fake green climate change lies and puts the liars in a stuttering nasal spray of bla, bla, bla.

Well, the new documentary covers a lot of the lies and fake political moves to enrich the 1%, however it also has a lot of other opinions in it. Watching it should make a person wonder many things. As for me… I wonder how, once again, he is allowed to make a documentary and it is allowed on You Tube when it is so damming to the powers that be wanting to rule the world. The timing of him releasing a film after the fact… meaning after the fact that over 50 percent of the population already know the green is a farce. (The same as what happened with 911) He writes and makes films of what people already know in majority in a manner to entrap a widen market and twist a few things. Kind of like what the Hamburger Helper did.

Here is the full documentary… ponder and ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern between truth and untruth.

You will see that the climate change hoax is very old. It was all part of the black operations from the underground paper clipped sons of destruction and their agencies CIA, MI6, et al and the KM Oligarchs. I for one never saw any water catch fire unless it had toxins dumped in it that were flamable…. and that had nothing to do with human carbon, consumption or any of that garble. Also, humans didn’t ask to have a poisoned food suppy, nor poisoned medical field, or Big Pharma, or forever wars, flouride in the water, and did not ask for all the garbage they’ve had shoved down their throats. So… we are fighting the beast system here that has been chomping at humanity since the beginning of time and since the days of the first followers of the way have been giving all mankind tribulation and great tribulation just depends on where you live and if it was happening to you or your neighbor. i.e. Whether you were being skinned alive and burned up or it was your neighbor sort of thing.

The fact that You Tube isn’t censoring the documentary means… those who control the internet want you to see it. Ask, why would they want to do that?

That being said, President Trump speaks in Raucous, Iowa and the crowd is fired up!

“We are a nation that has lost its way, but we are not going to allow this horror to continue. Three years ago, we were a great nation, and we will soon be a great nation again,” President Trump. 

Trump in Ankeny, Iowa….

Federal Judge Rules Georgia Voting Machines Can Be Hacked!

In a recent article titled, “U.S Federal Judge Rules Against Voting Machines In Georgia; Wisconsin Could See Similar Lawsuit” By Thomas Schumacher,  A U.S. federal judge ruled in favor of a landmark lawsuit in the state of Georgia that alleges that voting machines can be hacked or manipulated via cyberattacks and other criminal activity. This lawsuit is the first to establish the needed legal precedence to bring similar lawsuits in other swing states, such as Wisconsin, where claims of election interference by members of both parties have been made since the 2020 general election, including issues with voting machines and unfair voting maps. Read:U.S Federal Judge Rules Against Voting Machines In Georgia; Wisconsin Could See Similar Lawsuit | WSAU News/Talk 550 AM · 99.9 FM | Wausau, Stevens Point



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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