Lessons From The …

life Experiences of Tong, the smallest of Truckers, in the midst of the convoy. Tong, the proud convoy trucker is now the modern-day Jonah. He sits and watches, waiting for God to slay the wicked city who devises much mischief. He does not know that no sign will be given to this generation but the…Continue readingLessons From The …

It’s Martial Law and NWO is RESET!

Ottawa Emergencies Act Vote Live Stream! Canada has been a friendly social democracy. Canadians have told us over and over again they are not a socialist nation, they are a capitalist multi-party state with socialist policies to improve the quality of life for all its’ citizens. Qualities that prove it’s not socialist include elections, economic control, strong private sector…Continue readingIt’s Martial Law and NWO is RESET!

Trudeau & Biden Shamed By Premiers, US Governors!

Finally the world leaders are responding to the boy with his fingers pressing buttons to blow up Canada! The “mini Klaus” called Justin has gone way too far and the international world leaders are not impressed with his infantile madness. It appears that Trudeau’s days are indeed numbered. The writing is on the wall and…Continue readingTrudeau & Biden Shamed By Premiers, US Governors!

United Nations Militants Replaced Police In Canada!

UN PEACEKEEPING USED IN WAR IS NOW OVER CANADIAN CITIZENS… SO HOW IS THE FREE WORLD RESPONDING? They have deployed their tanks in war zones…and now they are taking this game to the western world on North American soil and they believe they will be successful?  This is the final blow in the UN relations…Continue readingUnited Nations Militants Replaced Police In Canada!

Trudeau Labels Convoy Economic Terrorists?

The real economic terrorists are the ones mandating who is essential and who is non-essential! The evil game is over! In America the entrepreneurial spirit is strong. Even during covid evil mandates and restrictions, some 3.5 million businesses were started during the height of the coronavirus pandemic. The real economic terrorist is the governments in league to…Continue readingTrudeau Labels Convoy Economic Terrorists?

Trudeau Sets Out To Arrest Half of Canada !

With the whole world watching, what could possibly go wrong? Since Canadian police refused to arrest fellow Canadians for doing nothing wrong, Trudeau replaced them with an Interim Police Chief, Steve Bell and found a crew who would. So now here comes a gestapo dressed in riot gear set out to get the grannies, kids,…Continue readingTrudeau Sets Out To Arrest Half of Canada !

Judge Jeanine Pirro Presents

WHO IS HUNTER BIDEN? The Poet, the Princeling, the Pornstar, the Painter…. The ‘HUNTER Act’ was introduced by house republicans to STOP federal distribution of ‘Crack Pipes’. Why was this even necessary? Because we have an out of control usurper in the highest seat in the land which is the seat of the President of…Continue readingJudge Jeanine Pirro Presents


FREEDOM HAS A MIGHTY HORN AND IT IS SOUNDING! With over 2,000,000 semi trucks on the road in the U.S., we can know one thing for sure, the American Convoy to DC will be sight to be seen and not easily forgotten. The U.S.A. has over 350,000 owner operator truck drivers and that’s not counting…Continue readingCONVOY TO D.C.!

Revelation 13 The 33.3

BECAUSE IT IS ALL HOLY SPIRIT LED! To explain the Book of Revelation is to explain all history of this world from the war in heaven to the very end and the triumphant return to Paradise with the Lord Thy God. It cannot be said in a blog, but it can have a beginning of…Continue readingRevelation 13 The 33.3

Truck Songs From The Past

Truck Songs From The Past From Flatt Eggs! With all the to-do with the truck’s roaring around the world, horns honking and people shouting, I decided to dig through my collection and listen to all my old trucker albums. I wish I had more, but then Jethro Tull never sang Beggar’s Day to accommodate them…Continue readingTruck Songs From The Past