It’s Not Wind Fire, It’s Genocide!

And it’s not the first time! Tribunals are coming! You can Count on that! Christopher Greene brings his truth to the public. He lives in Lahaina on Maui! Describes a martial law situation like Hurricane Katrina. Devastating with no help at all! Is this what they meant by “Wind Fire”? Coincidence or preplanned? One life…Continue readingIt’s Not Wind Fire, It’s Genocide!

WEF Global Goals For Hawaii Include Smart Cities!

Hawaii Mayors and Governors Embrace the World Economic Forum! What could go wrong? In August of 2018 Hawaii made plans to be the first US state to run entirely on clean energy, whether the citizens wanted it or not… the rich and famous did! In a significant move, four mayors from across the state have…Continue readingWEF Global Goals For Hawaii Include Smart Cities!


PLASMA FIRE? DEW You Know What That is? Melted glass, rims, steel, and no trees burning. ‘Unaware folk’ that some call “normies” say it was flying burning embers that burned the cars and melted rims and glass because unaware folk believe that is how fire works…they also believe it was caused by the wind. You…Continue readingPLASMA CLIMATE CHANGE FIRE= LASER ATTACKS!

Pacific Worlds Project Psyop, and Lava Tubes?

Follow the money, follow the Globalist goals, follow the KM Oligarchs, follow the false projects that hold alterior motives. Connect the dots… call them out… expose the lies and psyops. How many believe the global Institutions organized and funded by KM Oligarchs are really concerned about preservation of Indigenous peoples in the Pacific Islands? Have…Continue readingPacific Worlds Project Psyop, and Lava Tubes?