Who Was At The Debate With President Trump?

Do we go with the Supreme Court Ruling, the debate debacle, the Gavin Newsom teaser or who was the V.P. at the debate with Trump? Maybe all the above…

Meanwhile as disappointment in no announcement for V.P. being made and many reminding one another that President Trump said… the V.P. would be at the debate, but not announcing who that was… well, take a look at this and just ponder it.

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Who is this guy? Watch the video…


Who is this manat the Presidential Debate? This man was with President Trump! #fyi #share #tiktok #president #debate @President Donald J Trump @Newsmax

♬ Powerful songs like action movie music – Tansa

Okay.. then there is this… look at what Elon Musk shared:

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So what’s up?

Next taking the headlines today is the Supreme Court Ruling-

Supreme Court Overturns Department of Justice! Rules President Trump and the alleged J-6 protestors were charged illegally – Chevron rule should have never been applied to this case.

While the world is shaking and the Dems are quaking about the dismal debate performance of their leader and seeking another masked puppet to lead their global free world, the Supreme Court stole the headlines!

Then there’s the Debate Debacle – The Shot Heard Around The World!

Biden was all wired up and ready to mumble his dis and mis information points all while standing up for 90 minutes like that was a major feat in and of itself (of which it was). But instead, the bot suffered a major malfunction witnessed by every fake news outlet on demand, during the entire debate sending their democracy into a tailspin seeking a parachute to put on their progressive party.

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Jill no sooner helped the bot off the stage when Rumors of Biden’s replacement being Gavin Newsom were hitting hard from news reports. More on that in a bit.

Meanwhile, just in case you missed it… here are a few bot malfunctions…

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What happened to Biden’s chin? It got sucked up into some place inside his bone or was it a hollow hole? Who knows? Maybe the forehead stretch was too much… guess that happens under hot lights when you lift the forehead… the chin gets sucked up?

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Somethings really wrong here! Look under the eyes and those brows… man that’s messed up.

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What the heck is wrong with that eye? Looks like his left eye’s tear duct got slid down and what’s that hole or indention under it? What’s wrong with his pupils? And that chin…. Man he has some serious bone loss!

You tell me what this is? Where did that deep scar-like thing come from on his jaw line to below his lip?

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It isn’t going away and neither is that chin… it’s looking very distorted?

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Looking a bit Ultra there, don’t ya think? Or can we ask that?

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The fact that the entire fake news and the entire Democratic Party didn’t see the lousy 2.0 for what he was until this debate is the most revealing of all the pathetic mind games played on the public. They just can’t hide the fact that Joe’s ratings are sooo low no matter how much they lie. It is now so bad that they plan to pull him out and put another in his place. Watch for the rinse and repeat gas lighting propaganda in the next round of political games as the Dems find their replacement, complete with a brand new set of lies, fake polls, and hog wash about a landslide victory for the next puppet they try to slide over into their bankrupt DC to “INC” us the rest of the way. The writing is on the wall that Joey Avatar has lost his starring role in “Biden Steals DC- Season 4 episode 24 titled, “The Inc. Dries Up”!

We’ll just call Joey “scar face” for now.

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Some debate highlights…

Meanwhile the fake news is shouting things like- “Oh My God” to “What Do We Do About This?” And they dare to say Trump lied? Oh watch and learn. They know the puppet broke its strings and can’t even keep his chin up or out or something?

CNN   can’t defend the terrible Biden performance…. they called it “Dismal” and are asking one another “what do we do about it?” Do they go to the White House and tell him to step aside? Yes he said that. Good grief wouldn’t that be election interference?

Gov Newsom 2.0 is now the next puppet.

That simply isn’t going to work no matter how hard they try. President Trump is holding his Aces, a Full House and His Trump Card.

His strings are attached a bit tighter, but that means very little. (i.e. his lies are just bigger but not better). This is getting very sickening to even listen to. But we have to know all the things the climate change global puppets are doing. So… here it is.

Make the USA like Cali is not going to go over well. Just ask Trump. And will the real Gavin Newsom please stand up?

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The 1.0 Gavin in 2018 looked a lot older and a bit different. What do you think?

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Why does he look so much like McCarthy these days? Check out the nose and eyes and that mouth.

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Gavin Newsom below is the 1.0. Who is the 2.0?

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Look at the eyes in tonights Newsom, the one the reporters are going “goo goo ga ga” over. Those are eyes of a mask if I ever saw such. No bags beneath, and look closer at the nose as well. His lips and ears. He certainly doesn’t look as old as he did in 2018 and his neck is not as slender and not as long. I call a replacement was made a little while back.

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Remember in 2018 when the forest met the DEW and President Trump went to visit him? I DEW!

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That long slender neck and distinctive deep-set eyes?

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Today, it’s almost close but not close enough. Not to mention all the things Trump would disclose in a debate with the nephew of Nancy. I say bring it on.

Newsom’s Political Career…

If you want to know how state and local work and how it all begins on a municipality level… Newsom is a good example of that (and there are many examples to choose from out of Cali… like Dianne Feinstein, and Kamala Harris and Nanny Pelosi his auntie. Just for starters.)

According to a 2000 profile in The San Francisco Chronicle. After Newsom graduated from Santa Clara University in 1989, he founded a wine store that grew to encompass 23 businesses (including hotels and restaurants) throughout California. In 1996 he was appointed to serve on San Francisco’s Parking and Traffic Commission and he later filled a vacancy on the city’s Board of Supervisors, and was elected to the board over the next three consecutive terms. At the age of 36, he became the youngest person to be elected mayor of San Francisco in more than a century, serving from 2004 to 2011.

As mayor of San Francisco, Newsom quickly established a reputation as a progressive who wasn’t opposed to flouting the rules for what he believed in, as when he ordered City Hall to issue marriage licenses to gay couples despite a law against it at the time. (As The Los Angeles Times detailed in 2018, Newsom’s career was heavily supported by some of San Francisco’s most influential families.

He served as California’s lieutenant governor from 2011 to 2019 and was elected governor of the state in 2018, winning nearly 62 percent of the vote.

In 2020 the people of California tried to have Newsom recalled — a campaign backed by Republicans and fueled by scrutiny over his handling of COVID-19 and an unemployment fraud scandal, among other issues — Newsom’s political capital had been on the rise, speaking in a prime spot during the 2020 Democratic National Convention, where he endorsed Biden. Following Biden’s win alongside Vice President Kamala Harris, Newsom selected her replacement in the Senate, choosing former California Secretary of State Alex Padilla to serve out the remainder of her term.

But then there is also his ex-wife Kimberly Guilfoyle… who when speaking at the Republican National Convention last year, in a speech that quickly went viral, Guilfoyle used the state governed by her ex-husband as an example of what the country could turn into, she argued, under Democratic leadership — “a land of discarded heroin needles in parks, riots in streets, and blackouts in homes.”

A Newsom candidate would be a gift to Trump and MAGA. So bring it on. And that just might be the plan here? Time will tell. There are many things that can come out from a “Newsom for President” progressive democratic ticket against President Trump… I say… bring it on! What do you say?

He also apologized after photos surfaced showing him eating dinner amid the pandemic last November at a restaurant with a crowded table, in violation of his own health recommendations.

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“It was a terrible mistake,” he said afterward, adding that he had been attending a dinner to celebrate a friend’s 50th birthday. “Of course it was a mistake. I didn’t shy away from that. Bottom line is I own that.” So that makes it alright? While others were arrested for merely walking the beaches and breathing? Oh, he will be very bold to even think of going against President Trump but the deep state needs somebody they can control, and Gavin 2.0 is the one they are choosing today.

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Gavin Ultra Light? Did we also mention the problems in his administration related to $10 billion in unemployment fraud. What do you think really happened to him over that?

To sum it all up…. Newsom rose from city official to mayor of San Francisco to his state’s leader and was facing a recall election backed by Republicans in 2021. He’s a globalist and will be fodder for Trump to chew on if they push the puppet. Trump has a lot on him and his Auntie Nancy. Trump also knows that trees don’t burn from the inside out, and a raging fire that melts a house doesn’t leave a shrub next to it untouched and green. But maybe that’s the plan and they are walking right into it? What do you think?

Keep on Pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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