Hold On… It’s Crazy Now But – The World’s Flipping Rightside Up!

Always look at the right hand when the left hand is shaking and always look at the rest of the world when they have Trump battling indictments and other Historic corruption!

Remember, if it looks insane, that’s because it is insane!

Let’s start with the Swiss Billionaire Hansjorg Wyss who funneled millions of dollars to left-wing environmental groups that engaged in political activity targeting Biden and Democratic voters!

Isn’t there an active Executive Order against foreign interference in US elections? Something about confiscating assets if caught? Yes there is!

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The Washington Post reported that the private Wyss Foundation, a group that Hansjorg Wyss has bankrolled since 1998, is affiliated with the Berger Action Fund, which is a left-of-center advocacy and lobbying group. The Berger Action Fund Records show that same fund, which has no legal obligation to disclose donors, fed roughly $72 million in 2021 to dark money nonprofit advocacy organizations that support Biden and boosted Democratic congressional candidates during the 2022 midterm elections. That’s what their 2021 tax forms say.

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Click to see full document: 2021 Berger Form 990_Public Inspection Copy (1) | PDF | Irs Tax Forms | 501(C) Organization (scribd.com)

So it appears as though Billionaire Wyss funnelled mega millions into dark money groups and in so doing, appears to have committed US ELECTION INTERFERENCE AND FRAUD!

They apparently believe this is legal. Well, before the Executive Order was signed into action… it might have been. But now it’s highly unlikely… E.O. and all???

Here are some excerpts from the Washington Post:

“In 2021, the Berger Action Fund granted $42.4 million to Sixteen Thirty Fund, a group managed by Arabella Advisors, the largest liberal dark money network in the United States. Like other groups in the Arabella network, it does not disclose its donors and fiscally sponsors left-wing groups that, in turn, are not required to file tax forms with the Internal Revenue Service.

“Sixteen Thirty Fund doled out $410 million in grants in 2020, much of which helped to support Biden. The fund in 2021 hauled in $191 million and spent $174 million, the Washington Examiner reported. Between February 2021 and December 2022, it also steered over $940 million combined to liberal political action committees, like Open Democracy, which spent over $4.8 million backing Democrats from December 2021 to December 2022, according to campaign finance disclosures.”

“Fund for a Better Future dished out over $34 million in grants in 2021, including $20,000 to the Sixteen Thirty Fund and $4.9 million to Fair Fight Action, a group founded by twice-failed Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams that was ordered in January to pay the Peach State more than $231,000 after losing a lawsuit that alleged Georgia violated voting rights.

“In addition, Fund for a Better Future granted over $10.6 million in 2021 to the League of Conservation Voters, a left-leaning environmental group whose advocacy arm endorsed a swath of Democratic House and Senate candidates during the 2022 elections, tax forms show. Biden’s 2020 campaign pocketed over $2.3 million from the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, campaign filings show.

“Since 2016, the Berger Action Fund has contributed $339 million to left-wing nonprofit groups, disclosures show. Meanwhile, Wyss has been accused of violating federal law in the past through his political spending.

The Swiss billionaire may have “indirectly funded federal electoral advocacy through his nonprofit organizations,” since foreign nationals are barred from donating to committees, Americans for Public Trust alleged in a May 2021 complaint to the Federal Election Commission. In April 2022, the conservative watchdog filed a lawsuit against the FEC that alleged it failed to act on the complaint. The case was voluntarily dismissed by Americans for Public Trust in August 2022.” Read full story here: Swiss billionaire-backed dark money group poured millions into Biden-allied groups | Washington Examiner

Did You Know Wyss is also Behind Hunters Defense? How About Joey?

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Did you know that Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss is also the one who put millions of dollars towards obstructing investigations into Hunter Biden laptop and crimes committed by him and other members of the Biden family, including the “Big Guy”. Makes you wonder where Wyss is now? I mean is he Wyss 1.0 or Wyss 2.0? Just asking? Read: Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss funds Hunter Biden defense | BLiTZ (weeklyblitz.net)

How dark is Swiss Billionaire Wyss’s Dark Money?


And then there is the arrest of the Kid … who had the Pentagon Leaks. NYT’s gets the credit for tracking down Jack. That wasn’t hard as he had been posting his leaks on Twitter and they were floating around social media… most didn’t know what to make of them. So…the questions raised among those discussing this was how did he find them? Was he a hacker or the victim of a hack? Each one can decide. It looked to me as a hack into the game system. Targeting the gamers, leaving them holding the bag.

I am glad I did NOT post any of that. I would have probably had a visit from some FBI and accused of leaking something??? When they were commenting on what the pages meant… I smelled a rat as they really were talking like they were clueless. It smelled like a set up. He (Jack) posted a small amount and said their were 50 more pages or so. He should not have fallen into the temptation of putting them out on Twitter and instead call the authorities. But then, they would have taken his computor and all electronic devices? Maybe he should have just gotten off the game? What would you have done? The deep state attackers are getting very creative these days. I smell deep state mis and dis angry birds. What scent do you pick up?

They want us all to know what they are going to do. Let’s just call it a social credit drill? Stay in line… obey and do nothing unless you have permission from sky drones or talking SMART light poles.

Here is “System Update” and his take on the fake news heroes… report. He’s got it down pretty good! Listen and learn the drill. We’re on the same page. Think glass onion and Candace Owen when she was liberal… she was out to set people up in traps on social media and punish them forever!!! I did a blog on that about a year ago.

So, now it gets scary. We now know that if you get a strange email, get hacked with odd documents, or any number of creative things… then you are guilty of someone elses crime. Is that the new fear game?

And then there is this…

Meanwhile in England….

The wonderful world of Charles, the Prince that will be King if they figure out which one was crowned? Was it the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th? Or the one we haven’t seen yet?

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Will someone please tell all of the many Charles choices that the Bank of England has fallen?


Meanwhile somewhere in Ireland or in that direction… there’s a Joey Avatar looking for an audience…

Darn, I heard they were so looking forward to hearing his hairy legs story? Or his


And ending on a positive note… This will make you smile.

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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