You Are AUTHENTIC Be That!

God only made one person exactly like you. Rejoice if you know it! You Are Authentic!

We all know of people who have accomplished great things and are genuinely authentic. No one else is like them. Well, did you know that you have everything it takes to do great things too? It is time to be AUTHENTIC. Being authentic is being who you are and trusting who you are and what you see. It is being genuine, real, actual, true, bona fide, veritable, true to life, faithful, trustworthy, honest based on facts, accurate and reliable in who you are and what you believe to be the truth.

As a child we each have our own personal stories of the things we wanted to try and do and the things we got in trouble for doing out of curiosity. Perhaps it was for taking a cup of water and a spoon and making a mud puddle and moldeling what you thought was a pretty cool mud hut and then you were scolded for making a mess and getting all dirty and yucky muddy. But, deep down you wanted to do it again and make a bigger and better one. And maybe, if you were like me… you did. Smile.

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Now, we all have our stories and some we laugh at and some we regret. Some are sad, and some we just don’t speak of, ever. But, there is one thing about every one of them… they were your very own experiences that helped to shape you into who you are today.

Some things we grew out of, and some things we grew into. Some things we dreamed about and some things we made happen. Some things we let others talk us out of and somethings we held on to and no one could ever talk us out of what was our biggest hearts desire. But, as we grew and became regimented in reading, writing, and arithmatic, we found ourselves memorizing what we were told we had to know to pass a test and conforming to what society said was proper.

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On top of the educational system, we had our home life and what was and was not acceptable in the family. Now that was for me anyway, the most difficult. Why? Because the bell was never going to ring and have it be time to go home. Home was where you were and where you had to ask permissions and do as you were told. At least that was what my parents tried to do with me. If I heard it once, I heard it a thousand times… “What on earth am I going to do with you?” Maybe I heard it ten thousand times???? Smile. At least I did learn to be a bit more secretive about some of the ideas I put into play. And I definitely learned to keep my real opinions and discernment to myself.

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All in all, that was all early training for me on how to keep my Authentic Self in tact and never let anyone tell me I can’t do something if I believed I could. And when I say that, I am not talking about obeying my parents when they said you can’t go outside, etc. I am talking about when I was told things like… you’ll never hit that ball out in left field and then going up to bat and doing just that.

If you grew up with siblings, you understand exactly what I’m talking about.

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Whatever it is you desire to try and do, try it!

So let’s fast track to 2023 and know we all have had life experiences and now here we are waking up. Some of us have been waking up all of our lives… and others who were much more obedient to systems than I ever was are waking up a bit more slowly, and some abruptly. Everyone is coming into this at different levels and each have had different sleeping patterns. I would say I’ve had insomnia all my life. I have always been to authentic to do things in a regimented way.

So the question is… who do you believe for truth sources and what do you believe that no truth source can make you change your mind?  Do you believe what you see or what others say? Take out a paper and pen and ponder it and write the things down that you believe today. Your own truths. Then write the things about you that you like and that make you unique. Your strengths and the things you do best, your talents and skills. Write what you like to do even if you don’t do it well. This is about you and your authentic self. What you like to do even if you don’t do it how other people think it should be done. You just may be ahead of your time. Smile.

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In this exercise we are NOT going to write down any weaknesses, because all weaknesses other than not following God’s commands, are sheer opinions of other people that you bought into because of things you were told, or simply not liking to do them, so of course you weren’t going to excel there. For example if I never cared about changing my car’s oil… then it just isn’t fair to say my auto mechanic skills are weak. It’s simply not my AUTHENTIC THING.

If you say, “I’m just not good at sewing …so I need to improve on that”, but you really have no desire to do that… why put yourself through that? Do want excites you to do and makes you happy. Something you look forward to getting up and doing!

If you have something that you really want to be good at and you aren’t… and you get excited about learning it and doing it…then DO IT! It may be you always desired to play an instrument but you tried it once and you couldn’t do it. Well, if you desire it and want to learn it… then pick it up and keep at it until you learn it! If it makes you happy and gives you joy… do it. Once you begin to do these little things… and they are little steps…steps to giving yourself permission to be authentic, it will be a freeing moment! These steps come first or you will never learn how to have your authentic voice and take your authentic stand for what you believe in. For if you can’t stand for the small things that you have control over… you will never learn how to stand when the storm is hitting hard.

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When you take a stand true to who you are and what you know is fact and what you believe…you are being authentic. When you are authentic you vibrate with an energy that is so powerful! When that happens, you feel it in your very soul. That is when you know that you know what you know and you are confident! But most of all, you are being you and you are not acting, you are not pretending, you are not going along just to have a friend or to be popular. You are leading your own life!

You first have to know how to lead your own life before you can ever show someone else the way to be authentic in theirs.

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You are authentic when you don’t follow the herd off the cliff…you shout the warnings. You shout the facts. You don’t give away who you are in order to get along or to conform. You stay who you are. You let others stay who they are, but you show the way you are going and why.

You don’t get unequally yoked just because it’s easier to get along with an unequally yoked person by letting them lead you into things you don’t really want to do or are a waste of your time. Now I am not advocating selfishness here… there is always give and take in doing unto others, but when the road is dangerous or not a good path… that is when you stay authentic and you don’t go along with things that are not being true to yourself and to your relationship with the Holy Spirit and God. So, please take all of this with discernment.

What others hear when you speak is your voice. Be true to yourself and your deepest convictions. Know how to approach a person with genuine truth in a gentle but firm manner. Learn to read the person and how they best receive your truths. And remember that sometimes silence is golden. Be wise and gentle with your cold hard truths. Just as God is with us.

Authentic means… when you walk in a room you are being who you really are. You are not pretending nor trying to impress others. You are being your true self. It comes across, it radiates. When you are happy to see someone they know it is authentic, because you are vibrating your true self and your true feelings. They feel the good energy you are putting out.

You are authentic when you stand up for what you believe is the right thing to do. If you don’t believe it is the right thing, you would not stand up. You don’t do something because everyone else is. You observe, feel, discern, then decide.

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Many just seem to be born authentic, but, most go through a process of learning to let go of old mental programming and free their minds to be what they truly are. The Holy Spirit loves working with you to be your best authentic self. Ask and you will receive profound wisdom and discernment in being molded like clay into your authentic self. It is the gift of free will and you have a big say in finding the authentic person God gave you the gifts and talents to be. You were made to discover what you are able to do with God’s gift of the Holy Spirit and have all things made possible for you.

Everyone was made to discover their talents and skills that they truly love growing in order to be their best authentic selves to serve God and others. Simply ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in the wisdom to choose how to best serve. Ask how to find and master the gifts you were given and how to use these in the best way to serve others and yourself. Find what excites you the most in learning to do so you can help others with joy. Do the work that you love doing and time has no limits for it is all so exciting and fun when you are being your best authentic self! God loves it when you discover you are His authentic child and you realize that there is no one He has made that is exactly as you are!

And remember one important thing …

You have to be authentic first before you can ever be able to truly help anyone else. As you are learning how to be your best authentic self, there are times when things don’t go the way you want, you may at times get boxed in… but don’t give up. Call on the Lord and together figure out another way to get around the situation. And if you fail, ask what it is that you need to learn from this. The Holy Spirit will guide you. Never give up because you failed. Re-access and look at another way to achieve what you intended to accomplish. Sometimes the Lord wants you to go in a different direction. You will know it. Be true to yourself and learn to pick yourself up and continue on.

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God loves authentic children and the Holy Spirit enables God’s children to be authentic. Ask and you shall receive. When you learn how to be one with doing this… you will discover the amazing, authentic power of the Holy Spirit in your life. You ask and God will go before you when you are headed into battle. Whatever that battle is. You are authentic.

When you pray, God wants you to come as you are and be authentic. He loves his authentic children. Authentic children of God are willing to try whatever God said to do. They praise God when God makes a way when there was no way and they know it was God who did it. They never hesitate to thank Him while it is happening… whatever that miracle is. They are so excited when God is moving mountains and it is authentic!  No one has to tell them how to behave…they go with the flow of the Lord and are authentic.

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God!  Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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