Only One President!

He’s Got This!

The battle lines are drawn, the war is raging… it’s all about good versus evil!

It’s time to call out every lie and shout the truth far and wide!

New footage of J-6 is now being released.

Much is now being revealed… many things that were hidden are coming out into the light of day!

So BlackRock CEO Larry Fink, says you have to FORCE BEHAVIORS?

Okay… threaten the freedom of a person and you just forced a behavior. And break into a persons home, you can expect some forced behavior response. Try to enslave an entire society by unleashing lawlessness on steroids and you can EXPECT SOME SURPRISED FORCED BEHAVIOR!

So who really owns CORPORATE AMERICA? And how long will the people allow the deep state KM Oligarch’s fiat hedge fund puppets lead them by the nose?

It’s a mess… and what is the definition of Rogue? Good grief…isn’t Comey already arrested by now?

Is this a perp walk, plea bargain, C.G.I., rubber mask, or just plain stupid on parade?

The words, “Maybe it has benefited America to see just how bad it COULD GET with someone like Joe Biden in the White House?” What?

Although that sentence validates that Joey Avatar is a talking head with no real power… it is also disturbing to have it presented in a manner that we all must suffer together, for lefties and Dems to open their eyes? Before you read any further, please listen to the clip, below to understand what I’m talking about. It’s just over a minute long.

The “Could get”, although suggesting nothing as bad as we’ve been watching and living through has even taken place yet, is something that raises questions. Especially when we all know those who have been suffering first blows of the “as bad as it could get”. But maybe it was meant to include all the things he wanted to enact that he did’t get to?

That opening followed up with Grenell’s descriptions of how the other side “likes the system”, and they’re not going away softly, we need a bull in a china shop? And now we see the coming announcement of the show’s newest episode – “Election 2024”! This is where people get to pick from absolutes and not promises between two presidents? I wondered if this was the best way to introduce the next part of this wild and upside down show? But, that was just my first gut feeling. Only because of what is said to come isn’t for the faint of heart.

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Hope no one out there owns a chy-na shop? But maybe that was meant to mean a bull being sent over to where there are a lot of such? It could mean a lot of different things, including a comm toward Wall Street? We’re certainly watching all of that with careful eyes. Or maybe it was just a cliche’?

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We all know it’s a show, but to have them present it as “how bad things could get under Biden”, may leave a bitter taste with not much sugar for those who have suffered in this world war III with deaths of jabbed loved ones, lost businesses, jobs and homes. It could come across as though Trump and the military just allowed, or worse, made bad things happen to wake people up, when that is the furthest thing from the truth. In fact the RINO’s like Stew Peters are saying things like that right now. This kind of presentation feeds right into that narrative. I’m just pointing out the facts here, as I am one that looks at everything that both sides do.

I am not a follow along rah, rah, rah just because someone says so. When it looks bad… it looks bad. When it looks good, it looks good. There’s enough people blaming Trump for things he didn’t do, and with the RINO push for anyone but Trump…who are already blaming him for every single thing that people have suffered… it just, didn’t look like a wise opening statement.

No one wants to be punished for someone elses lack of waking up. That simply isn’t right, nor fair. I thought we learned that through the COVID lock downs? I cringe every time I hear a podcaster say it.

Sometimes people don’t come across with good discernment in their bright ideas of presentation. And sometimes they do. Every person has their own thoughts, ideas, and style of presenting… I’m just honestly addressing how I receive that type of message. And I shook my head knowing the backlash this type of wordage has the potential to create, especially with people who aren’t sure what to believe anymore. I am a loyal supporter of President Trump and hearing that made me spit out my coffee. Only because it came from Laura Trump. Otherwise, I would have paid no attention to the remarks. Maybe it was just because of all the rabbit holes I’ve been down? And maybe it’s just me?

The truth is…we are at war, and the military is in charge. In wars fought on homeland soil there are civilian disruptions and casualties. They are trying to have as few disruptions and casualties as possible. All of our nations systems have been infiltrated by deep state globalists and are filled with corruption. Most all of the casualties stem from the infiltrated operations and not by our military. The lizard puppet masters, their puppets and all their money grubbers and street thugs need removed. The nation needs to be restored to operate on the sound principles found in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, as One Nation Under God Almighty. Child and human trafficking must end and the children must be protected. The truth is being exposed and it is ugly to look at.

The next truth is, they have been poisoning our food and water supply for decades. GMO’s and flouride in the water are not a new Joey Avatar thingy. Big Pharma has been killing people with its monopolized medical system since the turn of the 20th Century. Central banks have been monopolizing the world monetary system far longer than anyone dares to think. God’s children have been attacked and ridiculed by the same devilish tares throughout history dating all the way back to the days of Adam and Noah. Lawlessness is ancient and there is nothing new under the sun. It’s an ongoing war between good and evil.

The lizard people and their lizard oligarchs who have controlled the world must be exposed and removed from their lizard RESET towers. All humanity is at stake and the nations who are fighting the good fight are also infiltrated by the tares of the fallen lizards the same as the US. All signs point to the facts that a great number of heads have already been removed. So, let’s look at the real war and it’s not about “How bad it could get with someone like Biden”, for it had already gotten that bad under past presidents… and outside forces infiltrating.

The fact is… President Trump stomped on the breaks of the Global New World Order so hard they didn’t see him coming. He threw cogs into their plans. We are winning… but there is just a lot more that needs to be removed and a lot more that needs to be done to rescue children who continue to go missing, and stop the satanic blood drinking and rituals that are performed in secret and right in the open such as Super Bowl Half Times, World Olympics, and CERN Celebrations.

So where we have been spared our gas stoves and still have gas to fill up our cars… and in all honesty if Joey Avatar had gotten all that he desired, it would truly have been far worse… we are yet in the middle of the battle and the incoming is still affecting our lives. But, let’s call it what it is… it is the battle to free the nations of the One World Tyrannical Dictates of Mad Men who appear to be more Lizard than human. Cold, and ruthless, out for self gain, with no compassion for anyone but themselves.

Meanwhile, today, Joey Avatar signed H.R. 3746 The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 into law.

So, what does this mean for the US?

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They told us Biden had signed this into law on Saturday June 3, 2023, then they said he didn’t sign it and would sign it Monday. As of the third it wasn’t yet signed. Today it is signed and dated June 3, 2023. So now we are to guess whether it was Saturday and the news all got it wrong, or if it was today and they dated it wrong?

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Either way, the entire thing is invalid if Joey is a rubber mask and not the real president. If he is real and president of the USA, Inc., well, that’s not lawful for the Republic. Either way, here it is to read… and see what it can mean. Many things the left wanted are gone, and many things appear one way, but in this show it could go in any direction the wind is blowing.

Text – H.R.3746 – 118th Congress (2023-2024): Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 | | Library of Congress

And just in time… even after the bail out… Shortages are being announced…. why is that?

It’s all about the money. Stock up and cause a shortage… hurry on up… and while you’re at it make a run on the banks and see how that helps the situation. You will be sitting with cash and nothing to buy? Or is this just part of the plan? Discern all things and don’t be part of the buttons they are pushing. Of course prepare in all ways possible, but please don’t hoard. Hoarding has a way of manifesting self fulfilled shortages and it’s done based on fear and fake news reporting extremes so you make it happen.

Meanwhile… take all precautions, pray unceasing and Love God with all your heart, mind and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. This is a time for compassion and emphathy on your fellow man.

Be strong and keep on Pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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