It’s Time To Play Wack-a-Mole!

It’s easy to play… when you hear lies, or smell the gaslighting – you simply wack away at the source to EXPOSE IT!

It’s kind of like the opposite of what the deep state does. When they see truth, they wack away at it until it’s all distorted and looks nothing like it was.

You just have to love this New York cover if not for the truth in the allegory… at least for the creativity of whoever designed it!

Whether they intended to or not… they made a wonderful Trump MAGA Campaign Ad! The deep state is losing at wack-a-mole.

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None of these R’s ever dreamed that President Trump would not be attending their debates this election cycle. So all that Republican importance is now looking very small potatoes with not even enough weight to fill a good sized town hall let alone get any ratings, which they have not. It’s actually embarrassing for all of them, but, that’s what they and their gaslighting super pacs get for going against the one who had his last election stolen. If they had any (you know whats) at all, they would have all first sought to ensure that there was election integrity and no more rigged elections and stood their ground to look into all the voter fraud. But, then again if that is how most of the unelectable get elected… maybe they want to keep the rigged system in place? I have no idea what they are thinking… it only raises those type of questions when they seem to act like nothing ever happened, and let’s do it the same way again?

The inside cover story by Olivia Nuzzi about the candidates was interesting…titled: “Do Any of These People Stand a Chance Against Trump? On the trail with the candidates vying (in theory, anyway) for the Republican nomination.”

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Read full story here: Do These Republican Candidates Stand a Chance Against Trump? (

After reading the article… I found each candidate lacked luster and none of them can garner an audience to do much of anything except spend super pac money on ads that don’t do much of anything against the Trump Brand which stands for the people. And with out the MAGA theme …. there really isn’t much of anything they have going for them except the fact they aren’t blue… which the red RINO is so well known these days that the “not blue” card isn’t working either. In other words… stick a fork in it… and tell the leader of the RINO party Rona… she’s done too.

Whereas Nuzzi summed up all the Reddies… I zeroed in on the guy in the barn… maybe because he is into animal calling, like Trump is a duck stuff and hasn’t anything else to run on??? Okay so it’s a bird thing… but barns can have ducks too. So when I read his barn rally barbeque thingy, I had to share my thoughts on it.

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Is this before the rain came and they headed to the barn? Just wondering…???Christie attends house party hosted by former Sen. Scott Brown (

Let me see if I can unwrap this… so Chris Christie does a rally in a BARN in Rye, New Hampshire, with a banner inside that says… “SCOTT BROWN NO BS BACKYARD BARBECUE” but it’s raining and it’s held inside the barn where Christie is awkwardly introduced as having law enforcement experience in New Jersey (the whole state he said) and the most Christie can say of it is “We have great criminals there.” ??? And he’s the one in the barn, with lots of straw and no votes but yet, he has the gall to say Trump needs to meet a certain standard in his personal and political conduct and failed to meet that standard? And not only that but adds that Trump’s conduct is unacceptable to him? Without stating what that standard is and how it is unacceptable?

But, then again, that all goes along the same logic of wit as his law enforcement background being big with great criminals, he really doesn’t have much to talk about in the barn (maybe he was just hungry and couldn’t concentrate?) so I’m sure they started the barbeque early… where he could relate better in the food line.

So the guy in the barn who’s now all into no BS and farm ideas, later that same month, calls out President Trump at a live televised debate with no ratings because Trump isn’t there and none of them have influence, saying Trump’s Donald Duck and does his quacker jack jokes because that’s all he can think of to say?

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I swear he must have thought that up at the barbeque in the barn! I had wondered where that came from… now I do believe I know. Smile. What do you think?

Ten months ago the same Nuzzi got it very wrong with her article calling Trump the “Party of One”…. when you have a brand that big… you are in a league of your own. You aren’t in a group of average wanna be politicians, begging for a big guy like a Trump to go fund me and or endorse me. Of which… just look who the ones are running against him? Some very unloyal losers.

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By the way… Donald Trump politely called Nuzzi ‘unattractive’ over the false reporting.

How many think Trump’s campaign has EVER been quiet and lonely? Good grief who are they selling this garbage too? Now this is proof that CNN works for the Republican in name only party just as much as it does for the democrats…it’s deep state all the way. They have the lowest ratings of any of the low raters and are barely surviving their lack of viewership. So sad isn’t it??

To me the video sounds like ten months ago they were on Mars interviewing Martians about how they thought the Trump presidential campaign was going… and the magic? The magic is gone? They certainly don’t get out much themselves or leave their scripts often… as there was never any hocus pocus, no magic, there was an honest movement of the silent majority who love God and their constitutional rights and they took a stand and said…ENOUGH. All of that and more is still there. So these chicks are cackling now… watch them eat crow, but this was 10 months ago… so I’m sure they’re eating their fill right about now. If not now… soon.

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I had posted the video… of the chicks bashing Trump from the “Party of One” NY article with its author Nuzzi…but decided to take it off and use a tiny little picture from it instead. Why? Because their nauseating verbal abuse was too sickening to share. These are lost darlings. It made me want to wack a mole… so I censored it from myself. Smile.

Every body makes money off the Trump brand… and podsters gain credibility by using the “I come in the name of Trump” branding… and “I’m one of you…” when they are not. The infiltration is such a joke right now that we can all play wack a mole with the ‘fakesters’, oh and to the scholars out there… I don’t care if that’s not a word… I like it.

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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