Fact Checking The Disinfo Fact Checkers With Truth!

First of all, we already knew it, second of all, Twitter is just one small spoke in the big propaganda wheel! But, now we have names and evidence beyond a reasonable doubt!

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God’s children have a built in fact checker of truth which is the Holy Spirit and the Word of God!

The Lord told us to search the scriptures for ourselves and the truth shall set us free!

Luke 12: 2-3:

For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.”

There have always been those who have been a watchman on the wall warning those with eyes to see and ears to hear of what was taking place in America. Each person who heeded the warnings and dug into the information had to make a decision of whether to believe it or not. It’s called free will which process is to think, feel and choose.

So, for myself… I wanted truth so I did some deep digging to see what was what. It was easy for me because my curiosity of why and how come and is that true started when I was a child. If it wasn’t true, nothing would make me believe that it was. My questioning all things that sounded off base, from a child on only grew more intense and my father called me stubborn, and many called me other names. Fortunately for me, I learned to ignore all that in my childhood. So, by the time I reached adulthood I was immune to it and quite happy being different.

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I never liked the games Simon Says and Mother May I…those were rigged from the start… I saw that every time Simon rigged the things to do to win and Mother sent you back to the starting line when you were one inch away.

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That being said…

In 2009 I wrote a book warning Americans about what was happening now and what was coming with a background on how we got here and sighted all of my sources. The book is called Sly Foxes, Wolves and Men – Is Marxism Growing In America. The Christian publisher went out of business and so the book went out of print. One day I may update it and republish, but for now… I had thought it was out of date for so much has happened and I thought most everyone knew it all by now, (meaning the book’s content). It was during the COVID lockdowns that made me aware that most people had not seen this coming at all.

At the end of the book, I put a test together so people could see where they believed America stood as far as a nation based on the constitution and bill of rights versus Marxism. Which is the foundation for communism and all the “isms”.

Mark Taylor recently recommended a video for everyone to watch. It was the video that nudged me to share this test for others to take. Watch the video either before or after taking the test. The video covers many things that were in the book like the FEMA Pastor Program.


                                       Chapter 21

                Is Marxism Growing In America Test

     Never before in the history of our nation have we been so close to Marxism than we are today.  Government transparency has been slowly hiding itself for years.  It did not just happen over the present administration.  It has been building little by little since the 19th century.  Unfortunately our comfort zone has fit us so well “we the people” weren’t expecting anything to really change.  We trusted our government as our Uncle Sam, our hero, and celebrated the founding fathers and our men and women in military service who have fought to defend our country every fourth of July.

     But the doors to secret agenda’s were beginning to open in the early 1960’s when John F. Kennedy spoke of these as secret societies.  He warned Americans of the dangers of socialism, communism, and Marxism.  And not long after this, the world witnessed his assassination.  Next, Viet Nam protesters came out singing “give peace a chance”.  It wasn’t long and many of these groups veered off course from making anti-war  posters and pamphlets while smoking a little pot and tripping on a bit of LSD, and started forming communes.  They were building their own socialistic communities in various areas on government, or other peoples lands. The concept was equality for all, free from all the restrictions of society and the rat race known as those who worked for a living and  had careers. 

     The shouts of joy for true freedom and peace.  Peace, peace where there was no peace soon drowned out from amid the side affects of free sex, drugs, alcohol,  rock and roll, and no income.  Despaired and disillusioned from watching the realities of their much loved utopia come waking them up, they soon had enough of watching their friends die from drug overdoses, and jumping out of windows from bad trips on acid.  They had their belly full of starving and hunting restaurant trash cans for food.  Enough of trying to deal with abortions, and unwanted pregnancies, enough of watching their babies starve.  And enough of watching lazy commune members get by as well as the hardest working of them without so much as an effort to do a thing except get high and maybe write a poem or two. 

     It wasn’t long and the majority of the surviving hippies and so called commune  activists joined the rest of the baby boomers in the work place and politics.  Are you seeing the big picture?  Yes, my friends, the same teens that had the answers for the entire world then, are the main figures running the corporations, banks, and big government today.  They have masterfully honed their views and shared their dreams in the decisions that have been made in Washington over many decades.  Their boot camp training of the sixties made them ripe for fanning a strong progressive democratic movement.  With liberalism in their veins (or residues of something else) they came into office with a mission.  This time they would get things right. They learned from their own experiences of illegitimate babies and dead beat dads,  and unwed moms, that this was an awful punishment to great to bear.  Their wisdom hadn’t veered much, for their answer was to legalize abortions.  Forget abstinence or birth control, abortion will save the day for the girl or woman.  

     They made certain that  government welfare systems were expanded so those that do not work will be able to keep writing a poem or two without starving.  War was awful, and police brutality from their peaceful protests of bottle throwing and American flag burning were thought unwarranted.  The answer to stop such outbursts were to bring our troops home and let the world fend itself.  The result, a national guard with pepper spray, and padded wagons hauling these activists to cells. In some cases, deaths.  A resentment and hatred was brewing from the likes of those like John Kerry, who appears to perhaps have enlisted just so he could spy, and bring charges against his government to spring board his career into politics.   And let us not forget the clever sly fox activist Hilary Clinton.  She too used the spring board of progressive democracy to assist her law degree and capture that clever wolf Bill.  It took a while but she pushed him to the White House front seat.  She almost made it herself until Pelosi anointed another because she was getting to close.  There is no honor among progressives.  Her consolation prize was her present position.  Obama needed the progressive sly wolf  “Bill” on his side. 

     Even though progressive democracy certainly wasn’t new, the new breed that was now steering it had a much sharper agenda.  An agenda that had the appearance of forming a prejudice of sorts.  For little by little, perhaps subconsciously, it appeared as though they had padded their intention to get even with everything that reminded  them of the judgmental  attitudes of that generation of world war II veterans.   You remember, their parents generation who clung to their religion, guns, and soundness of their  founding father’s Biblical principals, morals, and values.  That was the generation that had fought the deadliest war in world history, yet never spoke about it.  That was the generation these liberal baby acorns couldn’t argue with.  They could only respect them.  And even when they rebelled, deep down they respected.  How could they not.  When they out grew their hippie phase they spoke proudly of the great principals, morals and values they had been reared with, along with all the hard lessons they had to learn because they didn’t always listen.

     Appearing as though they didn’t even know what grip had a hold of them, they set out to undermine all of the authority they resented, yet respected of the sixties, and set out to recreate their own authoritative concepts.  An authority sympathetic to their progressive causes and apathetic to the moral views of those who condemned them in the sixties.  Depending on whatever direction they were taking, and whatever music they were dancing too, it seems that was the direction that their cause had led them to fight for, still  to this day.    The result?  A stronger FEMA, designed to classify the patriots who value the founding father Biblical principals;  Christians; and military veterans into a new category called terrorists.  Or is it new?  Is it the name they would have given to them in the sixties?  For those who stood for such things then, threatened their utopia survival, it ridiculed their actions, made fun of their communes, and no matter what they did, the military continued to exist, and obey its government.  And the parental support to the children who held these views was always the same. That awful, dreadful never ending mantra of  – “get a job”. 

      Today, the views of the so named,  Bible thumping Christians continued to condemn their actions.  All of this formed the most prejudiced  group of  all.  The fearful liberals or the progressive democrats, whatever title they choose to call themselves, it’s all the same.  Their chiefdoms are the high spirited protestors and hippies (and hippie wannabe’s) of the sixties.    They shall do all they can to lead the present and future generations of little ACORNS forward, attempting to finish the final changes against the establishment that they have been so desperately fighting against since the sixties.

      These progressives believe ever so strongly that laws of acceptance must be prepared for those who want the freedom to love who and whatever they choose – be it same sex or opposite sex.  Many have rebelled against the one true Living God  and sought alternative roads of scientology, philosophy, or other forms of enlightenment.  Many have rather chosen gold, their lover, or a chair to be their point of worship.  They have announced that their are many ways to God and atheists are just as correct as stupid Christians who believe in creationism.  For science has proven evolution and all men who believe as they, are liberated and progressively created equal.  The ones that must conform or somehow be silenced are Christian conservatives. Funny thing, I never realized before now that the Christian religion seems to be the only one that left wing liberal extremists will not tolerate. Hymm?      

      Whereas the government guidelines that the founding fathers of the new United States of America put in place, were viewed by all with complete and utter transparency; the very nature of its’ opposite, “the guidelines to Marxism”,  places a very thick and heavy veil over its true objectives in governing.  The type of veil that the ravenous wolf Adolph Hitler and his movement for change placed over Germany is a perfect example.  

      For the manipulation to move the masses carefully implemented by  Sly Foxes and  clever Wolves promise utopia and equality, but, actually deliver carefully planned delusions and false promises filled with  deceit.  Deceit that when unveiled enslave a people and anoint a privileged few to rule over and keep in line those that actually tow it. 

     If it is so, that “truth in transparency” is something we can believe in, then let each  evaluate as an individual where we are on a scale of one to ten the level of transparency we have been given.  Truth in transparency is what our constitution and bill of rights have offered us. 

     The Marxism verses Founding Father’s Transparency test is designed to give us a basic overview of where we are today as a nation regarding the level of truth our present government system has openly revealed to its citizens known as “we the people”.   The truths to be considered in taking this evaluation are listed below, along with the transparency in Government scale.  “Ten” meaning “ideal founding fathers of America” government transparency, and “one”  meaning “Marxism in America” government transparency.                                                      

                          Truth in Transparency Test Instructions

Step One:  Review the evaluation test table. It is based on a scale of “one to Ten”.  (Ten) meaning:  the governmental truth and transparency that our founding fathers had intended is still in place; and (1) meaning:  Marxism has now taken over.  Answer each question as honestly as you can based on your own personal views.  Place your  rating on the line to the left of the question.   

Example: You chose  # 2, so place that next to the question. (2  1. Government Homeland and FEMA agendas- have they been open and truthful?)

After you have completed the test, add your score.  Then view the results of your score from the results list.

                Government Truth In Transparency Evaluation Scale

10.  Extremely truthful and transparent.

  9.  Highly truthful and transparent.

  8.  Mostly truthful and transparent.

  7.  Somewhat truthful and transparent.

  6.  On a need to know basis truthful and transparent.

  5.  Barely truthful and transparent.

  4.  Hidden agendas, government false explanations, and main stream media propaganda evident.

  3.  Deceptive agendas, government offers no explanation or lies, main stream media totally replaces transparency.

  2.  Masses manipulated, no level of truth or transparency at all.

  1.  Marxism achieved, enslaved society.

Rate your government from the scale above on a level of 1 through 10.

_____     1. Government Homeland and FEMA agendas- have they been open and truthful?

_____     2. Government motives, have they been honestly revealed? 

_____     3. Government honesty and integrity, how has it been displayed? 

_____     4. Government protection of the constitutional rights of its’ people, have these rights been transparently honored? 

_____    5. Government press release to the media and media reporting, has it been truthful, objective, fair and balanced? 

_____     6. Government elected officials, have they been open and honest in their dealings?

_____     7. Government following founding father guidelines, have these guidelines been honored?

_____     8. Government spending, has it been responsible and truthful in its decisions or borrowing from its citizens and future generations, to stimulate the economy toward a sound recovery?

_____     9. Government taxation, has it been transparent in all of its future methods to tax its citizens and redistribute the collected wealth?

_____   10. Government  laws and legislation, have new laws and legislation and their effects been fully explained to its citizens?

_____   11. Government civilian army recruitment, has it been fully revealed to its intent and purpose and effect on “we the people”.

_____   12. Government funding for scientific research on Global warming, has it been truthful?

_____   13. Government exotic weapons systems research and testing, such as chemtrails, and biochemical testing, have they been open and transparent?

_____  14. Government opinion and direction toward its’ citizens freedom of religion, founding father patriots and military veterans is it truthful and transparent?

_____  15.  Government overview, overall your government appears to be at what level as of today?

                                           Time To Total Your Score

Next add all of the numbers of your rating together to get your government score.  Place that number here_______.

Next read the Government Truth and Transparency score levels to view the overall score that your present opinions reflect.  This is how you presently perceive your government’s truth and transparency level,  according to the constitutional guidelines set forth by your founding fathers.

Government Truth and Transparency Score Levels

If your score was 150  (You are in the happy zone!)

Great!  You have nothing to be concerned about!  Your government is still as truthful and honest as it was in the days of our founding fathers.  Extremely transparent.

If your score was between 135 to 149  (You’re future still looks bright!)

You can relax, you are still in the happy zone!  Your government is right on track and doing exactly what the founding fathers have intended.  Play the stock market, and buy that winter property you’ve been wanting.

If your score was between 115 and 134  (You are in the comfort zone!)

Go get a latte’, you can still enjoy all of the amenities of your country.   In the comfort zone, you have little to worry about and your confidence in the government to protect you is all American.  You are still in the pre- 911 mindset and that will give you peace of mind.  You still believe conspiracy theorists are blowing things way out of proportion.  No valium required.

If your score was between 90 and 114  (You have just entered the danger zone!)

You have been starting to wonder about things, but just a little.  You aren’t quite sure if we even need to know what the government is doing at this point.  You still believe that they have our best interest at heart and there are a lot of things that are just none of our business.  Running a government is very complicated. You view some of the news from conservatives as fear tactics.  Nothing more than sour grapes because they didn’t win the election.  You believe everything will be fine if people just quit being so negative.

If your score was between 75 and 89 (You have just reached the critical point!)

You are beginning to wake up and pay attention. You are still waiting with the benefit of the doubt.  However, you are beginning to feel things are reaching a critical point.  If you have failed to vote in the past, you may be feeling you should have voted, and might be planning to do so in the next election cycle.  Overall, you are still choosing to watch American Idol, rather than the depressing news.  You believe the government is as transparent as it needs to be, and just to be safe, you are waiting for the next flu vaccine.

If your score was between 60-74  (Your government has become very sick.)

You have begun to see gross discrepancies between mainstream media reporting and what you are actually seeing and hearing in real life.  You have woken up and are now trying to figure out what is really going on. You have probably attended a tea party or supported the cause in some other fashion.  You are now listening to conservative talk radio and Fox News, either for the first time, or,  more than you ever have in your life.  You are becoming an internet surfer.  You keep trying to disprove Fox News and are failing to do so.  You don’t know how we got to this point.  It seems to have come out from nowhere all of a sudden.   You are wondering if and when this will all blow over.

If your score was between 45 and 59  (Your government is now terminally ill.)

You have grave concerns.  You are definitely clinging to your guns and religion.  You have now become a conservative talk show radio junkie and tune into Fox News on a nightly basis.  You have given a new respect to Alex Jones, and now know what Ron Paul has been talking about.  Mark Levine and Rush Limbaugh have become your new best advocates.  You have a post 911 mentality and are proud to be a member of the 912 club.  You are now on a mission to “wake up” Americans that are sleeping.  You have offended many of your democratic friends, unintentionally.  You had their best interest at heart.  Really you did.  Your Pastor has already advised you not to worry about what the government is doing, for they have everything under control, as he/she reminds you of Romans 13, and reminds you to tithe (even though you may now be unemployed).  If you haven’t already, you now believe that Bible Prophecy is real and you believe it is being fulfilled.  You will stand firm by your beliefs and be there to help others when they wake up.

If your score was between 30 and 44  (Your government is on its death bed.)

You have now realized that you must prepare for whatever is coming your way, and undoubtedly already have.  You have strong faith and have your “Armor of God”  on.  You will not take a vaccine, and you have vowed not to be rounded up.  You don’t know who can be trusted, yet, you still warn others.  You have back up plans and trust in the Lord to bring you through this fire and tribulation.  You are ready to serve alongside your fellow founding father countrymen that have drawn the line in the sand.  You pray to rather stand and die for freedom than live in tyranny and holocaust.  You are a brave soul and love your God, your family, your fellow founding father patriots, your military veterans, and the true good old red, white, and blue.   If you had your choice you would rather be minding your own business, pursuing your life’s’ work, concentrating toward being a good Christian example,  planning for your retirement (so you are not a government burden) and enjoying  your children, and grand children.  But, it is because of all the things you would rather be doing, that you have taken your stand behind the line that has been drawn in the sand.  God bless you.

If your score was 15 to 29 ( Your free capitalistic government is now dead.)

Marxist population enslavement has been achieved.

Your new lot is that of the Hebrews under the pharaoh who knew not Joseph.  Hang in there and keep your faith, for just as the Lord sent Moses to deliver the Hebrew from the wicked pharaoh, he has promised to come himself and gather all of his righteous unto him.  He has promised to bring you through the fire and avenge his children from their oppressors and all the evil they devise.  For you were not appointed to his wrath but unto life ever lasting.  Cling to the words of the Lord and his promises, they can not take that from you.  No not ever.  Listen Jacob, and all of you gentiles who have been grafted into the tree of Israel,  for he is on the way, the Lord is about to return. 

                                      Wake Up Call To America…

     911 marked a wake up call to America.  Our firefighters, police officers, the private sector, volunteer organizations, and all government officials were heroes. We believed our government would do everything within its power to protect us from further tragedy and always tell us the truth.  “We the people” had no reason to doubt that our government would ever abuse the patriot act, nor ever misrepresent us for political goals.  One world government was considered by almost all to be a conspiracy theory.  Most all Americans believed that Homeland Security was there to protect us, and most people never even heard of FEMA. 

     Since that day, America has witnessed regrettable signs of government exploitation of its citizens during a crisis.  Government secrecy for our own good has not only blinded “we the people”, it has allowed secret agendas to completely surround them.  After Hurricane Katrina, “we the people” sat frozen to our TV’s in horror and shock at the masses huddled in the dome in New Orleans.  We saw Homeland Security and FEMA in action, and shuddered at the private military called “Blackwater” as they shot at, wounded, and killed the so called looters in the streets.  Among the looters being shot were innocent citizens with their hands held high in the air begging for mercy.  *KaBang!*  was their answer.  “This can not be happening”, most thought.  We cried when we saw the babies that died of dehydration and starvation.  We yelled in anger when we watched FEMA keep the red cross, and volunteers far out of reach,  turning them away with their supplies of food, water, and medical aid.  If “we the people” learned one thing from this televised google earth experience; it was this –  In case of a disaster,  we were all on our own.

     That was our second wake up call.  The financial crisis was our third.  Trillions in debt and no better off than we were.  Appearing actually to be worse.  We have had many calls to wake up since 911.  How many times can we push the snooze alarm on our biological  clocks before we wake up to late?  Too late to go to work, for there is no work?  To late to go to church, for there is no church?  To late to go hunting, for there are no guns?  To late to read the paper,  for the free press has been shut down, and all we receive are FEMA updates?  To late to mow the lawn or clean the house, for we have no lawn and no home?  To late to go to the bank, for you have no money?  To late to have breakfast, for you have no food?

     WAKE  UP NOW, or you will be waking up to the FEMA rations in the community center with the number of your assigned cot written on a tag that you are told to wear on your wrist.  And if you are well behaved and do not pose a problem, you may be allowed to work in their civilian inmate labor program. 

     It sounds awful because it is awful.  That is why “we the people” have ignored the possibility for so long.  No one wants to even think it, let alone talk about it.  No one wants to remotely believe that these things could happen, and definitely don’t want to know that they are and already have taken place for some Americans.  Imagine what America’s opinion would be of FEMA if the media had been following a couple of Katrina Camp Refugees (that’s what FEMA calls them) around, keeping tabs of their every move instead of Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?  We certainly would have had a lot more information to base our evaluations.  But instead of transparency, when Katrina Captives want to talk, they are ordered back to their trailers, or intimated by FEMA officials.  Does anyone know the stories of their FEMA experiences?  What are they all doing now?   Where are the stories of their lives? 

     To get truth in transparency and real answers to the real questions we have that directly effect us, we have to play detective, research, and then when we find government documents, presidential executive orders and directives, and ask questions regarding our findings;  there are either no answers, vague answers, lies, or one is labeled a conspiracy theorist for even asking such questions.  

     Meanwhile mainstream media offers up propaganda and months of reporting of murder trials of sick people, movie star updates,  and false reports of our leaders travels, and glorious hope of spending trillions in an open and transparent fashion.  Sponsored by our congressional leaders Pelosi, Reid, and Franks.  The mainstream media seems to believe we will all be better off with the new deal once we give the president a little more time.  So why should we worry?  Let go and let mammon! 

     Once we reach level 1, will we really be better off?  Will the liberals really have gained their Marxist utopia?  Another suggestion might be to let those that don’t like the present system, and long for the commune days to go out west and let the government give them a reservation of ground so they can create it and leave our free capitalistic society alone.  If only it were that simple.   The truth is,  there are a small group of  financial wizards who control the man behind the curtain in Oz that are orchestrating the whole show.  By the time the lion gets up his courage, and the tin man searches his heart, and the scare crow figures it out, Toto will have already sniffed out the man behind the curtain, and Dorothy will be clicking her ruby red slippers chanting,  “there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home”. 

End of excerpts.

In closing, I noticed that the events taking place then were actually the very same labor pains in this birthing process the Lord said it would be in the last days and we are now at the very birthing point. At the time, we had the Swine Flu and the toxic vaccine that Bergermeister thwarted for us almost single handedly. That postponed the COVID vax. Which both were the same thing. I also noticed that I called it a show. Now I will be honest, I really thought America would not let it get this far, but then again… maybe I did know. For as my family can attest, I kept finding more and more and getting louder and louder. I received a lot of lighten up, and let’s talk about something else, along with many eye rolls and side eyes. And there were some who listened. Smile.

As I read the different scores and their outcomes from the test, I realize that the perspectives I wrote in 2009 are the very same perspectives people are having this very day. I am thankful that I have had eyes to see and ears to hear. There is so much more to be done. We have just begun… waking up was the hardest part. Smile.     

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God. Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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