Cruz and Rubio Side With BLM Over Land Grab In Oregon.

Any Senator or Congress person, and any candidate who is saying that the Oregon defenders of the constitution are being lawless need to do a bit of homework and look at why they are standing up and what they are really fighting. They are tired of the land grab of the BLM, tired of the…Continue readingCruz and Rubio Side With BLM Over Land Grab In Oregon.

10 Billion Will Be Spent To Get Your Vote In The 2016 Election! Where Is That Money Coming From?

It doesn’t matter who it is, big donors want favors. Big donors of Super PACs are wanting great merchant of the earth type favors. Big donors can corrupt the best of candidates. They train their puppets on what to say to deceive and teach them the tricks on how to skirt issues and present policies in…Continue reading10 Billion Will Be Spent To Get Your Vote In The 2016 Election! Where Is That Money Coming From?

Cruz Pushes Agenda 21 Wildlands Project!

I’m just going to spell this out for you TED CRUZ IS PUSHING AGENDA 21 NEW WORLD ORDER GOALS – THIS ONE IS CALLED THE WILDLANDS PROJECT! He is coming in through a partial truth in the back of your heart – that states want their federal confiscated lands returned.  He then is on your…Continue readingCruz Pushes Agenda 21 Wildlands Project!


This commercial needs a different voice over.  One that tells the real truth.  Here is a suggestion: I understand that when mainstream media covers immigration they don’t cover it as an economic issue, nor the real reason there is a border crisis. They fail to tell you that the goal is to send our college graduates to…Continue readingTED'S AD NEEDS A NEW VOICE OVER!

CRUZ WHY IS YOUR FOREIGN POLICY ADVISOR A CFR MEMBER? I thought you hated that pernicious nest of snakes?

We’ve all heard him say it at least once.  Ted Cruz calls the Council on Foreign Relations a “Pernicious Nest of Snakes”.  He has excused his wife Heidi from her FIVE YEARS of serving on the Council on Foreign Relations as a Junior stint, joining after the Bush years to only try to put a…Continue readingCRUZ WHY IS YOUR FOREIGN POLICY ADVISOR A CFR MEMBER? I thought you hated that pernicious nest of snakes?

Bill Who? Oh The Sexist, That Bill.

“Bill Clinton has lost his luster.” that was the statement a talking head made on Fox news this morning.  It was really fun to watch them show the small room of bored Hillary fans listening to Billy boy and then switch to the YUGE crowd of excited – fully charged Trump supporters! Equally as fun was watching a reporter…Continue readingBill Who? Oh The Sexist, That Bill.

Cruz Birther Issue – Obama All Over Again!

“At present, all FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests filed in search of any U.S. citizenship documents to confirm the true official U.S. citizenship status of Ted Cruz have been denied access. All citizenship records for Ted Cruz are sealed unless and until Ted Cruz agrees to allow any such records to be released by…Continue readingCruz Birther Issue – Obama All Over Again!

CFR and Conservative Cruz…

Facts are facts.  Heidi  Cruz  was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.  The same CFR that Ted calls a den of pernicious snakes.  Heidi helped to write the manual on how to merge the United States into the North American Union.  Her name is on the list of those on the Task Force…Continue readingCFR and Conservative Cruz…


Ted Cruz’s plan is to shut down the IRS entirely and have a flat tax on everyone!  How will Cruz end the IRS?  I guess he could just try and shut down the private corporation?  He could open a new facility to collect taxes to pay off our debt, but then that would still require…Continue readingTAX PLANS – CRUZ VERSUS TRUMP

Nuclear? WWIII? Tyranny? Why We Need Trump Now!

When you have Saudi Arabia killing a key Iranian Cleric, and Iranians torching the Saudi Embassy in Tehran, then you add Erdogan declaring he is the leader of ISIS….you have gloves off and WWIII. Why?  Because there are no rules for radicals when it comes to killing. Will Mecca be the target? Turkey? Iran?  Israel?…Continue readingNuclear? WWIII? Tyranny? Why We Need Trump Now!