President Trump has said many times, “We have everything. We caught them all!” 

Do you believe him? Have they all been caught? When is the next intermission in this show? Or are we just stuck like a broken record right now? It appears nothing is taking place except the same thing over and over again and again. Why is that? Does the deep state swamp really think we can still be programmed by hearing the same lies over and over again? Don’t they know that doesn’t work anymore? Who is going to tell them?

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All the bad things they did before Trump even ran for office and they still have the audacity to say it’s Trump’s fault? And more than that, they shout Trump will destroy the constitution, the same one they have been shredding and ignoring! Oh and of course the shout is to “save their idea of democracy”?

An article from February 10, 2018, by Mitchell Feierstein, printed in the Sunday Guardian, stated, “The Obama/Clintons’ shadow government operatives will stop at nothing to cover up their crimes against democracy, including the destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice. Destruction of evidence has been a big theme throughout the Bill/Hillary Clinton era. Just take a look at scandals involving the missing emails, Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation. Based on the recent announcement from the Department of Justice regarding the 50,000 missing texts written by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, it appears this trend is continuing.

“The announcement states, “There was a problem with Strzok and Page’s bureau-issued Samsung Galaxies—that ‘firmware upgrades’ and other technical issues deleted records of texts sent from not only their phones but many phones across the bureau. We regretfully report that these text messages were lost.” He goes on to write how this statement is not true since the “lost” emails have now magically reappeared. Read: How Obama’s Hillary Clinton cover-ups destroyed DOJ and FBI – The Sunday Guardian Live

And that trail of lies point to treasonous activity, let alone acts that go against the constitution. The can of worms was opened and you just can’t put the lid back on it. But where does one start to unravel the deceit from the swamp? 

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When we start there, we find ourselves going back further, and further and find a miry swamp filled with creatures all along the way. This nation was from its very inception infiltrated with those who wanted the nation for their own collections… mainly Great Britain and a world of brotherhoods who all desired this land to establish their own idea of a new world order for their puppet masters.

So while the world was flocking to the land of freedom and opportunities based on a constitution and bill of rights… the western powers infiltrated the shores with boatloads of their own men with ideals of what to do with the very same pieces of parchment. We have a literal iron and clay that do not mix. So as the republic of the United States raised its banner high, the shouts of democracy rang out in the halls. Today, the chants are worldwide, even at the European Union to “Save our Democracy?”  Strange, isn’t it? Or is it?

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The democracy they are shouting to save is that devised by the ancient philosophers who set out to program the people to obey for their puppet masters who desired to rule the world in ancient times the same as they desire to rule it to this day.

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But what do you get when you combine the European Union which is an appointed position and not an elected one, who are controlled by puppet masters who hide in the shadows with their own deceptive idea of democracy? You don’t get freedom you get a global elite NAZI rule with goals of depopulating the earth to around 500 million to at most 1 billion, who shall eat bugs, have nothing and be trans-humanized for total control. All to save their democracy. The one that flew like a bat out of ____!!

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Which bring us to the Black swans of Schwab-land

Klaus Schwab – is telling the world (in his mask) that Black Swans and several of them are going to happen all at the same time. The goal is just as the minions have been on track to not only declare but to achieve by any means they can connive, and that is to destroy all nations from within. He truly believes the little people will cry out to the terrible horrible mandating state to save them, when in reality the terrible, horrible, mandating state will be the ones who cry out for someone to call off humanity for they will be the ones who have nothing and will not be happy.

So, as they plan more of their cyber-attacks, their laser beam frequency wars and burning things inside out…topped off with bio-weaponry and all sorts of A.I. warfare, the people are waking up and they see who is behind all the destruction and they are not happy at all, and they are NOT GOING BACK TO SLEEP!  The hunger game sharks are about to meet their resistance. The black swans that are coming are aimed at them.

Which rumor has it that Schwab has been taken to GITMO and is not around any longer. It sounds like he met one of those “Black Swans” for himself.

It always amazes me how the ones who belong to brotherhoods always speak of the US as though it belonged to them. They do it in subtle ways… generally pushing it as a beacon of hope for the world and a harbor for every wayward soul seeking freedom and of course in the same breath… WEALTH. When you listen closely to the words they reek of hints and jabs that this land we call the United States of America belongs to the entire world.  And the sovereign nation just better buck up and open its borders wider and wider. Which bring us smack face to face with the live masquerade show we are presently in.

Which bring us back to the President and First Lady Melania Trump. If one picture said it all… it just might be this one.

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He knows everything and so does the First Lady. Do you? If you want to know the truth quickly… just take everything the ones who desire to save the planet with their democracy say and know the opposite of it is true. That is the way it all is!

While we are at it, does anyone know what the hidden meaning behind the golden Trump Tennis Shoes is all about?

I know it’s been a few months now, but… what was the big deal about those sneakers? I’m sure there was a hidden meaning in the foot wear that no one in fake news talked about. Especially when the news script writers all said the same thing about them coming out on the day after President Trump got a big fat illegal multi million dollar ruling against him. No one wanted to talk about the shoes. Why was that?

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Think about it.. “The Never Surrender High-Top Gold Sneaker!”  Does this mean the gold standard is sneaking back into the Red, White and Blue? Soon to be launched by the Trump Administration?

Sneaker Con will never be the same? Trump said he wanted to do this for 12 or 13 years and now he did it. What did he do? Launch some sneakers? Where did he launch the sneakers? Who are the real “Sneaker Cons”? Ponder it.

Remember Dr. John Coleman’s intelligence on the Committee of 300? I do.

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The committee of 300 is such a web of deceit. It is filled with infiltrators and agitators all geared for destruction. Call it what you will… declare it is all made up if you choose. But one thing is sure and that is you shall know them by their fruit. Those who desire to kill humanity (useless eaters) except for a small amount they need to do their bidding… is not of God.

Those who seek to destroy humanity and sovereign nations from within are not doing God’s bidding. That is what Satan has set out to do. Among all the most subtle of deception are the memorizers for Satan. These are not limited to those who are out to “save their democracy”. They also include those who have infiltrated the church and taught their own doctrines of what the church should do and say. Some of them have sent many out into the world with Bibles, and memorized scripts to condemn people with their own idea of scripture. This is done from the pulpit, in videos, in online posts, and there are also those who go up to a stranger on the street and ask questions and then condemn them all for their own good, or something like that?

I’m sure you’ve all seen such videos where a person goes up to a stranger on the street and ask them if they ever lusted after a woman, then in the next breath condemn them to hell for adultery. They ask if they ever lusted after what someone else had and accuse them of envy and tell them that is as bad as stealing, and so on. They use scripture as a weapon to hit people over the head with judgement just like Satan does.

They may not even be aware how much they appear in their actions to be as minions out of hell doing the devils bidding to judge and condemn with sneers and self-righteous ideas of their own misguided works, which they are blind to seeing they are as the works of Satan who is the accuser. Jesus never said to do any of that, nor did he do that.

When Jesus encountered the angry mob ready to stone the woman he did not shout – “You whore let me throw the first stone!” He surely did not do that. Nor when all her accusers left did he give her a lecture on how she was going to hell for her past. He said to her, “Woman where are your accusers?” And when she answered he said to her, “Neither do I accuse you. Go and sin no more.”

When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well he did not shout at her, “You are a whore! You are living with a man and not married to him!”  He said, drink from me the water that I have and you shall never thirst again.” John 4:14 “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Jesus went on to say to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father”. He told her that at that present time, salvation is of the Jews but the hour is coming and now is that the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth for the Father seeks such to worship Him. He told her that God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Ponder that one. God is a Spirit and we must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

The woman told Jesus that she knew that the Messiah was coming which is called Christ and when he is come, he would tell them all things. The woman although not allowed to live among the Jews because of their own ideas of who is a Jew and who is not (which went back to older generations at the time of rebuilding the second temple because many could not prove their genealogies  Nehemiah 7 NKJV (, she believed in the scriptures and the promises of Abraham and even pointed out to Jesus earlier in their conversation that the well they were at was dug by Jacob. She bore witness to Jesus that she was awaiting the Messiah who would answer them all things.  She in her own sins, believed more than the self righteous and pious ones of the Temple. Imagine her bearing a witness to Jesus in her own testimonial of the Messiah promised by the prophets to come. And in verse 26, “Jesus said to her, I that speak unto thee am he.”

Today, there are many ideas, interpretations and complicated lists of things for a person to do in order to PROVE they are born again and comply to manmade doctrines and do as man commands and in all of that, the Word of God is somehow rewritten and overshadowed by manmade covenants, doctrines and rules.

When I watch and listen to those who hit the streets with their weaponized scriptures that they have memorized to accuse strangers, it is amazing to even watch. I wonder if they even know how they look and sound?

What is even worse is to listen to these ones and their judgement on Biden and Trump and who is a man of God and who is not.

They have no idea that with every word they say and throw in judgement of others that they have sunk themselves into the swamp of their own self-righteousness up to their foreheads leaving their own sort of mark??

None of these are looking at the obvious anti-good ones in congress, the senate, and in all layers of government (that they themselves helped to vote in.) They love to focus on Trump. Why is that? Why don’t they focus on the corruption in the legal system?  Why don’t they focus on the fake news? Why is their sole mission to attack those who have a history of doing good things? Why do they ignore the details of those who do evil and ignore all that as though such things never happened? Why do these ones act like they are selecting a pastor when it comes to Trump for president? Only Trump? Why is that? They actually deserved a Hillary.

If I were to be approached by one of these with their memorized scriptures taken out of context and interpreted by their own lack of understanding, I would tell them they speak like the accuser of all mankind who is Satan and get behind me in the name of Jesus! Maybe I would first ask them where Jesus said to go out and beat people up with scriptures like the accuser? Then tell them to get behind me Satan in the name of Jesus. We are not to condemn anyone for their sin, for we have all sinned and the Lord told us there is not one sin that is greater than another.

The Lord said to judge not lest we be judged by the same measure as we judged. Those who go out to not only do such things, but film them for social media are taking scripture out of context to beat others up… forgetting the greatest two commandments which are to love God with all our heart, mind, strength and soul and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

There is a fine line in pointing out wrongful actions and picking on someone to judge their sins in a public shaming.

The following video is a bashing to all believers in God. These ones and their measuring sticks are showing how mocking they are and how they love to make fun of anything that goes against their new world disorder. They back liars and the innocent are guilty without any due process. Who does this? Devilish ones for sure.

When I watch these horrible and twisted programming sound bytes, I have to confess, I want them all to smother in the piles of dung they are slinging. But, I know God always takes care of them and I also know that equal to the ones they are mocking is our Father God and our Lord. These are the same ones who mock everything of God. They love their twisted, messed up world of anything goes.

That being said, no one in the flesh has the ability to see inside someone’s heart and soul, nor do they know what God has planned for them to do in and with their lives. We are to test the spirits to see if they are from God or the wicked one. When we watch this sort of witnessing on the streets… it reeks of the opposite of what Jesus said to do and that was to be as cunning as the serpent and gentle as a dove, lest you drive them further from me. To me… this is a direct motivation to mock and to drive people further away.

Most who watch this sort of propaganda and applaud it are not following the way of the Lord. They will laugh and enjoy all the anti-christ mocking and belittling of good people. They will revel in any of the dirty suggestions because they are in the world and love it all.

Those who follow the way of the Lord don’t set out to judge others, however there are many who have been misguided and because of those indoctrinated to set out and do such things as they have, many who are lost now believe all Christians are like this. Giving shame to God and to all believers while giving rise to why Christians are called hypocrites and agitators. If someone approached me on the street with memorized words to entrap me into their condemnation poking, I would not entertain their ideas by answering like it’s a quiz. I would ask where it says they are to go out and do what they are doing? Which is pointing out sins of strangers and condemning them to hell for each one they can point out in a battle of whit?

There is a difference between pointing out what not to do or to follow, and condemning someone to hell because they are judging them. It is not our job to attack and condemn anyone to hell, we do not have such power, and that is not love. That is what the devil does and we are not to do that at all. We are to stand, not attack, discuss and not debate. Each of us learn in part and know in part. There is such a fine line in all of this… and God also gave us “common sense”, if we will use it. He gave His children the Holy Spirit to teach us, guide us, show us how to discern, comfort us and give us wisdom if we will pray and seek God’s truth. I have yet to hear that part being said?

The citizens of the United States of America and the world await to see what will take place in the 2024 election…

Or so that is the headlines we are reading in the present script.

Meanwhile everything looks upside down and inside out. Few even recall all the upside down and inside out years prior to 2020. Why is that? Could it be that the programming was far more successful than anyone would have believed? Or is it because this time there wasn’t a quick bounce back? We have been watching deranged leadership on a world scale and enduring the worst destruction from within we have ever seen. Many families have suffered immense losses from children, parents, jobs, homes, while all the systems have hung out every ugly sign that cannot be ignored. From the Justice System, School System, Tainted foods, Weather wars and the open borders with our towns being infiltrated with increased crimes and drugs.

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It has been ongoing with dementia Joey Avatar and Ukraine’s Zelensky in tie for first place idiot avatar of the year. Look long and hard at the Zelensky that visited President Trump and look at the one in the Biden Show.

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If you believe these are the same ones… then there is nothing more that can be said. Smile.



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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