And J-6 Committee was not a publicity stunt it was a treasonous act against the people and election interference!

And I’m sure there are a few other things it can be called!

So they can smile and laugh and say… hey it was just a publicity stunt. But, that doesn’t let them off the hook! Key members of the Jan. 6 Committee admit in a new PBS documentary that the operation was an election-year publicity stunt.On Wednesday, Frontline PBS published a new documentary, “Democracy on Trial,” chronicling the House committee’s work. Pivotal players on the partisan probe conceded in the two-and-half-hour documentary that the panel’s public performances produced for prime-time television were orchestrated as entertainment media. Read: J6 Committee Admits Show Trials Were A Publicity Stunt (thefederalist.com)

The entire documentary is a fake push to get some ratings for the liars in the deep state for their crimes. They should all go to GITMO. Will they? Time will tell. What they did was treason and they continue to commit treason against the American people. How do you remove an entire corrupt system? One at a time. Watch as it is done. I know God is already working on it and has been.

Meanwhile, Racine Wisconsin Going First Smart City?

In 2019, Racine achieved one of five Smart City designations in the Smart Cities Readiness Challenge. The Smart Cities Council of North America awarded the city access to best practices, financing and other tools to make Racine more livable, equitable and sustainable through technology. Racine is the smallest city to win this award and was named the first “Smart City” in Wisconsin.

Leaders like Racine Mayor Cory Mason; State of Wisconsin Transportation Secretary, Craig Thompson; Dr. David Noyce, Director of the Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory; UW-Madison, and Dr. Bryan Albrecht, President of Gateway Technical College gathered at Gateway Technical College alongside researchers to inform the public on the possibilities of a self-driving vehicle in the city.

Meet the surveillance Badger… Smart City where you go where they tell you in their driverless, electric shuttle. Perhaps it will not always be where you wanted to go or as fast as you wanted to get there … but you can always walk in their 15 minute sections.

Are you sold on the idea that having camera’s watching you everywhere you go, and everything you scratch in private is okay because it makes you safe. The New World Order is ready to RESET so get ready! The UN, WEF Smart City roll out has begun. However, there is a lot more to the smart stuff than they are letting you know.

Mayor Cory Mason believes Racine has the perfect landscape to test out a self-driving vehicle. “It’s our hope and ambition that the city of Racine will become a laboratory for this kind of technology, so that people will want to come here and learn how to operate that kind of system,” said Mason. Read: Interactive Smart City StoryMap unveiled by City of Racine | Racine County Eye

Meanwhile, Patricia Oliver, of Racine, is charged with felony counts of human trafficking and false imprisonment, along with misdemeanor counts of battery and theft. Tyrone Smith is charged with six felony counts, including human trafficking, second-degree sexual assault with the use of force, aggravated battery with the use of a dangerous weapon and more. Human trafficking reported out of Racine, couple facing over 30 years prison. Read: Human trafficking reported out of Racine, couple facing over 30 years prison | Racine County Eye

Racine is just one of those places that is has a lot of secrets buried way under ground… like in tunnels. Everything is a LOT DEEPER THAN IT APPEARS ON THE SURFACE!

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But, maybe a crackdown is finally coming and the Smart City pushers aren’t aware of it? After all they do have some secrets. Such as… the Breb Room has been pointing out. The video below was forwarded by Shy Fren. He said, “Very strange video about Elite banquets in 1903 in a “Sewer” (tunnel) that made international news. Masons in Mason City and Odd Fellows from Waterloo (Napoleon last battle?) with their Orphan Homes…in attendance. More similar underground dinner Banquet events in St. Louis and Canada as well as London… all connected to Masons. Edit: Go @Englad1_7 you got it all fren! Theys all weirdos at the very least!”

From the Breb Room: This is one crazy rabbit hole I went down last today basket. Connects to ‘Waterloo’ Iowa and Chicago. The choice to know will be ours. ‘Sewer Banquet’s’. They are all over the world but stated at Waterloo just before the WW1. Waterloo has more meaning than one could imagine. Waterloo station in London to. This one really is an eye opener at how evil really does exist. It also leads to cabbage patch children. Roses and gardens. Farms. Bankers and politicians. False flags. Floods. Tunnels. Orphans. Excuses for public and so on. They have re wrote history to make us not be able to connect the dots. I will just share and you can make you own mind up. 🧺🐇 (I think this was forwarded from “Parousia” or “Shy Fren”. They both contributed to these crumbs I gathered. Thank them all at the Basket.)

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Racine has a long history of underground banquets and “Unique” entertainment in the tunnels.

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Just because it started back in 1903 or before? Doesn’t mean it’s old news.


Breb Room Forwarded from Parousia

Elon Musk tweeted about Racine a few days ago, but somehow he forgot to include The Word Racine. Why?

What crimes were committed in recent elections? Who was held accountable? Is Elon really going to fight Zuckerberg, or was that a distraction?

Doesn’t Elon know the role played by Dr. Chris Mason, and why Zuckerberg specifically funneled his money to manipulate elections through his brother Cory Mason? Was Cory elected illegally? Was the DA of Racine County elected illegally? Are the rigged elections using the illegal Zuckerbucks and Zuckerbus going to be overturned?

Doesn’t Elon know about Rotary and Bill Gates? Or why Anna Makanju, Soros, Obama & Atlantic Council focused on Racine? Or the real story about Facebook censorship? Or Microsoft and OpenAI? Or Brad Smith and Microsoft’s back door into the secret 8th Wonder of the World?

Is Elon dumb, or playing dumb? Who did Elon vote for? How did Vivek do?

Enter Lin Wood…

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The Breb Room says, “Even though it’s not at all important who was talking about it first… I just wanna say Lin Wood reposted Parousia and pointed people towards the Racine material way before people were talking about it. Nobody had to message him and ask him too, nor was it something “everybody was doing”… His God given discernment lead him too.

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Plastic Pay-Triots and their leaders…

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Underground RR – open secrets!

Racine in Racine County, Wisconsin — The American Midwest

🚩(Great Lakes) Racine’s Underground Railroad Maritime Link

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In the mid-1800s, fugitive slaves traveled to Racine, hid in local sanctuaries, and embarked on the maritime connection of the Underground Railroad. Ships of abolition-friendly Great Lakes captains took them to Canadian ports and their freedom. The best known fugitive was Joshua Glover, who found safety in the Racine harbor warehouse of Achas P. Dutton in early April 1854. Dutton himself conducted more than a hundred fugitives in over 20 years. This marker commemorates those fugitive slaves who are known, and those whose stories remain forever untold. Designated June 10, 2005 National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom 🙄

Pathway. On a point overlooking Racine Harbor, accessible only by pedestrian walkway. Touch for map. Marker is at or near this postal address: 2 Gaslight Point Pile Wall, Racine WI 53403, United States of America. Touch for directions.

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Other nearby markers. At least 8 other markers are within walking distance of this marker. The Racine Harbor (approx. 0.4 miles away); Civil War Memorial (approx. half a mile away); Racine, Wisconsin (approx. half a mile away); Jerome Increase Case / Mascot and Trademark (approx. half a mile away); Joshua Glover Commemorative Marker (approx. half a mile away); Racine County Historical Museum (approx. half a mile away); Gilbert Knapp Park (approx. 0.7 miles away); Engine House No. 3 (approx. ¾ mile away). Touch for a list and map of all markers in Racine. Read: Racine’s Underground Railroad Maritime Link Historical Marker (hmdb.org)

Connects all the underground railroads! Abolition and Underground RR Topic! Read: Abolition & Underground RR Topic (hmdb.org)

🍞The Breb Room 🍞, UW Mysteries, Secrets, and Hidden Places

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Three and a half miles of walkable tunnels snake under campus, some built in the 1800s. I often consult the alumni magazine’s archives as I research UW–Madison’s 174-year history. A while back, I glanced at the first cover published in October 1899 and was struck by the image of Bascom Hall with an unfamiliar dome. Investigating further, I learned that the dome burned down in 1916 and that charred timber can still be seen in the building’s attic.

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Photo above: An artful brick arch suggests craftsman pride in a place where few would ever see it.

It made me wonder about other secret spots on campus, whether remnants of past glory or hidden inner workings. Would there be any way to visit them?

It turns out there is, with special permission (and a lot of keys). So over the course of two months, photographer Bryce Richter and I crisscrossed campus to uncover the stuff of UW legend. Few people have seen these fascinating locations and artifacts — until now. Join us on an exclusive tour of the UW’s hidden places.

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Photo above: A dark hallway leads to a 300-square-foot arched brick room, where four stainless-steel tanks hold the beetles feasting on the animal carcass of the day. PHOTO BY JACKI WHISENANT. Read: UW Mysteries, Secrets, and Hidden Places | On Wisconsin Magazine (uwalumni.com)

Lin Wood –

“And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them. Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions.”

– Psalm 106:36-39

Which bring us to… J-6 Committee A Big Stunt!

In a remarkable PBS documentary, the January 6th committee admits the entire thing was a publicity stunt / fabricated TV production meant to manipulate the audience. Which is why they brought in the former president of ABC News [James Goldston]

They made the whole thing up! All that hell they put President Trump and all the Trump Supporters through and it was all a big fat publicity stunt? How do you all feel about that? Goldston is no longer president of ABC News. What else is coming down?

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Lin Wood asks- What organizations have a wheel as their logo??? Who does not want a wall??? Do the research. Connect the dots. Draw your own conclusions. Study the Holy Bible.

Which wheels fail??? Which wheels succeed??? Which wall falls??? Which wall stands???

Wheels and walls. Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸 www.FightBack.law

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By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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