It’s Just a Rumble – Pay No Attention To The Prelude.

The ground is shaking in the North East… but, nothing here to see. Go back to your regular programming and wait until Monday. Smile.

On April 5, 2024, Save the Children CEO Janti Soeripto was delivering remarks before the UN Security Council when an earthquake hit New York City.

Fear not the Mayor reassures the people of New York they do these things well and they are in good hands. (Cough, cough…) If the ground shakes just get under a table?

And Biden says everything’s under control. Time for icecream.

Hey snowstorms are normal this time of year in Main, right?

Just wondering about the New Madrid Fault Line. Wondering if the eclipse will trigger something with that? Is anyone else thinking about this?

image 17

Why would they have these type of videos out showing the damage if there is nothing they want you to see or think about? Fear? Or preplanned HAARP activity?

These types of videos are very interesting to ponder. We know that no one ever really talked about the earthquake during the war of 1812 (that had been actively taking place before the Brits burned down the White House and we officially declared it), nor much about that war at all. Because it was just none of our business. Well, the new Madrid earthquake hit in 1811 and continued into 1812. The Mississippi River rose up in a tidal wave and flowed backward and Reel Foot Lake was formed in northwest corner of Tennessee. Towns were devastated, but without having large populations at that time, no big casualties were reported. Yet the quake was felt all the way to Philadelphia.

I just found that if we are to even remotely consider any false flag events… the total eclipse could very well trigger a hay day for those who love to do such things.

I see I’m not the only one looking at this. Especially since the total solar eclipse is going right over the fault line.

None of this is allegedly planned, right?

So script writers and Stargate mind controllers wrote scripts to cover all election years in the lifetime of the man named Trump. Are you seeing how the script writers DEW their prophecies yet?

What could possibly go wrong?

I have been searching for anything President Trump has said about the upcoming Solar Eclipse and so far I have found nothing. Has anyone else heard any input from President Trump?

We DEW know this is an election year and the deep state has run out of gas on their win and when they have nothing to lose, they go false flag crazy. So, this all looks like it could either be a dud (if it is intercepted) or a false flag event so the deep state can call martial law (even though we are under a soft one already???), or a natural event (act of God) that no one can stop.

Whatever the case be, the people have no control over any of it except their relationship with God, so that is the direction to kneel down and ask what do we do to.

That being said, the question to ask is…who is in charge of CERN today? Is it the good guys or the deep state?


Space Delta 6 provides space and cyberspace access to the U.S. Space Force. The unit coined “Cyber Delta,” was established July 24, 2020, and is comprised of five squadrons across the United States that carry out the mission of the new operations-focused structure.Space Delta 6 protects space and cyberspace > Space Operations Command (SpOC) > Article Display (

The question is… what is really taking place? Is China’s new space technology at odds with Space Force? And what did CERN discover?

Remember the new Musk looks different than the old Musk. (Hint, hint.)

Now for the real question for Fermilab’s CERN…

In an article by “Big Think” written a year ago they stated, “To start, let’s look at the basic physics underlying a particle accelerator, and then let’s apply that to what the Large Hadron Collider does. If you want to make an electrically charged particle go faster — to higher speeds — the way you do that is you apply an electric field in the direction that it’s moving, and it accelerates. But unless you’re going to make a linear accelerator, where you’re limited by the strength of your electric field and the length of your device, you’ll want to bend those particles into a circle. With a circular accelerator, you can recirculate those same particles over and over again, “kicking” them to higher and higher energies with each pass.” The 3 Reasons Why CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Can’t Make Particles Go Faster – Big Think

Major upgrade to Fermilab accelerator complex gets green light (

Could CERN be testing a linear accelerator? Just my question. What do you think?



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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