Are They Really Telling Us To EAT People?

YES! NEW YORK TIMES says “the time is now” to EAT PEOPLE, in addition to ants, crickets, grub worms, termites, and cockroaches!

In case you missed it, the Natural News said:

(Natural News) The Leftists and Globalists seem to want nothing more than every American demented, sick, perverted, murder-hungry, and cannibalistic. This becomes quite evident as Americans witness mainstream media now literally pushing for everyone to eat lab-made food, worms and bugs, and wait for it… each other.

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We discussed the “Celebrity Lab Meats”, and the Gates petri dish delights, and now the New York Times appears to be on board normalizing cannibalism, after pushing for America to eat grubs and bugs (which isn’t new, they’ve been doing this off and on for a number of years). Who is writing their scripts? They are wanting people to take a hard look at the food security of America, suggesting that with all the skyrocketing inflation and supply chain issues, the time for eating people and bugs is the only way to survive. So one could say, it’s eat or be eaten, according to MSM and the elite, filthy-rich globalists who are deconstructing our Republic piece by piece. Why open up the ports and unload food on barges when you can just eat babies and each other?

When mad men are in charge this is your new normal. Their world becomes yours… but only if you let them throw junk into your thinking and force you to fear and believe you will have their will be done on you.

So now, in lockstep to the globalist RESET regime, men can get pregnant, and times are so hard we need to eat people to survive. Should we do it as the elite have done, dress up in robes and have fun spirit cooking? Or just cook up our kin in a pot and ring the dinner bell? After they normalize eating aunt Sally, will the next phase be zombies eating their fellow man raw in the streets? Is that the next phase of their vile ilk? Read: NEW YORK TIMES says “the time is now” to EAT PEOPLE, in addition to ants, crickets, grub worms, termites, and cockroaches –

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First bugs, now CANNIBALISM: scientist says humans need to eat other humans to “fight climate change”

Prof. Magnus Soderland, a professor of who even cares at the Stockholm School of Economics in Sweden, argued on television the other day that humanity needs to “awaken” to the idea of cannibalism as the solution to “climate change.”

Human flesh, Soderland claims, is much more “sustainable” than meat and dairy when it comes to meeting one’s nutritional needs – especially if normal food becomes scarcer in the future because of “global warming.”

READ First bugs, now CANNIBALISM: scientist says humans need to eat other humans to “fight climate change” –

Swedish Scientist Says Humans Should Be ‘Tricked’ Into Cannibalism To ‘Fight Climate Change’

Swedish scientist advocates eating humans to combat climate change – Big Think

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Unbelievably, 8% of the audience watching a TV interview in 2019 with Soderlund on Swedish channel TV4 said they would be willing to try human flesh.

Tricked? How do you like that one? Boldly this scientist, or shall we say cannibal, spoke out on Swedish television to let the viewers know it’s time to not only eat insects and human flesh, but it’s time to eat your dead pets! His name is Professor Magnus Soderland and he is claiming its time for humanity to “awaken” to the idea of devouring human flesh because it is more sustainable than meat and dairy – or even eating insects – if food sources become scarce in the future.

And there are celebrities who have obviously sold out to the entire Luciferian program…who swear human flesh is the best tasting meat there is…. but, then again Soderland said it best…IT IS TIME TO TRICK PEOPLE into THINKING. And many have been tricked and sold their souls to the devil of this world.

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And although the pressing into mind washing and eating human flesh openly and selling it in stores as “Celebrity Meat” has been pushed for a number of years now…it is just now getting plugged as the answer to the man made food crisis!

So will the Baal cannibals that desire sacrifices and drink adrenochrome (blood of children) win over and have their hell on earth and sacrifice to Baal out in the open? Will they succeed in having the world follow the traditions of the fallen? Will they be successful in having mothers eat their babies and villages cook uncle Charlie?

How will they label these meats in the grocery store? Will they have a section for baby delights and one for “aged” meats? Will there be “Spirit Cooking” spices and cook books?

Swedish scientist advocates eating humans to combat climate change

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In 2019 Soderlund pushed his Baal program that normalized the eating of humans and other creepy crawly things at the “Future of Food” conference in Stockholm. There he pursuaded that cannibalism of corpses will become necessary due to effects of climate change. Read: Swedish scientist advocates eating humans to combat climate change – Big Think

So this is the rest of their evil world….there truly is no place for God, Christians, or anyone else other than Luciferian’s and Baal practioners to live in it. It’s time to wake up and end these vile acts … they never give up and they push and push and push. It’s time to say STOP IT! NO MORE!

Keep on Pressing into the Kingdom of God! PRESS, PRESS, PRESS!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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