Bearing false reports are not new. I’m sure it also falls under the banner of “nothing new under the sun”. It’s always been one of the greatest tools used by Satan and his fallen ones. Bearing false witness was a very bad thing and God made it a commandment NOT TO DO IT.
When your busted flat in Baton Rouge, waiting for a train and feelin’ near as faded as your jeans, remember freedom’s just another word when there’s nothing else to lose! And trust me… none of this is new. It’s just been repackaged to sell hits at the box office, and place who gets to the top of music charts, and the next number one best seller!
The day the stars began to fall, most just waited for the new ones to appear, and Hollywood agents had plenty in their star factory funded by the brightest one of all who fell. Those with allegiance to the oath conjured up the next, and the next, and the next. The darkness will always have their own form of light and as artificial as that is or isn’t, it is a lessor light and it fell to the earth and when it landed it fell like lightning and it lost all of its glory. All of it.
Many lies have been told to cover up the truth. And some of the truth was buried with the star. Yet, God knows all things and everything that has been hidden shall be revealed. No one ever gets away with their wrongful deeds when they leave this world. No one.
Luke 10:18 18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Satan fell from Heaven…. Like lightning! He was cast out!!! His sentence was to be earthbound and hell is his domain. So are you still mesmerized by the stars? You become a star in the world by the one who rules this world and that star status is subject to Satan’s rules and those who keep them are his gatekeepers. Do they really love you? Look and see what happens to those who don’t do what they are told to do. Satan loves to watch confusion and he loves to torment. He is a liar and the author of it. Corruption is not of God… it is of the ruler of this world.
And it doesn’t stop with the entertainment industry, it goes all the way to who gets to have the most wealth, and who gets to be poor. Whose company is successful and who fails. Who gets the patent and whose patents get stolen by deceit of a thousand different ways. Who becomes a super star in sports and who doesn’t. You name it and it’s already be done, redone, scripted, rewritten and 90 shades of grey added to it.
So when we hear more and more about the movie, and all the dead stars being still alive… well… there is a story within a story and the truth shall set the people free.
Here are ten videos showing ‘it’ is a movie…there are thousands of them. Who’s producing these and when did it all begin?
They can make anything look as they desire it to look…
So who is behind the Eminem or was that just their own idea? Looks like a war within a war?
Isaiah 14:
3And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve, 4That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
5The LORD hath broken the staff of the wicked, and the sceptre of the rulers. 6He who smote the people in wrath with a continual stroke, he that ruled the nations in anger, is persecuted, and none hindereth.
Isaiah 14:9-15 9Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. 10All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us? 11Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.
12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
So, the alleged stars are losing their vice grip hold over the minds of the masses of humanity.
That’s what happens when the masks come off and we see the wizard behind the money machine of OZ at the heart of Studio City funded by the ones hidden in the dark wearing the real hoods.
We watched it all, but did you see it?
Trump told us from the beginning. Did you listen?
Project Stargate and Project Looking Glass…
So as rumors abound, one thing is true… Barron Trump is a Trump, is a Trump is a Trump.
And now we have another person declaring what we all who have eyes to see and ears to hear know and have known for a very long time. Why did it take this one so long to see and hear it? Oh does your head hurt yet? This reminds me of many things but if it wakes up a few in the road show… then it wakes up a few more.
And people will have it so. I truly am waiting for some of these ones to share with others how to open up their hearts to hear the Holy Spirit that is within them and learn discernment and have a relationship with the Lord to see and hear. What’s that? She says, “Press into me?” Now will she do her sharing for free? Whereas, the truth is the body of Christ, The Lord God’s remnant, is getting stronger it is by the Holy Spirit within each person who believes that makes that so and not by the hands of mankind. Save your dimes and open up the Word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to show you what the scriptures mean and follow along with what is written and let the Lord who is within you lead you.
So the stars of MSM predict what is coming…or it wouldn’t be on the news or would it?
Maybe it was just someone finally looking at what President Trump has been saying and doing all along?
D.U.M.B.S.underground systems
Which bring us back to Gene Ho…who asks what if Trump came back and made a law saying anyone who faked their death can come back and not be harassed? What?
So if you were a super star and you said no to Hollywood or perhaps refused to be mind controlled or whatever??? You might find your life in jeopardy and might want to fake your death? I mean why would anyone want to fake their death and hide the rest of their lives in secrecy if all was going so super well? What reasons can you think of?
From what we are watching today, we see there have been all sorts of ways of persuasion and money was just one of them. Ultra mind control is real, and sudden death by a thousand ways is real. Are we going to see a long list of people who had to hide in order to live and or stay alive or avoid a torture of horrible sorts? Did you ever question any of the deaths or did you just buy what the fake news was selling?
Here we go again. Recycled old ideas brought out again to look at and ponder. True or false or just another part of the show? Is it a reminder of those who were killed by KM Mafia? Or something else? I believe that many have died and many have staged their deaths and went into witness protection programs, and some things we will never know the truth about, and other things will come out like a flood gate soon.
To me it makes more sense that Melania is a great granddaughter of the Romanov family through the lineage of Anastasia… which would make Barron the Prince/King of Mother Russia? Or he is simply the youngest son of the Trump family whose father is President Donald J. Trump and his mother Melania Trump is a very sophisticated first Lady who is from Slovenia.
What and when was this? Lady Ga Ga did what? Can’t say this didn’t mess with that person’s mind who was a bit zealous in her judging.
I just had to post this. It is sooooo much a part of the show. I say Terrence wore it better. What say you? Smile.
Is Hannity a 1.0 or a 2.0? Just curious.
The corrupt justice system is getting exposed, once again. This time more people have eyes to see and ears to hear!
Funny isn’t it that when you can’t hide it anymore, you have to tell it. Kinda like the fake news had to admit Joey Avatar is not cognitive. So now we are supposed to believe that all who knew it either had inside connections, or were a prophet? Good grief, how about all who watched, listened, and followed the real events used their God given common sense and discernment by watching and applying critical thinking skills? It has been so sickening to listen to painful fake podsters shouting their false scripts and asking for more go fund me coins.
To me it has always looked like a pod box and I was always standing on the outside of it watching the lies and deceit, and in some cases the idiocy. Central casting and little puppets buying bots to give them an overnight following. Always forever thankful that the good Lord gave me eyes to see and ears to hear. The warning… don’t go near the box. Giving new meaning to box office sales… you know… where they sell the show tickets.
The question is… how much have you spent at the box office the last four years?
Don’t forget to send this back across the pond…. a think called the B.A.R. exam – British Accreditation Registry
All laws from 1871 and after are null and void. Those laws were made for the USA, Inc. That is null and void. USA, Inc. is a bankrupt corporation. We are now a Republic under constitutional law.
People are finally now seeing how the mind control has worked on them and how we have obeyed and followed along. Now we see Babylon the great and why we are to come out from her my people!
The Boss (Trump) knew the drill. He watched it and had it figured out. He lived with the sharks to the left and the right and he told us he had to deal with all of them in order to build in their big cities. He knew their cheap mafia tricks, and how they played their cards. He knew their strengths, their weaknesses, their tactics, and how they controlled their little universe. Everything Trump did prepared him for the day he would run for president. He entered in and the corrupt world of global mafia’s “pick a leader” puppet show has been tossed upside down ever since.
That being said, 90 million dem donor funds have been frozen as long as Biden remains at top of the ticket. Oops?
Crimes against humanity? That’s coming too. Cancer cures and FDA big pharma and their schemes busted.
Video Below is it funny or something else? If it weren’t true it wouldn’t be funny. Because it’s funny… it’s downright scary to think this has been allowed and so many never saw it before. What say you?
What else has been allowed and few saw it? Start your list… you will need extra paper so get some before you begin.
Pritzker 2.0 in the limelight… or is he still in the dark?
Hyatt Regency Hotel owned by Pritzker and double trouble? Or is Project Stargate now compromised?
From what we now most all know, Clement should know for he was part of Project StarGate, aka Looking Glass. He knew what they were doing but couldn’t tell it or they would have killed him. So, he ended up with his own mysterious health issues. To me it reminds me that we can’t serve two masters. You will hate the one and love the other and those that try to ride in the middle are lukewarm. And what happens to the lukewarm when it comes to choosing this way to go? Read Revelation 3:15. When stars fall suddenly on this earth, the creator of the star usually causes the reason for the fall.
Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God. Press, press, press!