Puppet Leaders of The World…

...some are great deceivers, others are obvious!

Just like the devil himself, these puppets can look at you and say the most convincing things. They can look sincere and yet, as they speak the stench of lies permeates outward to those who have the Holy Spirit. It comes as a gut feeling, an instinct not to trust the man who says such things, even though the intellect shows no threat, and shows you should listen and believe for there is no evidence of any lie, or anything not true. The Holy Spirit warns you in your gut, it is a knowing. You don’t have to wait to see the evil transpire…the Holy Spirit forewarns you so you can escape and walk away. Avoid the pitfalls and listen to what the Holy Spirit says to you. Even when everyone around you is saying it is okay and you are wrong…when the Spirit speaks that is Holy…LISTEN. This is the difference in discernment of the Holy Spirit and common sense of intellectualism. There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE. The Holy Spirit is your built in command center to the Lord God’s throne.

The slyest of all Foxes and Wolves are those who come in the Name of the Lord…

Looking at the prophets of today and comparing them to the prophets of the Bible. There is such a watering down in differences. I ask if you have seen the similarities and the differences? If so, what are they? Last night it just hit me… of the prophets of old who wrote the things of God so all could read it for generations to come. The warnings things to come, even the words that were sealed up until the time of the one worthy to open the seals had come. Who that one is our Lord Jesus the Christ who is the Lamb of God.

So, I thought of the prophets of old and I immediately had images like a google drive flash before me, complete with remembrances of what I have read in the Bible.

Moses came first who was a strong man that God sent to go before the Pharaoh of Egypt to set his people free. He was brave, bold and stayed focused on God’s will and brought them out of Egypt in God’s timing. He was a man of action with boots on the ground. His message was of the one true God.

I thought of Elijah who took on the priests of Baal and went up against Jezebel…he stood up against the hundreds of the prophets of Baal with the Israeli army standing by to seize those whose God would not light the fire. And Ezekiel who God had lay on his side for an entire year eating bread roasted over a fire of cattle dung. He was a prophet of action and boldness. His message was to return to the one true God.

Parables, Allegories, and Prophecies - ppt download
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I thought of Isaiah who warned and warned the people to return to God. He walked bare butt through the streets to show the people their nakedness and lack of covering of God. He was bold and spoke to the face of the wayward King! His message was to return to the one true God.

Prophetic Messages Against Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon (Isaiah 20; Isaiah  21) - "From The Heart of A Shepherd" by Pastor Travis D. Smith

I thought of Jeremiah who spoke boldly to the King and the false prophets who spoke words the King wanted to hear. Jeremiah was thrown in a pit for his testimony. Jeremiah continued bravely to speak out and warn the people of the coming enslavement to the King of Babylon if they did not repent and stop their sins against God. When the king of Babylon came and destroyed the city, God put it in Nebuchadnezzar’s heart to let Jeremiah go and he took the kings daughters and those who were righteous with him to Ireland. His message was to return to the one true God.

I thought of Daniel that continued to worship God even when the King made a statue and ordered all to bow before it or they would be slain. Daniel did not bow and the King had him put in the lions den and the Lord stopped the mouths of the Lions. His message was to obey God’s commandments before the commandments of men, and the very first one is to have no other Gods before Him, even at the orders of an earthly King who if not obeyed was a death sentence. His message was to follow the commandments of the one True God and obey Him in all things.

Daniel In The Lion'S Den Painted Wall Mural, 36" x 24" - Contemporary -  Wall Decals - by Limitless Walls | Houzz

Samuel was hard pressed at the people shouting they wanted a King. He took this before the Lord. The Lord told him what to say to the people and he took the words to the people and warned them of all the Lord had said to tell them if they shall choose a King to rule over them. And the people shouted they wanted a King. Samuel was led by God to choose Saul to rule them and the people rejoiced. Later when Saul had sinned against God after Samuel had died. He went to the witch of Endor to have his spirit conjured to help him. His lack of faith in God was enlarged in seeking a witch instead of turning to God and repenting. The message of Samuel is to obey God and have Him lead you in all your ways. You cannot have both world and mammon.

These prophets flashed in my mind first As I pondered, I realized there has not been a prophet of God who did not boldly speak of the commandments of God in obedience to the Lord for His glory in service to Him with great faith and not for coins. And some of these foresaw future events, including punishments for the sins of a nation not obeying God’s commandments, as well as the end of days. These were meek and yet bold, actively in service to God first and foremost, going to and fro among Kings and the people.

Then my mind shifted to the apostles who did the same serving God boldly when the law was to be silent on any words of Jesus the Messiah and followers of the way were being arrested and killed for their faith and belief in the testimony of their Lord, Jesus the Christ. Most all of them suffered great hardships and persecutions where they were sent. The Lord Jesus himself suffered mocking and hatred from those with no eyes to see and ears to hear. He gave His life for all so we might believe on Him and live.

This is what the Lord said to all who believe in Him:

I compared the boldness and the actions of these prophets anointed by God with the modern day prophetic 501c3 club and see little likeness. It is what it is. As the Lord said to all who have ears to hear, you shall know them by their fruit. The Lord gave each who believe in Him the Holy Spirit to guide them, comfort them, give them wisdom and to teach them. As I said previously, we have all been anointed with this power for free… we must each call upon the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus to use it. We are not left as helpless orphans. God did not pick only a few as the religious ones have deceived you into thinking so. Each one who believes has the power to call upon the Holy Spirit to guide them and direct them in how to serve the Lord. For that was the MESSAGE OF ALL THE TRUE PROPHETS!

The Holy Spirit is a Gift to all true believers. It cannot be bought nor imitated!

JOHN 14:12-21

12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. 18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. 19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. 20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. 21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. IT IS TIME TO ARMOR UP WITH THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! BE NOT DECEIVED!

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! His Kingdom shall stand forever and has no end! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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