Israel’s Most Intriguing War Photo?

The question was asked of the photo below, “What do you see?

I Know what I saw right away, a soldier with no feet in the background. But there was something more about the photo that my gut said… keep looking.

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Posted by KellyCurrie45

So I relaxed my eyes for it felt the thing needed to do. There is a lesson here and it is one we all should heed. When nothing is as it appears… or you think you understand what you are seeing… it is then that you need to RELAX.

Don’t get in a hurry. Stay calm and have faith that your Holy Spirit discernment will show you the thing you are being tugged to see. Even when your intellect can’t detect it.

So…. that being said as I copied and pasted the photo to take it to another page to dissect it further… because it felt like I was supposed to… and as I did… I was in awe.

Take a closer look….

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And another close look…

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Sometimes just relax your eyes and see …. squint if you must.

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Once you see it you can’t unsee it!

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They always tell us what they are doing. Remember when President Bush was in the class room and he was told about the plane hitting the towers? Well, that is what this picture is from. It is President Bush hearing the towers were hit on 911.

Today we most all know 911 was an inside job or a false flag event.

So when we look at the soldiers in the bomb blasted streets in Israel or Gaza? They are telling us it is another inside job. A false flag. But only those who have eyes to see it will see it.

That’s how the Holy Spirit works. So, God is always in the details. Even when other people can’t see what you’re seeing… stay focused and keep the faith. For when you see a thing, you will never be able to unsee it when it is the truth.

Sometimes you just have to back away a bit to get a better view.

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By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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