Is It “TIMBER” For BIDEN? A Snake? Or Someone Else?

The coms are all over the place tonight and the last few days. It may mean nothing and it may mean something… but the word “TIMBER” is being shouted out a lot and something may be falling!

Don Jr. has a Timber Rattlesnake by the tail! His dad Pres. Trump retruthed it. Watch the video!

Remember when the Kennedy Grandkids singing Timber made the rounds??

It may mean something, and it may just be part of central casting… one thing is sure – it’s Show Time!

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Either way, we will soon find out who the V.P. pick for President Trump will be…

That being said, John F. Kennedy Jr. left us with a lot of Memories….

Then there was “GEORGE”…

And now GEORGE is back! The Magazine that is!

The world will be watching as the day progresses and the big announcement steals the show! Meanwhile, CNN’s Tapper the Trapper goes over the debate rules.

Having trouble sleeping? Get Bidenica….

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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