WORLD IN CRISIS – Hurricanes, storms, floods, volcanic eruptions, explosions, war drills, cartels, human and child trafficking, ANTIFA, plandemic, central bank ponzi schemes, land grabs, COVID mandates, desperate cabal, treason, border invasions, deep state swamp, stolen elections and more!


Black sea filled with NATO live drills, Putin threatening to fire missiles if NATO comes toward Crimea with their war games and now to top it off…MOSCOW IS HAVING WHAT APPEARS LIKE A WEATHER WAR APOCALYPSE!

PUTIN WARNED GREAT BRITAIN, AND GREAT BRITAIN WARNED PUTIN FIRST. BOTH GREAT BRITAIN AND PUTIN DENY ANY WRONG DOING. (Where’s mommy? Someone has to find out which one is lying. Maybe both? Do we just wait until dad gets home? Will war be declared or will NATO come to their senses? This sure looks like provocation on the part of NATO.)

WEATHER WARS natural or coming from the Black Sea NATO DRILLS? What do you think?


Today in Costa Rica, a Volcano erupts….

Today in Costa Rica in the province of Guanacaste, the eruption of the Rincon de la Vieja volcano was recorded. His last activity took place back in 2019. Today at 5:42 am the column was raised above 1500 meters above the crater and lasted for about three minutes. This has been confirmed by the Costa Rican Volcanological and Seismological Observatory. In addition to the smell of sulfur and ash, authorities reported significant material deposition into nearby rivers. “The volcano remains very volatile, estimates are being made, but caution is worthwhile because we do not know what its behavior will be in the hours and days after this activity,” said Lidier Esquivel Valverde, head of research and risk analysis at CNE.

MEXICO IS HIT WITH HURRICANE ENRIQUE – in Natural disaster on June 27, 2021


And we can’t forget the Surfside Building collapse in Florida. They are still looking for missing people.

We knew this day was approaching…the day when the cabal would throw their day of mayhem…and it is just starting to roll out. Pray for strength and God’s protection over all the innocent.

Drill coming July 9th, on Technical training outline for Cyber Polygon 2021:The same ones who are pushing for Global RESET are in charge of this cyber practice drill. Do you feel safe? Maybe we should all listen and add a few items we may need?

Prepping for a cyber pandemic: Cyber Polygon 2021 to stage supply chain attack simulation

Will Cyber Polygon 2021 be as prophetic as Event 201 in simulating a pandemic response?

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will stage another cyber attack exercise as it continues to prep for a potential cyber pandemic that founder Klaus Schwab says will be worse than the current global crisis.

The SolarWinds hack served as a wake-up call to the supply chain attack vulnerabilities still present in public and private organizations, and it served as a warning that the next breach could be exponentially worse in spreading through any device connected to the internet.

cyber pandemic, digital pandemic

“A cyber attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and farther than any biological virus” — World Economic Forum

This year, Cyber Polygon 2021 will simulate a fictional cyber attack with participants from dozens of countries responding to “a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem in real time.

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Cyber Polygon 2021- To begin July 9th
The participants will train their skills in repelling a targeted supply chain attack on a corporate ecosystem. Today, we see myriads of digital ecosystems emerge all around us. They are created by countries, large corporations and even small businesses for the purpose of streamlining their operations.

These involve a large number of interactions, both external and internal, with all the parties being closely
interconnected. In this context, the vulnerability of supply chains has become a growing concern: an attack on a single company can jeopardise the entire ecosystem.
Read entire program: technical_training_Cyber_Polygon_2021_EN_v_1.pdf (

Do you trust this guy? Are we aware that these globalists have attacked humanity and care not about any of the things they have used on us to kill, steal and destroy? The games they play NEED TO BE STOPPED!

‘Fake News’ Is a Digital Pandemic & the Majority of Citizens Are Incapable of Thinking Critically

Cyber Polygon 2020 dedicated one of its live streams sessions to the concept of “fake news” as being a deadly, digital pandemic plaguing 2020.

“If you’re talking about someone who […] has not read very much, whose knowledge is limited — that person is much easier to fool and much more ready to accept whatever he or she is told” — Vladimir Pozner, Journalist

By the end of their conversation, BBC World News presenter Nik Gowing and veteran journalist Vladimir Pozner arrived at the conclusion that the average person of voting age was not capable of thinking critically for themselves and was more likely to swallow any information put out there than someone who went to a university. Read article here: Prepping for a Cyber Pandemic: Cyber Polygon to Stage Supply Chain Attack Simulation (

Calling on President Trump and all the White Hats to rid the world of this global madness!

Will Democrats in the House move to impeach President Trump? Here are four major obstacles they face |

Stay Strong!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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