The most important words other than the Word of God, that we should be sharing…are the congressional words of deception and all the evil our elected servants have done to this nation and we the people in it! President Trump has followed these old elite boys for a long time. He knows all about their towers and all the ideas they have held to turn America into Britains lap dog, and how they have since its’ inception. That is why he said, he is giving the Republic back to WE THE PEOPLE. He can’t stand watching these elite…how many times did you hear Trump say, “THEY CALL THEMSELVES ELITE….THEY’RE NOT THE ELITE, YOU ARE THE ELITE!”

READ and you will know why Herbert Walker Bush said, “‘If the American People ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the street and lynch us’ – H.W. Bush June 1992 to Sarah McClendon (White House Press Corps)”

George H. W. Bush quote: If the people were to ever find out what we...

But today, all the fact checkers are busy telling us there is no proof that he ever said it. Even though…he did. But, whether he did or not, the proof in what has been done to WE THE PEOPLE can be found in the CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY! A place fact checkers fear to tread and are NOT ALLOWED TO GO.

It has been well known among Congress Persons that the Pilgrims have been a secret society out to turn America into not only an incorporated vassal of a new world order, but to dissolve the Republic all together.  The events plaguing us today… are not new. It is as an open sore, a boil, that has come to a head and now must either be lanced or its’ poison will destroy and kill the entire body of WE THE PEOPLE. 

In 1940 the entire debacle of new world order was discussed and debated and is on record for any to read and see with their own eyes.  This was before we entered WWII and before there was a deceptive United Nations, funded by the Pilgrims –THE ONES THAT MADE UP THE SECRET SOCIETY.

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Did you catch the topic? Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife—

Opening Remarks:


Mr. THORKELSON. Mr. Speaker, in order that the American people may have a clearer understanding of those who over a period of years have been undermining this Republic, in order to return it to the British Empire, I have inserted in the RECORD a number of articles to prove this point. These articles are entitled “Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife.”

This is part I, and in this I include a hope expressed by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, in his book entitled “Triumphant Democracy.” In this he expresses himself in this manner: “Let men say what they will, I say that as surely as the sun in the heavens once shone upon Britain and America united, so surely is it one morning to rise, to shine upon, to greet again the reunited states—the British-American Union.” The Gospel of Wealth (The Wisdom of Men Book 3) eBook:  Carnegie, Andrew: Kindle Store

This statement is clear, and the organizations which Mr. Carnegie endowed have spent millions in order to bring this about.

This thing has been made possible by scholarships, exchange professors, subsidies of churches, subsidies of educational institutions; all of them working for the purpose of eliminating Americanism as was taught once in our schools and to gradually exchange this for an English version of our history.

These organizations were organized to bring about a British union, a union in which the United States would again become a part of the British Empire.

However, this has been upset to some extent by the attempt of the internationalists to establish their own government as an International or world union. And there is, therefore, a conflict between the two, for England wants a British union, with America as a colony, and the international money changers want a Jewish controlled union, in order to establish their own world government. It is, therefore, best for us to stay out of both of these, in order to save what is left of this Republic as it was given to us in 1787, by a people who knew more about international intrigue and the real problems that confronted the world, than we know today.

These early founders not only understood the problems, but in drafting the Constitution they provided an instrument for us to follow, so that we could remain secure from foreign double-dealing and intrigue.

Had we adhered to the Constitution as it was given to us, we would have been secure and safe today. Therefore, it is our duty, in the interest of our people and in the interest of this Republic of the United States, to ponder seriously and to give fullest consideration to solving the problem which now confronts the world.

In doing so, I am rather inclined to believe that the real American people will decide without hesitation, to return to those fundamental principles that were set forth in the Constitution of the United States. Let no one tell you that this instrument is not as valuable today as it was in 1787, for the fact is that it is much more valuable today—so much so that complete disintegration of this Republic cannot be avoided should we fail to return our Government to the principles set forth therein.

Pilgrims Societ members J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie
J.P. Morgan (left) and Andrew Carnegie (right): two high-profile Pilgrims Society members

I shall now quote an article by Andrew Carnegie, which he wrote at the request of the London Express, and which appeared in that paper October 14, 1904, entitled “Drifting Together.”

In the opening statementsHON. J. THORKELSON OF MONTANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, on Monday, August 19, 1940 announced the Speaker and here are  some excerpts of his opening remarks:

Mr. THORKELSON. Mr. Speaker, we are now dominated and plagued by various pressure groups that care little or nothing about the United States as long as they can involve us in the present European war. Some of these groups are well known, others remain obscure, but nevertheless very powerful and effective in their insidious attempt to convince the people of this Nation that war is impending. These groups are composed of members who are generally classed as the “intelligentsia.” I shall not question their intelligence, but if one is to judge them by what they have said and done, their intelligence is not being directed for the greater interest of the United States. Aiding these groups, I believe often innocently, are those whom we may take the liberty of calling their tools and servants. We have reached a stage where these anglophiles advance the thought that in order to qualify as a good American, one must be pro-English and willing to fight and die for England. These England-first groups and hands[1]across-the-sea organization are made up of many Canadian and Anglo-American societies which are located in our larger cities. One of these, and the one to which I shall now refer, is the Pilgrims.

Pilgrim Society Oversized Unissued Membership Certificate.

THE PILGRIMS When the Pilgrims was organized in 1902, to aid in developing Anglophiles in the United States, the Canadians, being British subjects, were not solicited at first as members of this charitable and exclusive propaganda service to sell America to the British Empire. Like converts, many of these members are more loyal to England than the British themselves. In their fanatical zeal to serve Albion, I am informed by a student, that one of them placed the English crown on the flagstaff of the Columbia University. If this is true, the Columbia alumni should “crown” him who gave orders for the mounting of it, and replace the crown with the eagle, so this noble emblem can rest in its rightful place.

Postcard of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, which also played host to exclusive Pilgrims Society dinners
The Waldorf-Astoria hotel shown here in 1902 – around the time it hosted exclusive Pilgrims Society dinners.

The Pilgrim membership may be found in our military organization, in the Government, and particularly among professors, ministers, and authors. In wielding the pen, the aid of these writers is more valuable, for can they not write, as did Carnegie: Give America to England as a hemostat for the bleeding wound of the British Empire, which the surgeons left oozing after their operation in 1776: the operation which amputated the United States from the British Empire, and set America free. These Pilgrims, being unfamiliar with the surgery of 1776, evidently do not realize that Canada joined to the United States will prove an equally efficient hemostat to stop this hemorrhage in the British Empire. The American Pilgrims no doubt fear this most sensible measure, because it might antagonize the noble and wealthy in the English Government and the Bank of England so much that they will pack up and leave for home. Such exodus might also prove inconvenient to our idle, wealthy, and charming ladies and their parents, when in their crusade to obtain a new or slightly used husband to hang on their family tree, they find it necessary to embark for Palestine to satisfy their family ambition. It is this and more that the Americans must fight to counteract the propaganda which is now disseminated throughout the country and in our daily press, in order to save America for the Americans. Full Congress Session Link: Microsoft Word – Drifting Together Parts I through IX.doc (

The entire congressional discussion included geneologies, facts, dates, etc. to prove the facts they were discussing and noted dates in Congressional history that these events took place and the dastardly plans these societies had and still have. It is a must read!

Another excerpt:

Mr. Speaker, it is interesting to read the speeches given by the American members of the Pilgrims, for they, like all converts, are more un-American and pro-English than the British themselves. The address of Joseph H. Choate is an example of Anglophile, pertinent at this time in view of the conditions that exist today. I shall now requote some of these statements in order to show how deceptive they can be.

Lineages of Members of the National Society of the Sons and Daughters of  the Pilgrims, 1929-1952. in Two Volumes. Volume II: Ns Sons and Daughters,  Of The Pilgrims, National Society Sons and

Mr. Choate states: We have no difficulty and never have had that I know of with the people of England. A statement that is perfectly true, because the people of England have little or nothing to say in the British Government. Our trouble has been with the British Government, which has never at any time been friendly toward the United States—but the gentleman did not make such statement. Furthermore, it is well to note the servile attitude of the speaker to the Crown of England, and his praise of the rulers, which again is perfectly all right, yet he has failed in his speech as others have in theirs, to say one good word for the Government of the United States.

He then goes on to say: The people of England and the people of the United States are always friendly to each other; another statement which no one can criticize, but to which I want to add that the people of all countries—the common people— have always been and are now friendly to each other. If war depended upon them there would be no war. The trouble lies with the rulers of the different governments. It is they who advocate war; war of destruction, not only of property and human life but of Christian civilization itself. So in view of this, let us remember that no country has been at war so much as England and no country has brought about more misfortune and suffering than the British Government.

This should be clear as we review the early history of our own colonies, of India, Ireland, and the 400,000,000 opium addicts in China, all of which may be charged to the greed of the British Government.

Mr. Choate, in making his statements, spoke for the people of the United States, when in reality he should have hesitated even to speak for himself. His sole concern appeared to have been our friendliness toward Great Britain, but not their friendliness toward us; and again he placed the United States in the position of a suppliant to the British throne. Mr. Choate then referred to a dispute which arose in regard to the passage of ships through the Panama Canal, and intimated that it was the understanding of Hon. John Hay and Lord Landsdowne that the British should have equal rights with us in the use of this Canal; a right which the British have never conceded to the United States in the Suez Canal. We have even been driven out of foreign markets by England for many, many years, and in her wars she has brazenly furnished us with a blacklist of firms with which we are not supposed to trade; and we, like fools, comply with her demands.  Again here is the link to read all the pages: Microsoft Word – Drifting Together Parts I through IX.doc (

RECOMMENDATIONS ON INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION (Quotations from p. 110, Year Book 1920) “It is not necessary for a workable program of International organization that the world should be federated; it is, however, essential that the nations of the civilized world should cooperate.” 1921-25: Witnessed the battle for the suppression of the Star-Spangled Banner and the desire to replace it with America the Beautiful.

Nine years were consumed in getting the bill out of the pigeonhole of the Judiciary, legalizing the national anthem against such attacks. In spite of this, the official national anthem is rarely heard. Mrs. Augusta Stetson put paid advertisements in newspapers around the country, including the New York Times (August 5, 1925), and admitted under oath when subpoenaed to city hall, March 5, 1924, for an investigation that she had spent $169,000 in one fund and $17,000 in another to destroy and delete the Star-Spangled Banner because it was not pleasing to England.

Franklin Ford, her secretary, in 1931, admitted at his office that he was financed by the English-Speaking Union and the British Commonwealth Club, Inc. (Refer to hearing before Deputy Commissioner Lowden, March 5, 1924, New York City.) 1925: A March issue of Saturday Evening Post carries an article by Owen D. Young, the originator of the Young plan bonds for the reparation of Germany, in which he stated that American labor would have to be reduced to the status of European labor.

 1929: Witnessed the visit of Ramsay MacDonald with Hoover on the Rapidan. (See World-Telegram, October 10, 1929.) “The result of those representations, both Washington and London will hold to be of vital significance to the future of organized society.” See also New York Times, October 10, 1929, Ramsay MacDonald said: “I have achieved more than I hoped.” 1929: Witnessed the stock-market crash. See National Message, official organ British-Israel World Federation, New York Public Library, October 12, 1935, page 679: “It was told to me by a heavyweight American financier before the crash came that the crash was coming, that it would be permitted to run to the danger point, and that when the danger point was passed it would be reversed by measures carefully prepared in advance to meet the situation. I carefully noted what he said and left it for events to prove the value of his statement.” 1934: John L. Lewis, organizer of the Committee for industrial Organization, attended the June conference of the International Labor Organization. (See New York Times, October 11, 1934.)

 1935: See CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, August 26, page 15051, Mr. Huey Long: “A newspaperman whom I know to be reliable telephoned me tonight and said: ‘I have found out for you that the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Morgenthau, has given out a statement in confidence * * * that this 9- cent plan was devised by Mr. Oscar Johnson, of Mississippi.’ I said, ‘If it is the Oscar Johnson, of Mississippi, that I know about, he was the manager of a chain of British plantations.’ The newspaperman said, ‘That is the same man.’ I knew this idea could not have been given birth in the brain of an American cotton owner nor an American cotton planter, nor any American who understood the situation. I knew that the idea had foreign parentage; and, lo and behold, the gentleman who was formerly a manager of a number of British plantations, and has lately returned from London, has given birth to this plan, and his brain child has become the adopted child of the A. A. A. of the good old United States. * * * And he thought the cotton farmer was doing well if he made $100 a year.”

1935: September 25, New York Sun, Food From Overseas: “Twenty-two million pounds of butter came into this country from foreign countries. In the first 8 months of 1934 imported oats, for example, totaled scarcely 200,000 bushels, but this year in the same period imports exceeded 10,000,000 bushels. Imports of corn in the same period of this year exceeded 31,800,000 bushels compared with 371,700 in 1934. American wheat exports dropped from 16. – 600,000 bushels in the first 8 months of 1934 to 142,000 in 1935.” (While crops to this country were being burned and ploughed under.)

Donald Trump: Could the US president pardon himself? - BBC News


1935: Witnessed a secret national peace conference financed by a grant from the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, see New York American, December 19, 1935: “Meeting behind closed doors at the Westchester Country Club at Harrison, N. Y., the conference, composed of 29 organizations, adopted the following six-point program:

 1. A Nation-wide radio campaign to commit the United States to a policy of internationalism.

2. Crippling of the Army and Navy billion-dollar appropriation bill by attaching a billion-dollar housing project clause as a rider.

3. Abolition of the Army and Navy sedition bill, which would punish anyone attempting to incite enlisted men to insubordination or mutiny.

4. Abolition of the R. O. T. C. in colleges.

5. A vigorous campaign against those who oppose this country’s entrance into the League of Nations and to prevent the United States from obstructing the League in applying sanctions.

 6. Adoption of the drastic neutrality bill. Andrew Carnegie left hundreds of millions of dollars to carry out his plan. 1935-36: American Association for Adult Education, 60 East Forty[1]second Street, New York City, Carnegie endowed, lists the following activities that are financed by the Carnegie Corporation, and the Rockefeller General Education Board: Forum Experimentation (public forums), Federal Emergency Program (cooperates with U. S. Office of Education), C. C. C. camps, community organization, workers’ education, International relations, commonwealth college. (See p. 5701, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, April 14, 1936, also see Annual Report of the Directors, above address).

1936: Witnesses Nicholas Murray Butler sailing on the Queen Mary June 5, for the most important Carnegie Endowment for Peace Conference in London, England, that has ever been held. It is at this meeting that the question of gold being used on an International basis is to be discussed. 1936—Herald Tribune, June 19, 1936, page 22: “Supply Held Adequate for World Gold Basis.” There even may be too much, Brookings Institution says. Brookings Institution (Carnegie-endowed) study of the adequacy of the gold supply, written by Dr. Charles O’Hardy, held that no existing or prospective deficiency in the world gold supply stood in the way of restoration of an international gold standard, whenever such a step was considered advantageous. * * *

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WAKE UP PEOPLE! How many congress persons have spent any time in the congressional library? Very few. 

We are not just talking about A STOLEN ELECTION, AND A WHO/FAUCI/GATES  PLANDEMIC FRAUD, we are talking about SECRET SOCIETIES that have infiltrated all aspects of our government EVER SINCE WE WERE A NATION!  We are talking about a cabal that has infiltrated the ENTIRE WORLD and is too big for its’ britches.  This is what President Trump has been fighting…and why it is taking a little while to get back to the normal propaganda and stealing your life little by little. If you want to have that back….when you know the truth …you will have VERY FEW STANDING ON YOUR SIDE! 

This is NOT something we can just VOTE OUT – this is something we must REMOVE! It is an infiltration of a long standing secret society and it is international from its beginning.

The Royal Family on Twitter: "'Mr President, as we look to the future, I am  confident that our common values and shared interests will continue to  unite us.' In her speech, The
Oh to have been a mouse in the corner watching and listening to the conversation with the ole Queen.


Stand Strong….or FALL TO THE CABAL!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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