What To Eat or Not To Eat…

You are on your own…know the truth about your food source and how to boost your immune system!

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, most “so-called immune boosting supplements” actually do “nothing.” He also said, “No specific foods boost your immunity.” Good luck with that mis-information… as he also said to take your toxic jab and keep your mask on. He also pushed local municipalities and private businesses to mandate his vax and masks as he told you it was highly unlikely it would be imposed on a “Federal level”. Well, there is a reason for that and it has to do with state rights and a constitution. His evil bioweapons had many wondering why their heart was beating out of their chest and many unable to walk after their jab while many others shaked like a blender. Today there is a lot of “sudden deaths of unknown causes”. Even though they all got jabs.

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Fraudski is no longer the popular gaslighter he once was. He is being ousted as a toxic jab pusher that cares not about truth and facts. (Nice way of saying liar.)

He told you ….”If you don’t smoke, you only drink in moderation, you get a good night’s sleep, have a healthy diet, you exercise, and you do something to reduce stress, that’s going to keep your immune system healthy, not any of these dietary supplements and herbs and other things.”

Well, that was a lie he told to all of you!

That being said… let’s look at what we can do….



By now we all know about Big Food and GMO’s…so I will just get right into of the foods that are not tampered, processed, and filled with toxic preservatives and odd things like celebrity meat…etc., and we will get right into some facts on how to eat now and stock up for shortages. The food topic is vast, wide, with lots of opinions and so much to explore, so this is just a small portion of information collected in one place for those who need to know how to eat to build their immune system. And some facts about what is in food for nutrition.


If you are building a food pantry and don’t want to pay $250 to feed one and $500 to feed two, for a food survival kit that lasts a month, there are foods you can stock up on and survive with more affordably! Note: while there are some good kits out there to purchase, there are also ways to do things on your own.

I have found that the focus on food survival pantry items is on high carb calories per day and not so much on the nutritional value. Lots of mac and cheese, and pasta. Lots of starch and not so much the anti-oxidant type of nutrition needed to build the immune system. That being said… to each their own, prepare how you choose.

Here are some food items that will never expire when stored properly and some that will last for years.

RAW HONEY: It is often referred to as “God’s medicine” and is full of antioxidants. It is antibacterial, antifungal, and even helps heal wounds when applied topically as it naturally contains hydrogen peroxide which kills germs and bacteria. It is a phytonutrient powerhouse, good for digestive issues, soothing sore throats, and helps relax your nervous system. It has a wide range of health benefits.

VINEGAR:  White vinegar, balsamic vinegar, raspberry vinegar, rice wine vinegar, and red wine vinegar do not have expiration dates. “Because of its acid nature, vinegar is self-preserving and does not need refrigeration,” according to The Vinegar Institute. Because of this, you can also use vinegar to help keep other foods from spoiling.

While all vinegars contain health benefits, Apple cider vinegar that contains what has been called the “mother” has the most health benefits. It is full of anti-oxidants and gut-friendly probiotics called acetic acid bacteria. Many store-bought apple cider vinegars have this part removed because it gives the vinegar a cloudy appearance, giving the appearance the product has gone bad. But the fact is that is the healthiest part.

Vinegar is good for your skin and nails, immune support, weight loss, anti-cancer, indigestion and lowering blood pressure, among other health benefits.

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DRIED LEGUMES AND BEANS: These can last forever as long as they are stored in sealed or airtight packaging. Note: Lentels are another dried food that although not forever… they can have a shelf life of up to 8 years.

UNCOOKED WHITE RICE: White, wild, Arborio, jasmine and basmati rice all have an indefinite shelf life when kept free from contaminants. Brown rice does not keep as long due to its higher oil count but if stored properly it can keep for up to 7 to 9 years.

PURE MAPLE SYRUP: Unopened maple syrup will keep indefinitely, however, when you open it, you will need to refrigerate it. 

SOY SAUCE, SALT, RAW SUGAR, VANILLA EXTRACT, CORN STARCH, POWDERED MILK, CHIA SEEDS AND MUSTARD SEEDS: These also have long shelf lives as long as they are stored properly. Also pickled items will last a very long time unopened.


The “Best Before Date” is, according to the manufacturer, the last date by which a products flavor and/or quality is best. A best-by date denotes the optimal period of time during which the manufacturer feels that their product will retain its original quality. The product may still be enjoyed after the “best before date”.

Additionally, the manufacturer may call this the “Best if Used By” date, the “Best By” date or some similar wording. These best dates indicates that the quality of their food might begin to diminish after that date, but it is still good to eat and the shelf life is still active for a period beyond that of a pre-determined best-by date.

What are the worst things to eat?

GMO’s, highfructose corn syrup, sugar, sugar substitutes, corn oils, Crisco (which is cotten seed oil. The same kind they used to burn oil lamps with before they invented the electric light. Yes. They found a new use for the cotton seed oil… they decided you could cook with it. And it does cause arteries to clog. Not saturated fats but the unsaturated fats do this…like margarines which is also another worst thing to eat. And of course packaged and processed foods containing preservatives, MSG, and a host of other carcinogenic substances that serve no purpose at all. The only thing these are good for is to weaken health. So you tell me….? Diet foods and low fat foods are loaded with sugars and other flavor enhancers that are not healthy. Read for more: 100 Unhealthiest Foods On the Planet — Eat This Not That


We are exposed to heavy metals and toxins every single day. Rather than bombard you with a list of a hundred different things to remember, there are some things that are a must to know and these I will present.

Knowing what NOT to eat or put into our bodies is the first step, but knowing what to do to eliminate toxins after they are taken in is the next step.

Here are some of the best foods that can help our bodies naturally detoxify from heavy metals and other toxic compounds like Nano particles. It is good to know what you can eat naturally to insure overall good health and assist your body in ridding toxins that are depleting the immune system and causing intercellular damage. Some foods are more expensive to buy then others, but overall, there are many inexpensive foods such as flax seeds that provide nutrition and eliminate heavy metals and Nano particles from the body.


We now are told by researchers that the mRNA vax has a high level of mercury in it and many have suffered from mercury poisoning. Therefore, it is important to have foods that remove mercury and other heavy metals from the body in your diet on a regular basis. Some may need to add heavier amounts of mercury detoxifying foods in the forms of powder bases. Spirulina is a must to add. Remember cabbage also engulfs heavy metals from the body!

In a world of electromagnetic and radiation frequencies some of the best foods to eat are Beets, Cilantro, Chlorella, Flax Seeds and Spirulina which you will see as we cover those why I say that.

You may be eating a food for one particular benefit, but each food contains many nutritional pluses. For example, you may be drinking beet juice to lower blood pressure. But beet juice also contains a high amount of magnesium which also helps against muscle cramping and spasms. It is also a strong probiotic. Beets support respiratory health Through Nitric Oxide Production which is needed for the body to produce glutathione which is the most powerful antibiotic known to man…and can only be made by our own bodies.

Other health benefits of Beetroot are: Treats anxiety disorder; lowers blood pressure; anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties; increases energy level; protects liver; improves oxygen levels; prevents dementia; anti-cancerous; treats anemia, supports healthy heart; antidiabetic.

Beets are high in folate, manganese, nitrates, magnesium, quercetin and copper as well as vitamins!

  • Folate is essential for DNA synthesis and preventing neural tube defects in babies. It’s also been shown to reduce risk for heart disease, cancer, and depression.
  • Manganese is needed for enzymatic processes in your body, as well as for metabolism, wound healing, and healthy bones.
  • Copper keeps your immune system healthy, helps create red blood cells, and supports energy production.
  • Quercetin is a powerful anti-oxident that kills free radicals that damage cells.
  • Nitric Oxide helps in vasolidation, which means expanding blood vessels in the body which allows more blood to flow through the blood vessels.
  • Magnesium is a mineral needed for muscle and nerve function (including your heart muscle), energy production, healthy blood sugar levels, and bone health. It reduces stress and helps improve blood pressure, stress levels, and sleep quality.

Why do we need Nitric Oxide?

Beets, along with spinach, carrots, and cabbage, are a great source of nitrates. Nitrates are compounds that convert to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide opens up your blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure and heart rate and help the body to make glutathione in the liver which is the most powerful antibiotic ever and your body makes it. We cannot duplicate glutathione your body has to produce it!

Note: Don’t confuse the nitrates in beets with the nitrites added to processed foods, like deli meat, which can form cancer-causing nitrosamines. Plants that naturally contain nitrates, like beets, also contain vitamin C and other compounds that prevent them from becoming nitrosamines.

Beets Contain Quercetin a Powerful Antioxidant That Can Reduce Inflammation in Your Body!

This is good for people who have arthritis and other joint pain conditions. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, which are molecules that contain unpaired electrons. Because electrons naturally want to pair up, free radicals roam around the body, pulling electrons away from other molecules. This process can damage cells and DNA but Quercetin “cleans up” free radicals by pairing with their single electrons so they can no longer cause damage.

Good for Your Brain

Many cognitive diseases appear to be triggered by an interruption in nitric oxide pathways. It makes sense then that nitrates in beets can help improve brain function by increasing oxygen flow.

So you see how one food like beets or a beet powder to mix with water can do so very much for the body!

What foods we choose to eat and to stock up on will depend on our present and future health. What we eat helps to either tear down or build our immune system.

 More Super Foods That Help Your Body Detox!


Also known as blue-green algae, spirulina is a plant-based superfood with anti-inflammatory properties that support the body while detoxing heavy metals.  Spirulina can also reduce oxidative damage in the brain, according to studies. It is a super food and can engulf minute Nano structures like radiation thus eliminating these from the body. Nano particles are so minute they get reabsorbed in the intestinal tracts and the body can’t eliminate it, therefore it accumulates in the body and can cause all sorts of ill health including cancer. Spirulina will absorb these Nano particles and assist the body in carrying them out through the intestinal tract.

In addition, Spirulina is a strong anti-oxidant, and contains all of the amino acids essential to human health. One tablespoon of spirulina = 7 grams protein.  And spirulina is a good source of vitamin B12.

 Vitamin b12 plays an important role in energy production and proper neurological function. One tablespoon of spirulina = 250% of your Daily Value for vitamin B12.

Spirulina has tremendous detoxifying benefits. Like seaweed, the cell walls of spirulina bind to heavy metals, plastics, solvents and other toxins, eliminating them out with the stool.

Spirulina is also well known to assist the body in detoxifying arsenic. Not to alarm anyone, but, inorganic arsenic is naturally present at high levels in the US, mostly from our groundwater.

Arsenic toxicity is an even bigger problem in the Far East. Millions of people in Bangladesh, India, Taiwan, and Chile are consuming high concentration of arsenic through drinking water, and thousands of them have already developed chronic arsenic poisoning.

Note: Hemodialysis is the standard medical treatment for arsenic poisoning, and yet a clinical study of patients with chronic arsenic poisoning showed an impressive 47% reduction of arsenic in their body following a twice daily treatment of 250 mg of spirulina and 2 mg of zinc.

Flax Seed

Flax oil and ground Flax seeds also engulf radiation and Nano particles and carry them out of the body in the same manner as Spirulina. Flaxseed is particularly high in thiamine, a B vitamin that plays a key role in energy metabolism as well as cell function. It’s also a great source of copper, which is involved in brain development, immune health, and iron metabolism.

One tablespoon (7 grams) of ground flaxseed contains:

  • Calories: 37
  • Carbs: 2 grams
  • Fat: 3 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Protein: 1.3 grams
  • Thiamine: 10% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Copper: 9% of the DV
  • Manganese: 8% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 7% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 4% of the DV
  • Selenium: 3% of the DV
  • Zinc: 3% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 2% of the DV
  • Iron: 2% of the DV
  • Folate: 2% of the DV
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Chlorella is incredibly nutrient-rich algae grown in fresh or saltwater. Like cilantro, chlorella helps the body detox from neurotoxins such as mercury. You can find chlorella supplements online or at your local health food store in either powder or tablet form.


Cilantro is a powerful all-natural detoxifier and is helpful in removing neurotoxins, such as mercury, from the body. It is anti-fungal and a remedy for pain and inflamation. Cilantro seeds are referred to as coriander seeds, both are full of health benefits. It is a good source of antioxidants and helps fight off cancer cells.  

Wild Blueberries

Blueberries are super high in antioxidants, and the wild variety contains an even higher count. The powerful antioxidants found in wild blueberries help to pull heavy metals out of the body while also reversing oxidative damage caused by those heavy metals.


Lemon juice keeps your body hydrated and gives it the detox boost it needs when trying to rid itself of heavy metals. Adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to a glass of water is hydrating and helps flush out toxins. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which helps protect your cells from damage.

Research shows that lemon juice is especially helpful in detoxing lead from the body. A study found that a daily dose of vitamin C reduced the total amount of lead in their blood after just one month of supplementation.


Garlic can boost the production of glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant and a critical antioxidant for detoxification.


Like beets, artichokes are also great for supporting the liver. Animal studies found that artichoke extracts from the leaves and roots of the plant held liver-protective benefits in addition to helping liver cells regenerate. This is important when it comes to helping the body detox from heavy metals since one of the primary functions of the liver is to remove toxins.


The active compound of turmeric, curcumin, helps protect the body after mercury exposure when consumed regularly. According to a study conducted on animals, curcumin reduced the markers of kidney as well as liver injury caused by mercury, while also having a positive effect on glutathione levels.


Ginger is another excellent anti-inflammatory spice that can help fight off free radical damage in the body caused by heavy metal exposure.

Pine Needles

Compounds found naturally within certain species of pine trees is shikimic acid. Naturally occurring shikimic acid is known to support respiratory health, lung function and immune health.  It has been shown to support the health of the myelin sheath, which acts as “insulation” for the electrical communication throughout the brain and nervous system.

Pine needles are also composed of a variety of potent free-radical scavengers, essential oils, acids, procyanidins, vitamin C and flavonoid glycosides, which support cardiovascular health and healthy blood circulation.  Some people are allergic to pine needles and can cause swelling so each should also look to possible   allergic reactions before consuming any new type of remedy even though others find it serves them well. I say this because I know  people who have had terrible allergic reactions to pine needles. It is no different than someone with a peanut allergy. So each must beware as you introduce new things into your system.

With radioactive isotopes detected in rainwater in Minnesota and other states, some people are looking into iodine supplements and other ways to protect the long-term health of their families.

While there are a lot of drawbacks to using iodine, there are plenty of foods that naturally protect our bodies from radiation.

19 Of The Best Foods To Naturally Detox Radiation:

  1. Spirulina
  2. Chlorella
  3. Seaweed
  4. Kelp
  5. Black / Green Tea
  6. Garlic
  7. Onions
  8. Wheat Grass
  9. Apples (and other fruits rich in pectin)
  10. Lemons
  11. Parsley
  12. Beets
  13. Sauerkraut
  14. Ginger
  15. Avocado
  16. Horseradish
  17. Kale (and other leafy greens)
  18. Broccoli
  19. Coconut oil

Facts on Heavy Metals

While we require some heavy metals, such as zinc and copper, in trace amounts, others, such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury are absolutely bad for us. Presence of heavy metals in high amounts in the body can lead to severe health conditions, including heavy metal poisoning, breathing problems, heart issues and cancer.

Heavy metals enter our body through water, food, skin, and air. In today’s toxic environment, it is almost impossible to avoid exposure to them even if you haven’t taken a vax. However, we can easily purge toxic heavy metals from our body by eating foods that promote heavy metal detoxification.

Health risks associated with some heavy metals

Arsenic – High exposure to arsenic can cause vomiting, anorexia, muscle cramps, burning of throat and mouth, and diarrhea. High level of arsenic in the body is also linked to cancers of the liver, the gastrointestinal tract, the respiratory tract, and the skin.

 Mercury – One of the most toxic heavy metal, mercury is linked to autism in children and Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS for short), psychosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS for short) in adults.

Lead – Lead, when present in high amounts, can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, severe kidney impairment, memory problems, and fatigue. In addition, lead toxicity can cause constipation, weight loss, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal disturbances, liver impairment, and cramps.

Cadmium – Long-term exposure to cadmium is associated with obstructive lung disease and renal dysfunction.

Copper – An essential substance, copper, when present in amounts greater than recommended, can cause damage to the liver and the kidneys.

Selenium – Selenium toxicity can cause severe damage to circulatory tissue and the nervous system.

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There are many foods that aid in the removal of heavy metals. We have only mentioned some of the key ones.

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Now let’s look at something most people aren’t looking at – homocysteine levels. 

What is it? ho·mo·cys·te·ine  (hō′mə-sĭs′tə-ēn′, -ĭn, -tē-) – an amino acid, C4H9NO2S, not found in proteins, that is used by the body in cellular metabolism. Elevated concentrations in the blood are associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Heart Disease, Homocysteine Levels, and B-Vitamins    Homocysteine levels, not cholesterol, are a critical risk factor for heart disease. However, homocysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid that plays an important role in our good health.  As with all things, it is having too much of a good thing that is the problem.  

As I looked at the strange clots and information on the videos of clots and heart issues with vax users…it got me to remembering  things I knew about chronically high homocysteine levels and how they are the problem in heart disease and not cholesterol.  I wondered if this had anything to do with two new pushes. The push for the vax and the push for NO RED MEAT.  Why?  Could it be that red meat is the key source for the much needed B12 vitamin? And could homocysteine levels have something to do with the vax causing strange clots in the blood, among other things?

So I looked and found that Mercury elevates homocysteine levels!

Mercury is strongly associated with elevated levels of homocysteine and cholesterol and heart attacks. It also causes red blood cells to rupture and replaces the iron in haemoglobin so that the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood can be reduced by half. I thought about the woman who worked at the CDC and blew the whistle on the percentage of mercury in the COVID vaccines…. and it sure seemed to fit like a puzzle piece.

The Danger of High Homocysteine Levels

High homocysteine levels indicate chronic vascular inflammation. This sets the stage for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and plaque formation that blocks blood flow. Vascular plaque leads to blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes. Fortunately, certain B-vitamins can go a long way in keeping homocysteine in check, right where it is supposed to be.

Where Do We Get Homocysteine?

All homocysteine in the body is made naturally by our own metabolism. It is derived from methionine, which is an essential amino acid found abundantly proteins from meats, seafood, dairy products, and eggs. Vegetable proteins are generally pretty low in methionine, except for certain seeds such as sesame seeds and Brazil nuts. Even legumes contain relatively small amounts of methionine compared with animal-derived protein sources.

Excess methinone is not a problem, though. Excess homocysteine is.

  • Once it is formed from methionine, homocysteine can do two things: Revert back into methionine by a process called methylation, which is aided by vitamin B12 and folic acid (also a B-vitamin).
  • Convert into another amino acid, cysteine, by a process called transsulfuration, which is aided by vitamin B6.

Interconversions among methionine, homocysteine, and cysteine are crucial to good health for four main reasons:

  • They enhance the production of glutathione, one of our most important natural antioxidants.
  • They help the binding of minerals such as copper and zinc, thereby making them bioavailable to your body.
  • They aid DNA and RNA metabolism that controls how genes are regulated.
  • They guide the proper synthesis of neurotransmitters that play an important role in mood regulation.

The key point is that the formation of homocysteine is a natural process that is regulated by the presence of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid. Normally homocysteine comes and goes quickly as it converts to either methionine or cysteine. However, if your levels of vitamins B6, B12 or folic acid are too low, these interconversions slow down and homocysteine levels build up.

Red meat is the best source for B vitamins and especially B12!

How Does Homocysteine Damage Arteries?

Scientists believe (they do not know for sure) that homocysteine damages arteries in at least two possible ways. One is that it induces a powerful immune reaction within the walls of arteries. Immune complexes that run amok inside artery walls cause microscopic pock marks in the innermost wall layer, the endothelium.

These rough spots in the endothelium trap substances such as calcium and small, high density LDL cholesterol particles.

Listen to Dr. Malhotra speak of the medical system failures… and Big Pharma.

That is how they say plaque gets started.

The other possibility is that homocysteine can damage adhesion molecules that hold endothelial cells together. When cellular adhesion is destroyed, cells can become separated, thereby forming holes or pock marks that can, once again, initiate the build up of plaque.(This can also be considered free radical damage…caused by other dietary foods like vegetable oils and sugar.  Not enough fatty protection leads to less fatty protection around the endothelial cells and they become dry and brittle and open to free radical damage and cause the holes and pock marks that build up plaque.)

Once plaque gets started, it continues to grab and hold substances that normally flow freely through arteries. Keep in mind that this is how plaque builds up inside arteries. Substances that make up the plaque, however, are not the culprits that got it started in the first place. This is why the accumulation of LDL cholesterol and calcium in plaque is an after-effect, not a cause of vascular disease.

SIDENOTE: Can you imagine that, once calcium and LDL cholesterol were found to be concentrated in plaque, scientists could have flipped a coin to decide which one caused the problem? Invoking cause and effect either way is a major flaw in logic. Nevertheless, if the powers that be chose calcium, do you think we would have an entire industry based on drugs that lower calcium levels to combat heart disease? It seems ridiculous, doesn’t it? Well – surprise – it is equally ridiculous to blame cholesterol. This is why cholesterol-lowering drugs do nothing to reduce heart disease risk. Cholesterol-lowering drugs are just a great big scam. In fact many people who have heart attacks have so called good cholesterol levels!!!

Listen to Dr. Malhotra tell you the real truth….

From SCL Health – The Homocysteine And Heart Disease Connection

If your body doesn’t have enough B vitamins to break down homocysteine, it could stick around in your blood, damaging the lining of your arteries and putting you at an increased risk of heart disease. Usually, people with too much homocysteine aren’t getting enough folate, B6, or B12 in their diet. Thyroid problems, smoking, kidney disease, and genetics could also be the cause. “Studies have shown an association between elevated homocysteine levels and increased risk for cardiovascular disease, including coronary artery disease and peripheral vascular disease,” says Kirstin Hesterberg, DO, a general cardiologist with SCL Health Heart & Vascular Institute – Brighton. “However, routine testing is not recommended at this time.” Read: The Homocysteine And Heart Disease Connection | SCL Health

Eat healthy and stay away from processed foods, corn cooking oils, white processed sugars and drinks like Pepsi and Coke.

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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