How then ought we be to one another?
If we were all Royals and my ink pen leaks…who will rescue me from having to take it to the trash? Who will fix my tea? Who will lay out my clothing and hold it while I dress? Who will be left to applaud me when I drive down the street? Who will even notice my crown if they all have one to wear? Who will notice my Royal robe? What would the world be like if we were all Royal? Who will open the door when I arrive home? Who will drive my limosine? Will I have to learn to cook? Oh dear will I have to shop in a store and put groceries in a cart? And what of the children? Who will nanny them? Oh dear there is an awful lot to think about.
What if everyone got to dress up like Royals?
Who will set my Royal table? And who will pour my Royal wine? My goodness who will cook my Royal cuisine, and oh my…who will taste my Royal food to insure its not been tainted with a poison? Oh dear, however will my dinner be served?
This is all to much to think about… my dear… such thoughts have weakened my stead. I think a Royal nap may help… but then again, I must wake up, I must….this is a horrid dream. But a nap may help me better. Is there any unroyal left to show me to my Royal bed? Oh dear this is a problem. I mustn’t think any more today. I’ve already over thought for a Royal.
Awake from the slumber….it’s all been a fairy tale and many have been put to sleep by the stories. What would the world do without a good bed time tale? I’m sure we are soon to find out.
The cold hard truth is about to be revealed… prepare yourselves as nothing done in secret shall be left untold!
This means more than most are understanding that it does.
The focus on the Queen is to place focus on the Princess and the Khazarian Oligarchs. There is much that is about to be revealed that allows the dominoes to fall. Think Maxwell, Epstein, Pizza Gate, Human Trafficking, Adrenochrome, Sex Slaves, Baal Worship, Khazarian Oligarchs, NAZI, Banking, Ukraine, EU, UN, Systems, Wars, Secret Societies, Rogue Agencies, Genocide, Treason!
My gut feeling is that the death of Princess Diana will burst open the entire Global System! Whether she is alive or passed on… she has given the world the key that was needed to lock them all up!
The question is…. “If the Princess knew days ahead that they … meaning someone in or outside the realm of the Monarchy, were planning her accident to kill her … do you believe she would have found a way around it? A way to twist it? Intervene? Turn the tables some how? “
In October of 1996 Princess Diana wrote a letter to her butler that she knew there were plans to kill her in a car accident, caused by brake failure and she would have a serious head injury.
Piers Morgan was editor of the Daily Mirror in October of 2003. He said at that time, there had never been a public inquirey into the death of Princess Diana and the refusal to do an inquirey had fueled conspiracy theories for the past six years. Morgan said at the time of the letter being revealed in 2003, “What todays letter will do is simply give credence to the view that there is more to it than what meets the eye, and we should have some form of formal investigations.”
To this very day there are people who want to know what really happened.
There was over 50 hours of private tapes. Do you believe Princess Diana didn’t say a lot more that had conditions? Or who to give information too? Or do you believe during those last six years she never gave vital information to expose the great evils she was seeing? Do you believe that she only left it to the press and an author for a book? There are tapes missing. Who has them? What do they contain? Between Ghislaine singing like a bird to get such a light sentence… and the tapes, and all the others who have plea bargained… and the human trafficking rings still actively being taken down… a big one this week… there has been a lot taking place, more than we can see.
This is a war. A terrible war. Many have died by the hands of those who have planned RESET. All the guilty of genocide are shouting their “RESET BUILD BACK BETTER”. Targets are on their foreheads. They are unashamed. You will have nothing and be happy says Klaus and his World Economic Forum’s little minion Harari shouts, “The whole idea of people thinking they have a soul and FREE WILL, those days are over.” God heard that. We heard that. It will not stand. Watch and see.
Pay attention to everything you can from this point on. There will be a barage of incoming from all directions. Stock up and be safe. Pray unceasing.
Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God. Press, press, press!