Yesterday I posted a photo that said it all and today it appears that “STORMY” poke was the last straw as the strong man hit the trail and declared to all who has ears – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Well that aged well, for today Trump headed to Tulsa, Oklahoma to the NCAA Wrestling Tournament at…Continue readingIT’S TIME HE SAYS… WE CAN’T ALLOW THIS ANYMORE, HE SAYS…

Anonymous Sources, Fake News, Psyops, Treason…

Nothing has changed except now people are waking up and seeing that Trump was right about everything! The treason and corruption inside our government and all of its’ systems are off the charts! All of the chaos is preplanned and coordinated! Fear not and have faith that God will bring you through the obstacles thrown…Continue readingAnonymous Sources, Fake News, Psyops, Treason…


HE NEVER LEFT! At the time the election was stolen, there was a multi-layered deep state system of infiltration, corruption and treason. There were also patriots in critical positions of power, such as President Trump himself, some patriots at the NSA and key assets in Space Force and the United States Air Force. Shortly after…Continue readingWINNING WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP…

President Trump In Iowa States…”Two Words – Insane Asylum!”

Talking about what we used to have and what we have now…Trump blasts away at the Insane Asylum we are caught up in! Trump will restore law and order! What they have openly done for the entire world to see is to commit voter fraud and then deny American citizens any constitutional redress. They have…Continue readingPresident Trump In Iowa States…”Two Words – Insane Asylum!”


Don’t you think Trump wants to tell us everything… I sure do. And he is pushing hard for the day when he can not only tell you everything, he will have a book that shows it all. Secretary Pompeo and the Trump Administration had been busy building an international coalition of nations in an alliance…Continue readingA NEW DAY IS DAWNING…

Gold, Trump, Banksters and 13 Unknowns…

On January 20, 2017, President Donald Trump gave a historic inauguration speech where he said, “Today we are transferring the power from Washington, D.C. and returning it to you, the people!” In that speech he called out the deep state and accused the media and financial groups representing the Interests of a failed economic model.…Continue readingGold, Trump, Banksters and 13 Unknowns…


“We’re going to complete the mission,” said President Trump. “We’re going to see this battle through to ultimate victory. We’re going to make America great again.” President Trump expressed distain at the state of affairs in America under the Biden regime, “We’re in a Marxism state of mind, a Communism state of mind,” he said.…Continue readingPRESIDENT TRUMP ROCKS CPAC!

President Trump Visits Ohio – Lifting Morale and Bringing Aid…

The Trump landed in East Palestine, Ohio with aid, assistance, and lots of hope and encouragement. While Joey Avatar is doing something somewhere… and the press is fawning over the green screen CGI of his trip with his avatar buddy – the made for TV Zelensky…. all that hoorah has all the makings of a…Continue readingPresident Trump Visits Ohio – Lifting Morale and Bringing Aid…

President Trump Speaks From West Palm Beach!

President Donald J Trump Speaks at Club45 Meeting LIVE from Palm Beach, FL 2/20/23! Happy President’s Day! Speaking on his 2024 campaign, Trump opened up his rally by saying the nation needed a leader who is ready on day 1, then Trump asked, who might that be? The crowd knew exactly who that one was…Continue readingPresident Trump Speaks From West Palm Beach!

Joey Gives President Trump’s State of The Union Address…

Good Grief, Joey Avatar said everything TRUMP has ever said… all Joey’s puppeteers left out was a shot of him coming down an escalator! But, then again this isn’t the first time Biden ever plagiarized someone elses work. The bad thing was Joey’s stuttering delivery of some of Trump’s best known one liners. So don’t…Continue readingJoey Gives President Trump’s State of The Union Address…