Trump Praises Supreme Court Decision!

President Trump said that the overturning of Roe Versus Wade “Will work out for everybody.”

“This is following the Constitution, and giving rights back when they should have been given long ago. This brings everything back to the states where it has always belonged,” Trump said.

When asked whether he feels he played a role in the reversal of Roe v. Wade, after having appointed three conservative justices to the high court, the former president told Fox News: “God made the decision.” Read: Trump praises Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, says ruling ‘will work out for everybody’ – Conservative Patriot (

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The Supreme court is the highest court in the land and it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. You have to go through a long process before you can get to the Supreme Court. Due to its power of judicial review, it plays an essential role in ensuring that each branch of government recognizes the limits of its own power. This is something those elected lawmakers need to learn and remember. They don’t have the right to threaten any of the Justices on the Supreme Court nor send their ghouls out to kill them. This is against the law and a crime.

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It is no secret that George Soros is a big funder of the DNC and organizes ground troops such as ANTIFA for the left in America and around the world. He runs the party for the left also known as Progressive Democrats. How long will this continue?

The Supreme court protects civil rights and liberties by striking down laws that violate the Constitution. Which the lawmakers seem to throw out the window at every chance they get. The Supreme Court sets appropriate limits on democratic government by ensuring that popular majorities or bully fisted majorities cannot pass laws that harm and or take undue advantage of unpopular minorities or even majorities behind their backs.  In essence, it serves to ensure that the changing views of a majority do not undermine the fundamental values common to all Americans, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms and the due process of law.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says gay rights, contraception rulings should be reconsidered after Roe is overturned –


Over the years the far left has been able to bribe and pressure others into looking at politically charged things in a skewed fashion… and or passing things that don’t hold the weight the politicals have said it held. We are watching a major clean up taking place that was long over due and as Clarence Thomas indicated, more things are to be looked at again… based on the rulings that some things have slid past under what was called “Due Process”.

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Clarence Thomas noted that, “The Court well explains why, under our substantive due process precedents, the purported right to abortion is not a form of ‘liberty’ protected by the Due Process Clause,” of the U.S. Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment. That clause guarantees that no state shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”

Thomas argued that the right to abortion under that clause “is neither ‘deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition’ nor ‘implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.’ ” and that the three cases he now says should be reconsidered by the court “are not at issue” in Friday’s ruling overturning Roe. He wrote, they all are based on interpretations of the Due Process Clause.

Specifically, he said, they are based on the idea of “substantive due process,” which in a prior case he called “an oxymoron that ‘lack[s] any basis in the Constitution.’ ”  Thomas said the idea that the constitutional clause that guarantees only “process” for depriving a person of life, liberty or property cannot be used “to define the substance of those rights.

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There is a lot that will be set straight. They brought it on…they went to far. Enough is enough!

“Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous’ … we have a duty to ’correct the error’ established in those precedents,” Thomas added. This could open up cases that were also based on “Due  Process Clauses” such as gay marriages. A can of worms the Left certainly doesn’t want to have opened up. But… Pandora’s lid has been lifted and so… now you see why the anger in the streets.

What you are really witnessing…. Is a worn thread that has started to unravel….

This is not about your body your choice…and a bunch of stupid kids degrading themselves for a few bucks from a Soros organization and fascist party line ideology  disguised as a woman’s right to abort her child as part of her body or some odd pseudo science concept. This is about child trafficking, child organ harvesting, selling human body parts, making big money on the black markets, beverage and flavor enhancers, food supplies, bio lab research, population  control , genocide… and a host of other illegal issues that will also fall by the wayside as they discover the garbage that has been ruled on has nothing to do with the constitution nor lawful things.

So buckle up and know this is just beginning and their mockery is now in their own shameful faces. The mental illness is off the charts. And most do it for a few bucks.  Their protestors  (mostly kids) have been groomed to have no self respect, no morals, no values only a hand outstretched for a few coins and their agreement to do so from their ultra mind controlled heads that can’t critically think their own dinner selection from a eat in diner  food menu.

Right now it just looks like a clown show, because that is what this is. The next round will be the burning, looting, and more dangerous crowds which have been preparing… and are waiting in the wings. They want the idea of stupid kids and fat ugly people to be the idea of who is on the streets. Stupid kids who want to kill their babies or whatever they are paid to say…the truth is they will switch this out when they are given the green light. At that time… hopefully the military will make their serious arrests.

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It worked in 2020… but not gonna work here!

Meanwhile…. Brace yourselves, for the straw that broke the camels back has sent everything toppling…. And among the boxes whose lid has been opened up is …. none other than the dreaded  Pandora’s.  All the evil is falling, is falling. Everything that is hidden shall all be revealed.

Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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