Today’s Message Is Clear…Wake UP!

It Is Time! Where ever you get your information and motivation, the bottom line is – where we go one, we go all! We are now a nation in decline and in the heat of the storm!

What President Trump said about the Q movement in August of 2020. “They like me very much”… and Trump loves loyalty. Smile

Before you go any further, please watch the short 3.22 minute video first.

On that same day, Wednsday, August 19, 2020, an article stated that Facebook said it had removed nearly 800 QAnon conspiracy groups for posts celebrating violence, showing intent to use weapons, or attracting followers with patterns of violent behavior. 800 is a lot of groups! Why? Because they wrote, “QAnon followers espouse an intertwined series of beliefs based on anonymous web postings from someone claiming special insider knowledge of the Trump administration. The core tenet is that Trump is secretly fighting a cabal of child-sex predators including prominent Democrats.”

Well, that seemed to have been a topic no one was supposed to talk about, and it still is a topic that isn’t allowed. If you even acknowledge child and human trafficking is an issue… you get banned. And you can’t say anything about children found in the underground tunnels, and nothing about adrenochrome.

The only violence was, I guess saying “WWG1 WGA”??

Before then President Trump dodged the question…

In a briefing on August 19, 2020, Trump said:

“I don’t know much about the movement, other than I understand they like me very much. These are people that don’t like seeing what’s going on in places like Portland, in places like Chicago and New York, and other cities and states.”

In the same article, Andrew Bates, a campaign spokesman for Biden said, “Trump was “again giving voice to violence. After calling neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville ‘fine people’ and tear gassing peaceful protesters following the murder of George Floyd, Donald Trump just sought to legitimize a conspiracy theory that the FBI has identified as a domestic terrorism threat.”

Bates was defending the ones who set fire to St. Johns Historic D.C. Church. Those were the ones tear gassed.

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These were the same ones who were setting fire to the city and making bon fires in front of the White House. Doing their reign of terror on the city which is the opposite of protesting. This is called rioting and anarchy.

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Read: Protests, confrontations continue near White House – POLITICO

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When asked about Q anon on the campaign trail, Trump said, “I know nothing about it.” Meaning he isn’t involved with doing it or issuing it. He answered, “I’ll tell you what I do know about, I know about ANTIFA and the radical left and how violent they are and how vicious they are and I know how they’re burning down cities run by Democrats, not run by Republicans.”

“ANTIFA EXISTS…WHY AREN’T YOU ASKING ME ABOUT ANTIFA? Why aren’t you asking me about the radical left?”

It was also reported that Michael Flynn, Donald Trump ’s first national security adviser, appears to have called QAnon “total nonsense” and a “disinformation campaign” created by the CIA and the political left. That was not well received.

But, what if that was true? And what if it wasn’t? Does it even matter now that patriots are awake?

That being said, today President Trump is not saying, “Trust the plan”… he is saying open your eyes and see what is going on folks!  He is shouting “WAKE UP NOW!”

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It made sense that if President Trump or his crew was putting out drops of Q’s he would own it and be proud of it and he hasn’t owned any of it yet. He just loved the ones who loved him and showed their loyal support and dug for facts and truth. That is the good part of the whole thing. The loyalty to seeking the truth. The red pill!

People have taken his hand gestures and pointed at them and made them whatever they want. What Trump has done is tell us what he is doing every step of the way in his words and what he points us to directly. From the very start coming down the escalator, Trump began exposing the Oligarchs agenda. He told us about fake news and border issues, we need to build a wall. He went on a world tour building alliances… we watched and we saw it all in real time while the fake news mocked it and under minded it and mis- and dis informationed every move he made.

The people were seeing it and so what if it was CIA at the Pentagon with a secret messenger to detour and redirect like a military commander and people jumped into the game, for it was a war game? What we saw at first were people sent out looking for things to answer riddles as though from Batman’s joker, finding things from the past for past equals present… and many missed what was taking place in real time because they were digging in past and chasing clues. Some got it right and some got it wrong. If it was the CIA, it did backfire on them, for people began to actually pull away and start to analyze and find things out.

Most quickly discovered what many seasoned researchers had already known and things the deep state has used in mind control messages in movies, TV programming, advertising, and in our faces. People popped up with podcasts to tell of their findings and it became a huge movement… one the deep state had planned to use against the ones who followed it.

By the time they were ready to use it against Trump it was way too late. No one was listening to any of their garbage anymore!

I’m sure they data mined it to learn how fast people figured out clues and how much they did and did not know, what triggered them, etc. It was like a In-Q-tell facebook/Twitter fact finding program for those who would have never divulged so much information on social media until it was a “military” operation. Now classed as “Digital Soldiers”.

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Many began to see things and share and even disinformation was necessary… so they said. And so even disinformation was sought after??? So, then there were grifters that jumped on the bandwagon and then the day came and no more drops. That is when those in the movement scratched their heads and started spending even more time rehashing the old clues. The things taking place in real time were not pursued by many who waited for another drop to come. That is what they anticipated and they were happy to see the disappointment in those who relied on the drops.

Meanwhile, it was then they took what they learned and began to see what was taking place with what Trump said and they began to see things on their own without the drops and math. And that is what they (CIA or psyop or other for no one knows for sure) had not anticipated… and because there were so many on board it became an army waiting for orders from Trump. They were then attacked as a threat and called Q Anons. Which was the plan from the start.

They tried to make any key figure out to be an idiot for believing it… another part of the (in-Q-tel pentagon) plan all along.

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But it all backfired. For you see they told on themselves with the “past equals present and future equals past” and the “disinformation is neccessary”.

They had all the social media… they didn’t expect Truth Social, Telegram, Rumble and others to pop up. They never expected to have Twitter put on a Musk face… nor the FBI to be found out for their dis and mis information campaigns. They believed when they pulled the plug for their black outs… it would be pulled. That backfired big time on them!

The reason why everything can be found in the drops is because the left’s playbook NEVER CHANGES. They continue the same patterns, the same moves and do the same things over and over again. It is their memorized method. Everything is memorized, repeated and all opposition is shouted down. No critical thinking skills needed… just the ability to obey and memorize then shout louder than the opponent. Like false flags. Here come the crisis actors, and the lone gunman, the school, the mall or nightclub. Rinse and repeat. Here comes ANTIFA, rinse and repeat. Here comes a color revolution, a nation is toppled, rinse and repeat.

The enemy always tells us what they are going to do before they do it. That is what they do. We are dealing with lizard people who have specific patterns, methods and rituals.

Follow the Hollywood films… the advertisements, the Club of Rome, WEF, they have been an open book. They never hide a thing. Look at all of Kissingers past announcements, his speeches… look at the words spoken at Rio in 1992 of Maurice Strong and the New World Order steps. His sustainable development program for the 21st century. It was and yet is all laid out and being carried out. According to the plan. Look at the mocking bird media. They stay on the same message and follow the script. The lie is told in the field and they follow up with a wrap up smear. Over and over and over until people believe it is true.

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Look at the Covid-19 Playbook. It is all by their book! Nothing was ever hidden, it was always in our face. Now, is the time said President Trump. If you were waiting for a signal… he just gave it. Prepare for the disruption ahead. Get your extra food, cash, silver, gold, whatever you need to survive the storm. For it is hitting. And for some, go inside and shut the door until the scourge passes over, as it is written in Isaiah. For the Lord has moved out from his place.

We need to always keep our own brains firing off. Ask our own questions, and have God lead us to the truth. As I have said before, everything is a clue. Even misinformation riles a person to seek the facts out on a matter. Everything builds up or tears down.

This is a battle being fought on a world scale. May calmer heads prevail.



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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