It is so refreshing and a blessing to hear our youth sing praises to the Lord in the midst of a world shaking out of control. Please take a moment and listen to the power in their voices! It is a renewing and a big reminder of what we ought to be doing…for praise and song is what gives us strength. It renews every fiber in our being. Amen.

The shout of praise and the songs of praise are joyous to the Lord! We must raise up our voices in praise and let God hear our thanks that He has won this battle already and has all of his children in his hands! Our greatest weapon and defense against the evil days is the Word of God.

Praise is a powerful weapon! Proclaim the name of Jesus!

While those in the streets are called by demonic forces to fight with fists, those of God are called to fight with praise and lift their voices high! Sing out and give God the glory for the victory – it’s time to stop asking why and let God be our God and we shall be His people!

Stay strong!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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