Time to Get Healthy – STOP THE COVID SCAM!

This one video says it all. Watch it and learn. This video exposes the history of Big Pharma and the truth of what a virus is and how ancients knew to heal themselves from sickness like colds caused from poisons/toxins! Pay attention and eat the foods to keep you healthy.


EXPOSE THE LIES AND BE FREE OF WHAT IS MAKING YOU SICK! It’s time to take our bodies back while we still can! Expose these people WHO LIE TO ALL OF US! Evil spirited people have set up the food supply to insure an unhealthy population and make money when you get sick! There are natural cures and therapies to help you get well when your immune system is over taxed. Tell science to shove all their theories….it is time to return to natural laws and real food, natural herbs and oils.


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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