The Serpent Is The Deep State…


So, today…. the truth needs to be heard. Fear not for no one’s hand needs to be held, all hands need to be freed up to take up their Bibles and read with new eyes and see the truth. Look and read again and see that the things the many church heads have told you are NOT THERE! THEY DO NOT EXIST IN THE WRITTEN WORD THEY ONLY EXIST IN MAN MADE INTERPRETATIONS AND CONJECTURE!  But first….know the Republic is not in DC, the Republic lies in 50 states!  DC is a bankrupt corporation controlled by AND A PART OF THREE UNCLEAN SPIRITS LIKE FROGS!

Revelation 16:13-15

13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

The Frog and Snake » Design You Trust

The Deep Church/ State of Lucifer has cunningly bamboozled the kind hearts of God’s people by forever using the Bible as a weapon to get away with running over them like ravenous wolves. And when denominations argue and fight, the devil is delighted for that is the goal… the sheep are damned if they do and damned if they don’t, at least in this worldly church system that controls the state. Remember we have three corporations that do the bidding for the Khazarian Mafia… Bank of London, Inc., Vatican, Inc., and USA, Inc. These three are controlled by the Khazarian Mafia Global Deep State Swamp.

The system working under the direction of the Serpent of old – Lucifer, does all he can to keep all of God’s children from knowing they have the power of the Holy Spirit to call upon, if only they seek Wisdom for the truth. As long as they believe they are not worthy and all manner of false interpretations, conjecture, science, and man-made church doctrines, traditions, and rituals are shoved down their throats, they will forever hold on to whatever crumbs these vipers feed them. Few, if any, will dare to read the scriptures for themselves with eyes wide opened, to seek truth so they might find it. May we at this time now open our Bibles and pray for God to send us Wisdom through the Holy Spirit and ask for our eyes and ears to be opened to see and to hear the truth. If not now…when?

So back to a sinister plot to rule the world that has been evolving and not an all of a sudden surprise…it is just finally coming out into the light!

Below is a PDF of the book, “Washington in the Lap of Rome” by Justin D. Fulton. When you read the Preface below read it real slow and let ever word be digested. Keep in mind that it was written in 1888. There was no social media hits to gain, he wasn’t selling anything to sway opinions for a political run, and this wasn’t propaganda with wrap up smear intentions to be gained. It was written as mere warning to the people of the day. It was written as a warning of the den of vipers they were in and where it was all heading if left to continue without others waking up and taking their nation back to the Republic of “We The People”, if there ever would be such a thing.

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WASHINGTON in the Lap of Rome has been written to call the attention of the American people to the great trust which has been betrayed, and to the great work which devolves upon them. It uncovers facts which will bring the blush of shame to the cheek of the real Republican and fill his soul with indignation. Fifteen thousand department clerks are under the surveillance of Rome. If it be not true, as is charged, that a private wire runs from the White House, in Washington, to the Cardinal s Palace, in Baltimore, and that every important question touching the interests of Romanism in America is placed before his eye, before it becomes a public act, it is true that the Cardinal is a factor in politics.  Romanism is the dominant power (this is written in 1888) in the Capitol of the United States. 

Lincoln, Grant, and Arthur withstood it, and suffered the consequences. The power is unseen. It is shadowy. It inhabits the air and infects it. Romanism is the malaria of the spiritual world. It stupefies the brain, deadens the heart, and sears the conscience as with a hot iron. It comes, as did the tempter, with gifts in its hands, of rule, of power, and of wealth, to all who will fall down and worship it. They who yield have peace and praise. They who refuse must fight a terrible foe. (your either with us are against us) The cry has been for peace. The lips of some of the ministers and members of the Church of Christ have been padlocked. Politicians, in the grasp of this power, are unable or unwilling to move. They clank their chains with delight, and glory in being allied with an organism so potential and so astute.

Others see the peril, and withstand its open and determined advance. No longer now is the clash of arms heard. The city is not, to human sight, a camp of armed men, as in the days of civil war; but if eyes could be opened as were those of the prophet s servant, when horses and chariots were circling in the air, proofs of a conflict might now be discerned, more desperate than was ever fought by flesh and blood on the earth. To-day the  City of Magnificent Distances  resembles the child in the presence of the snake. It is being charmed by the viper. Duty demands that the truth be told which shall break the back of the monster.; Why Priests Should Wed  uncovered the pollutions of Romanism in the hope of saving the women and girls of the Roman Catholic Church, now held in the grasp of superstition. 

Washington in the Lap of Rome appeals to mankind. The surrender to Rome of the Capital of the Great Republic means death to liberty. The people of all lands and climes are interested in the conflict. The facts given will ripen the indignation of pure-minded men and women against the Jesuitical foe, who no longer creeps under cover or hides in the shadow of some wall, but stalks boldly forth on his errand of wickedness.(28 Jesuit Universities in 2012) It is believed that it will cause lovers of liberty to shake themselves from their lethargy, and not only take Washington out of the lap of Rome, but throttle the monster threatening the future of the Republic, and lift the nation to its rightful place as the educator of mankind, the leader of the best thought, and the personification of God’s great purpose, in placing within the area of an ocean-washed Republic a free Church in a free State.

May God help the truth, is the prayer of JUSTIN D. FULTON.

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READ BOOK HERE: PDF Washington in the lap of Rome (

Keep on Pressing Into The Kingdom of God….PRESS, PRESS, PRESS!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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