The Mantal of Esther

The Lord is preparing a people to return to Him.

Nothing that is taking place is doing so by any direction other than that of the Word of God so that all things might be fulfilled that were spoken of by the Lord through his prophets.

Where it is a time of shaking, those who love the Lord are not left alone, nor tossed into the sea of confusion with no direction or help. Each who call upon the Lord with all of their heart, mind and soul are given the divine protection of the mighty hand of God. We have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to teach us, guide us and to comfort us. Today a strong Spirit is being felt, it has been sent forth to find, encourage, teach, strengthen and empower God’s people. It is a spirit of reknewing, it was prophecied by Kim Clement as the Spirit of Esther.

“For she shall take the oil of healing and she shall pour it upon the scars of those left and those right and of the new party that has come forth and emerged where they shall say, “Christ will reign and we shall not implement at all Socialism.” Where they have said, “We will make history without God.”  No you will not. No you will not, says the Lord.

“For I chose this nation before it was founded, before anybody came here, I chose this ENTIRE NATION, all fifty states, every one of them to send my gospel to the entire earth.   Do you think I have changed my mind? Therefore, the healing that is necessary for this nation shall come at a time in the middle of the presidency. There shall be a woman that shall come and God said there shall be oil that shall be poured upon the nation and they shall suddenly feel the healing and they shall say, “It is well with my soul, it is well with our soul.” For the soul of America has been corrupted with bitterness and anger.

“And God said she shall say, “No more bitterness, no more anger, no more division.” And she’ll pour the oil that shall come from the Spirit of the Lord himself.

If you as a nation believe it, if you want this, lift your voice and shout one more time and say, Yes!  Yes to Esther, Yes to Esther!” – Kim Clement 


Below are excerpts from a prophetic work written by Christy M. Johnston, called “The Mantle of Esther”


The Holy Spirit has been highlighting a particular name to me everywhere in recent months… it is the name Esther. As we crossed over into the new Hebraic year, I felt a supernatural shift in the spirit and asked the Lord to reveal to me on a deeper level what it is He is speaking and doing right now pertaining to the anointing of Esther. I heard Him say, “this shift was a handover of authority – from Vashti to Esther.” He then led me to study the book of Esther once again, and the fresh revelations I discovered amazed me. You’re likely familiar with the story, but I want to highlight various points throughout this incredible account in history to show you how they point prophetically to the times we are living in now, and what it means for us in this unique season.

The Watchmen will usher in the decree

Queen Vashti refused to come before King Ahasuerus (Xerxes), and in doing so, she was dethroned. Her crown was taken from her and she was expelled from the kingdom. The following verse stood out to me as King Ahasuerus decided what to do following her insubordination. “The King consulted the wise men who understood the times, for it was his normal procedure to confer with experts in law and justice.” (Esther 1:13) Memucan, one of the Kings seven advisors, suggested this, “If it meets the king’s approval, he should personally issue a royal decree. Let it be recorded in the laws of Persia and Media, so that it cannot be revoked: Vashti is not to enter King Ahasuerus’s presence, and her royal position is to be given to another woman who is more worthy than she.” 

It stands out to me that the King sought the counsel of wise men who were experts in law and justice and who also ‘understood the times.’ These wise men, I believe, point to God’s watchmen and women right now who are as the sons of Isacchar, men and women who are in tune with the Holy Spirit and His times. They see beyond the current wars and chaos and are calling forth a new time of Godly law and justice, they have been given a heavenly authority to usher in a new crown/mantle that will rest upon the Bride of Christ. This new mantle, I believe, is the mantle of Queen Esther – but we’ll get to that more in a moment.

I want you to take note of something very significant here: the names of the provinces where this all took place – Persia and Media or Median. Persia means ‘Land of Divisions’ and ‘to split or divide.’ Media/n means ‘strife’ or ‘place of judgement.’ This powerfully correlates to the times we are in. We have been living in a ‘land of divisions’ where the enemies attempts have been to ‘split and divide’, particularly over the Nation of America – which affects the Nations of the world. However, I believe this is where God’s divine judgment will rule over the strife that has been running rampant in this hour, and His perfect law and righteous justice will be issued as a decree.

I find it interesting that one of the provinces is called, Media. Though it was referring to a physical province then, I believe it now points to a current province of airwaves filled with strife – the Main-Stream Media. This decree was issued across these two lands of division and strife’ and it ushered in a chain reaction of events, resulting in the crowning of a new Queen. I believe, God is ushering in a declaration, spoken by His watchmen of the hour. Their decrees are being released into the atmosphere and de-crowning and dethroning the demonic narratives filling our airwaves.

Like a hot knife through butter, the watchman’s decrees are ushering in a new narrative, one that declares righteous justice in place of chaos.

These declarations will even be decreed over the MSM air-waves – whether the Media recognize what they are saying or not – a new time of divine justice and God’s perfect law are upon us. As this issue goes forth, the mantle and anointing of Esther will rest upon the Body of Christ.

While I believe this anointing of Esther will crown the entire Body, I also believe we will see it rest in power upon individuals surrendered entirely to their King – both men and women.

Kim Clement released a prophetic word in 2014 about Esther and I was reminded of this recently. I believe the woman he is speaking of, is an anointing that will rest upon an individual, but I strongly believe this prophetic word is pointing to the Body of Christ as a whole– for she has been hated, but she will pour out the oil of healing upon parties both to left and right. Kim declared, ‘her eyes will be beautiful’ and I wholeheartedly believe this is speaking of the Bride whose eyes are upon Jesus. There has been much division within the Bride of Christ – but God is redeeming and restoring her in this hour of shaking and refining and she will come out with eyes blazing like fire, gazing upon her beloved.

Read the entire story here: The Mantle of Esther – Nate & Christy: Everyday Revivalists (

I have to say I agree totally with Christy Johnston that the annointing of the Spirit of Esther will be and is even yet now being poured out among the Body of Christ, His bride. Let us press forward into the Kingdom and keep our hearts, mind and soul focused on the Lord. This is a time of renewal and testing, a time of pressing into the Kingdom of God….it is a time of standing and knowing God is with us and no matter what, His will shall be done. If not us…he will find another for God shall accomplish His will. Therefore stand…and be among those with the spirit of Esther…If I perish, I perish. Our soul they cannot touch, that belongs to God and no one can touch what belongs to God!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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