Russia Declares Babylon Has Fallen, Has Fallen!

The replica of the tower of Babel in the Kaluga region of Russia, was set on fire and is burning, burning, burning! It sure looks like Putin is sending a message to the Khazarian Oligarchs that their New World Order shall never be built – they are going down just like the Bible says they…Continue readingRussia Declares Babylon Has Fallen, Has Fallen!

The War Is Against Humanity – US & EU Are Waging It!

READING BETWEEN THE LINES AND DECIFERING THE BS NARRATIVE! Listen to the lies…remember Nuland as Assistant Secretary of State helped create the red revolution in 2014 at maidan square and set Ukraine on fire…she was in on taking down the government with Obama/Biden et al, and helped determine who was going to be appointed to…Continue readingThe War Is Against Humanity – US & EU Are Waging It!

PUTIN Isn’t Playing With EU – He Has Hit Back Hard!

So the oligarchs and the stooges for the puppet masters, you know- the ones the voter fraud machines put in place as “Nation Leaders”, these have poked, and poked at Putin, they have boldly told lie after lie after lie, but worst of all Pres. Kelensky of Ukraine has murdered innocent people in his own…Continue readingPUTIN Isn’t Playing With EU – He Has Hit Back Hard!

Ukraine The Snake Head!

US and World Leaders Are Lying To You, Stealing From You, Destroying You, and Killing You~ while you sleep or worse, while you sit and watch them do it! As I went looking for new information on Ukraine and the US and came up with a lot of the “Go to #1 sources” and wondered…Continue readingUkraine The Snake Head!

Puppet Leaders of The World…

…some are great deceivers, others are obvious! Just like the devil himself, these puppets can look at you and say the most convincing things. They can look sincere and yet, as they speak the stench of lies permeates outward to those who have the Holy Spirit. It comes as a gut feeling, an instinct not…Continue readingPuppet Leaders of The World…

The War, Many Do Not See!

Spiritual war, propaganda war, world war, bio war, science war, depopulation war, WAR TO ENSLAVE THE WORLD! Can you see it thriving? Growing and expanding? When you see the 16 year plan to destroy America and the world… will you believe it? When you see their own videos from their own speeches and world platform…Continue readingThe War, Many Do Not See!

Discernment and the Watchman

TO COME OUT FROM HER MY PEOPLE…YOU MUST WAKE UP FROM YOUR STUPOR FIRST! YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO OVER AND OVER AND OVER! Oh watchman, tell me is it going to rain today or is the sun going to shine…don’t look at the clouds, do not look at the sky…that would be interfering with…Continue readingDiscernment and the Watchman

RESET Will Fail But …

…before it does, it will destroy many who want it! It’s in the Bible. Read it and find out all about this mess. The same mess many have been warning others about for the last two years. It’s not new, and it’s been going on for a very long time. We just found out the…Continue readingRESET Will Fail But …

Revelation 13 The 33.3

BECAUSE IT IS ALL HOLY SPIRIT LED! To explain the Book of Revelation is to explain all history of this world from the war in heaven to the very end and the triumphant return to Paradise with the Lord Thy God. It cannot be said in a blog, but it can have a beginning of…Continue readingRevelation 13 The 33.3

Pres. Trump Opens SPY GATE – 2016

It’s not simply election fraud, it is perpetrated, preplanned espionage, and TREASON to the HIGHEST DEGREE! It all started with the coup that we now call “Spy Gate 2016”! We now have an out of control usurper in the highest seat in the land which is the seat of the President of the United States.…Continue readingPres. Trump Opens SPY GATE – 2016