Sidney Powell Says Make This Tweet of Hers Go Viral!

The transportation of Federal mail in a privately-owned vehicle is against the law. FB and Twitter are censoring this photo. Make it go Viral!!!!

Enough of the censoring…it is time to go around the old way of doing things and think of new methods. Trying this one. Just so EVERYONE KNOWS, AT THIS TIME – I GET NO MONEY FOR CLICKS, DO NO ADS – AND HAVE NO HANDS OUT OR DONATION PAGES, LINKS, ETC.

I’ve already had things go viral and this is not about me trying to make my blog go viral…it is answering SIDNEY’S request. Spread the page and have everyone copy and paste to others. Thank you Patriots.

Dianne Marshall

By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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