Soap Opera Episode 999

The show has turned into a long standing soap opera. You can ignore the news for a week, come back and pick right up where you left off. There are just a few drama scenes missed, but the plot is the same. So, that being said, what is most important to keep first and foremost…Continue readingSoap Opera Episode 999

What Of The Watchman?

Lifting The Veil That Blinds Us…. All that points to the Spirit of Wisdom set apart, the same as Solomon sought to be taught of and learn all things from to be wise in knowledge and direct his path.  Shall we not also ask now to lift the veil to see the truth?  To see…Continue readingWhat Of The Watchman?

Translate That For Me?

Why Do We Have 900 English Bible Translations? Yashua (Jesus) said, God is not the author of confusion. But man says…we need more versions, and the more we have, we build back better! What could possibly go wrong with 900 different translations? And why are so many needed? From Dec. 2, 2009, there were 900…Continue readingTranslate That For Me?

America At The Crossroad

There are way too many crisis taking place and it’s hard to tell what is the THING that people need to know or even need to know. There are so many lies being floated and at the same time many truths are being exposed. No matter what takes place there is still the truth and…Continue readingAmerica At The Crossroad

The Invisible Is Real

NOT ALL THINGS MADE BY GOD ARE VISIBLE TO THE EYES, BUT ALL THINGS CAN BE SEEN IN THE SPIRIT. BLESSED ARE THOSE THAT CAN SEE THE UNSEEN THINGS AND ARE READY IN THE DAY OF THE LORD! What are some of the invisible things we cannot see with our eyes? We cannot see the…Continue readingThe Invisible Is Real

RESET Agenda 21 Is Here!

AGENDA 21 IS IN MOTION AND YOU ARE THE TARGET! RESET TO A TOTALITARIAN STATE IS NOT A GAME. IT IS A VERY REAL GOAL OF ALL THE 172 PLUS NATIONS WHO HAVE AGREED TO GLOBALISM. They await our resistance and welcome it. They find it exciting. They have covered all the scenarios to counter…Continue readingRESET Agenda 21 Is Here!

TRUMP Live@ National Mall

Watch President Trump Live at the National Mall at 6:50 ET! JOIN IN A DAY OF PRAYER FOR AMERICA! On the 20 year anniversary of 9/11 we are calling the nation to gather for a Day of Prayer For America. Join us as we honor the first responders and military, remember the fallen, pray for…Continue readingTRUMP Live@ National Mall

Compliance or Knowledge?

HOW LONG WILL THE WORLD ALLOW THE EUGENICS EXPERIMENT TO CONTINUE? The infiltration of evil is beyond anyones imagination. In the name of saving humanity, humanity is being destroyed in the light of day by the push of mandates, by wicked souls who desire their own world without those who want God, law and order,…Continue readingCompliance or Knowledge?

Trump Not For Globalism!

TRUMP SAID, AMERICA IS GOVERNED BY AMERICANS! NOT BY GLOBALISTS! President Trump made it clear to Klause and all of the Globalists who pushed for a One World Order that America was NOT FOR SALE and NOT A PART OF THEIR CABAL! At the 2018 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in January, there…Continue readingTrump Not For Globalism!

Trump-Decertify Election?

President Trump said,  “I DO BELIEVE THEY ARE GOING TO DECERTIFY THE ELECTION.” In an interview with Jim Hoft of The Gateway Pundent on Friday September 10, 2021, President Trump stated his thoughts on the findings or the election audits taking place and the outcomes those will have on the 2020 election. “This was a…Continue readingTrump-Decertify Election?