Whistles are Blowing!

Dr. Yeadeon warns of the dangers of new mRNA technology. Hydra Linnaeus Found In The Covid Jab – a synthetic version of the naturally occuring Hydra Linnaeus which is a fresh water living thing…like a squid in the ocean. It’s a body that can attach to a flat surface with tenacles like a squid…listen to…Continue readingWhistles are Blowing!

Shadow Gov. Is Falling!

The shadow government is falling and Maria Zack is confident it will be in the Fall. They are falling now as they have taken some hard hits. Listen to the video and discover what the Deep State news propaganda does not want you to hear! Nations In Action.org is the voice for the American Family,…Continue readingShadow Gov. Is Falling!

A.G. Sics FBI on Parents!

Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland failed to mention that his son in law, Xan Tanner, co-founder and president of Panorama Education had recently raised $76,000,000 from investors and contracted with 23,000 public school systems to push the horrid curriculum that parents are protesting against! So as concerned parents spoke out at School Board meetings of…Continue readingA.G. Sics FBI on Parents!

Good Morning Patriots!

Today is a good day to keep on standing up for your rights! It’s time to educate a bunch of people, especially those who sit in Government seats! My, my….isn’t that something….LOOK AND READ, THEN TELL THE SHEEP SOME TRUTH! These are the planned Covid Variant names and date to be released. Imagine that. They…Continue readingGood Morning Patriots!

Mandates Versus Laws

Remember mandates are not laws. Anything that goes against the constitution of the United States, and or Laws on Record do not supercede the law. For example, an official such as a Mayor or Governor can mandate that all people who where blue on Monday’s be enslaved. That mandate is illegal, obsurd, and against the…Continue readingMandates Versus Laws

Going Forward or Backwards?

It depends on who you elected as Governor! If Dominion machines and mail in ballots from dead people voted, chances are you are screwed! DeSantis Offers the Solution to Supply-Chain Back Log At California Ports! While Governor Newsom has an estimated 500,000 shipping containers sitting on cargo ships off the Southern California coast, DeSantis says…bring…Continue readingGoing Forward or Backwards?

Why is Sidney in Question?

I found it startling that someone allegedly on the same side of justice is questioning Sidney Powell on her Cyber Voter Fraud investigation along with Mike Lindell’s efforts to expose the corruption. Did anyone else see this or is it just me? Does anyone know why the Law Professor with sad eyes and a “woe…Continue readingWhy is Sidney in Question?

Eyes Opened Wide

Those who are with us are greater than those who are against us! MEANWHILE FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO KNOW THE FEAR PROPAGANDA MESSAGES: ISLAND OF LA PALMA – ENTIRE NORTH QUARTER LIFTED 10CM on October 9th ! News report from the Hal Turner Radio Show: “The entire northern quarter of the island of La…Continue readingEyes Opened Wide

Trump Live In Iowa!

Trump speaks and the crowd goes wild! Funny how the momentum for Trump across the nation is greater now than it was when he broke all the records in political history for the most votes ever…and Biden stole it away. Or so his global friends thought he did….but, a thief is a thief and will…Continue readingTrump Live In Iowa!

Diamond & Silk Shut it Down!

STOP THOSE WHO ARE KILLING, STEALING AND DESTROYING! It’s time to shut down the hands that mandate tyranny and stand up for our Constitutional Rights and Freedom! MORE GASLIGHTING – this time it’s all about the Constitution! Now we are being blasted with garbage to sway our opinion on the freedoms we have. DON’T BUY…Continue readingDiamond & Silk Shut it Down!