President Trump Rally In Michigan!

Trump kicked off his rally as usual with thousands and thousands outside who could not get in and all seats filled inside. As custom now, they provided a big screen outside for the people so they could watch and listen. It sure looks like Trump is on top of the mystery of what is really taking place for he was on top of his A game! With his Trump confidence and grit, he revved up the crowd and got them cheering when he told them, “Seven months from now you’re going to fire the radical left Democrats that are destroying our country … and YOU’RE GOING TO THROW OUT GRETCHEN WHITMER!”

One thing is sure, Trump is not worried, he’s confident and he’s ready to take down the corruption that has infiltrated into everything. He told the Michigan crowd they were going to vote up and down the ticket and put in a republican party, and added, “Together we are going to end Crazy Nancy Pelosi’s political career once and for all.”

Donald Trump is holding a rally in Michigan TONIGHT - USMAIL24.COM

He expressed that the stakes of this years mid term elections could not be higher and added, “I don’t think we’ve ever had a time in our country where we felt so low, so dejected. What’s going on is absolutely unacceptable. We’re living through the most dangerous period of our lifetime, and we have a president who has no idea what’s going on, he has no idea what he’s doing, and he’s got no idea what he’s saying or where he is. Other than that, he’s doing a fantastic job.” Trump raved as the crowd cheered!

“The presidential election was rigged and stolen and because of that our country is being destroyed. But while there may be nothing we can do to stop Joe Biden’s mental and physical decline, with your vote this November, WE CAN STOP OUR COUNTRIES DECLINE, AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”


“This invasion of Ukraine would never have happened if I was in the White House. I knew Putin very well. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing. We had no conflict, remember?”

Trump talked about Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and said it was “outrageous” while still standing by his statements that Vladimir Putin was a “genius” and “very savvy,” and brought up Putin’s negotiating style of lining up his force of troops at the border.

“This invasion of Ukraine would never have happened if I was in the White House,” Trump said. “I knew Putin very well. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing. We had no conflict, remember?”

All in all Trump gave no inclination that America was going anywhere but FORWARD for a BIG COME BACK WITHOUT THE CORRUPTION WE HAVE BEEN DEALING WITH, SO HOLD ON AND KEEP ON PUSHING FORWARD!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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