Finding Tartaria It Did Exist…

Well That Didn’t Take Long… If you will have it, Tartaria is no longer a mystery. It did exist as a great empire for 600 years! And not in a time warp. It was right here on earth, in this realm! The largest contiguous empire in history took place when the Mongol and Turkish tribes…Continue readingFinding Tartaria It Did Exist…

What Week Are We In?

Enoch and the Ten Weeks… What week do you believe we are in? What is this world wide chaos about? How will it end? The Book Of Enoch – -This format by Andy McCracken, year 2020, original translation from Ge’ez to English by Prof. Michael A. Knibb, year 1978. 91.1 And now, my son Methuselah, call to me…Continue readingWhat Week Are We In?

Tartaria In Baby Steps…

In making a relationship with truth and how to connect with forbidden knowledge. It is not an easy task, and one may even question why, at this point does it even matter? Well, deception is key to demonic victory and every lie shall be exposed in order for all truth to be revealed. Many conflicts…Continue readingTartaria In Baby Steps…

Come Out Of Who, How?

I keep getting blasted when I use a song by Hillsong. Even though it is inspiring. So I am responding. Since Hillsong Church had bad leaders who sinned greatly, we are to cast out all those who ever attended? All who ever sang a song at Hillsong? Some think so. But, where do we begin…Continue readingCome Out Of Who, How?

Distractions, Who Sinned Most?

A Maelstrom is coming and most are arguing over mere words? If anyone ever doubted that the world is run by men who convince the majority that they have something more going on in their brains than the average Joe, all doubt has been erased. In watching and listening to these individuals rant and rave…Continue readingDistractions, Who Sinned Most?

The Road Less Traveled…

When you find the right path, stay on it! Neither President Trump, nor First Lady Melania ever received the respect and dignity of the office of the presidency. Now, at the time of world war, and when support is needed the most…people jump on the enemy train and shout all manner of blame, as though…Continue readingThe Road Less Traveled…

Fact Checking Globe Facts…

It is very interesting That NASA docs show that the shape of the earth was not known in 1948. They have patents that work based on a flat earth concept, because that is what they believed it was. In 1961 documents they still have missille patents that work relative to a flat non rotating earth.…Continue readingFact Checking Globe Facts…

Musk, Trump, Cern, Warpspeed?

The devil’s tower of Babel in Babylon the Great…what questions should we be asking to find the answers we seek? Most go about proclaiming they want answers… and they want them right now! Yet they want answers to the questions that lead to more deception. This is what makes them susceptable to more propaganda and…Continue readingMusk, Trump, Cern, Warpspeed?

CIA’s Cern Tunnels Quake!

Christmas Eve while we were doing our own things….the earth quaked in France and CERN was hit…why does this mean anything to us? Look and see….. EARTHQUAKE AT CERN!5 seconds before the end of Christmas Eve, an earthquake rocked the earth and sealed the demonic portal at CERN. Or so…this is what is told. In…Continue readingCIA’s Cern Tunnels Quake!

Where Are The Key DS Players?

I keep wondering what ever happened to the likes of Madeline Albright and Kissinger? Where is yapping Maxine Waters? And why is Harris so quiet? She never was before? Why isn’t Nadler loud like he’s been in the past and why are none of the Dems happy? I have yet to see them high fiving…Continue readingWhere Are The Key DS Players?