Never doubt it! Biden is a Rubber Mask!

So far it’s just cloudy with a chance of meat balls. The Janes Revenge or Rage of the summer hires or whatever it is… turns out rather dull and fake.

We’ve seen some lame videos of angry people…we know they are angry because they have angry faces and signs that say they are angry.

This may sound like satire… but it is what is taking place all around you. Are the left dangerous? Yes. Are they angry? Yes. Are they going to act out? Yes. So what else is new? Sounds like everything we’ve seen for a very long time. But, now the tables are turning over and people are not going to allow the angry Khazarian puppets and their crisis actor cartoons to throw out their false flags at will to kill, steal and destroy America from within!

Call it out for what it is. Another false flag puppet show and this one is over before it starts. The wild west is ready… the sorry lot of sign holders need to go home and self calm!

For example: They expect us to buy into this garbage like it is real! Meanwhile we are to believe Biden and his cue card are at some world G7 Summit???

I wonder if Lindsey Graham got his S.C. bunch out there to do the videos for a few bucks?

It starts out where the man is down and dangerous. The Police has his hands all over him making sure he stays down for the count.

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Then somehow the old man, just like that… he manages to slither away from the police’s clutches. Why does the officer in the sunglasses look like FBI?

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He makes it to his feet…

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The police are no match for the old man…. as he stands up and eyes a path for his get away run….

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He clutches his bag and makes a mad dash or rather walks away.

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Then, as though he realizes he’s still on camera…he decides to make that mad dash after all… I wonder if he starred in Sandy Hook?

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All in all, this night of Jane’s revenge and all out rage was a dud. Nothing here to see so move along. All we got is a big nothing burger and crisis actors doing a live theater. They will probably be back on Tuesday to pick up their checks if they aren’t already in direct deposit.

We know it’s over because all of the fat ladies have sung, and sung, and sung.

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Meanwhile we have fake news deflecting off the fat people’s protest with a surprise visit from two Ukrainian pilots named “Juice and Moonfish”. (Their real identities are concealed for security reasons). They were in DC to appeal for more military aid, including American fighter jets, to defend their country. Biden said we would send them the fat ladies who scare the hell out of any normal person. That is all they are getting now that we are having our own color revolution getting started. Juice wasn’t happy but, Moonfish figured this was all to be expected. Moonfish noted that Zelensky is not going to be happy… he is going to jump up and down like the fat ladies. Jim Acosta didn’t care, he was all into the photo op.

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Fake news photo op with Juice and Moonfish pilots from Ukraine. Took time out from their war to visit DC during the Roe Versus Wade Protests in hopes to getting military aid including some fighter jets… all they get is their choice of ten of the fattest crisis actor females, and twenty signs. They also have an offer to take Pelosi and Lindsey Graham.

Top pick ready to ship out to Ukraine…

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But, we have learned some valued lessons in all of this.

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So while the Supreme Court decision has opened eyes and started the rest of the 1776 discussion on the Constitution and Bill of Rights… it has shown the nasty deeds of the left wing Rules for Radicals and their agenda 21 now called RESET. It has reached a point of critical mass that the people in the world are now standing up paying attention and shouting to America…..”WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!”

Just answer that it must have been the floride in the water, or maybe it was the chem trails or addititives in the food supply… we know it was a lot of propaganda…. but we are awake now and we are not falling back to sleep!

Do you honestly believed that this would ever be anything the left would allow you to see if they had any way to stop it?

I mean we watched one demeaning thing after another…from Joe falling up the stairs on AF 1, to falling off his bike, to having his hand go through a microphone…to the poopy pants with the pope, to the ministry of truth and the Supreme Court pick who can’t define a woman? We have watched the most outlandish decisions for destruction of both people, jobs, trade, gas and food prices, wallstreet crashing, and the dollar plummeting… all while the world’s economies center around the same stupid sanctions and all of it is going down the toilet with a big sucking sound. Except the electric cars and buses of which most are catching on fire! And Putin is ending the bio labs and doing well with the gold backed Ruble.

Even the left can’t take much more of Joe’s build back stupid.

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Joe’s legacy is all but over.

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It is all but over. Brace yourself for the fall of the cabal part 666! Remember, desperate people do desperate things. Look at Chicago, New York, LA…..Seattle…. watch your back and keep your head on a swivel!

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Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God! Press, press, press!


By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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