trump made-in-america-11-trump-hat 2,800 dollars!

Trump proudly wears his American made cattleman’s style beaver belly fur and mink custom hat.  American made and you can own one just like it for $2800 bucks!  Or you can pay less and wear other made in America collections like the Trump ball cap or this one.

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It’s about time Made In America, Assembled In America,  designed with American know how has its’ comeback!   Made in USA, manufactured in America, built strong for Americans, you label it any way you want as long as it is labeled America!   Products designed here, manufactured here,  distributed here, and sold here mean JOBS FOR AMERCIANS WHO LIVE HERE!

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It’s time to bring back American steel, textiles, make our own tires again, and other rubber products.  For example, “Michelin” produces over 187 million tires in 68 production facilities in 17 countries.!   Imagine if those American purchased tires were also made here?  Job creation?  For sure!  I am all for buying and selling internationally, it is just that the past administrations have little by little shared the wealth to the point main street USA was turning out all the lights in many towns across America.  Small business opportunities rapidly went by the way side and many closed down for good

Thank you to President Trump for ending TTP, and stopping the upside down federal regulations and costs for manufacturers and  business owners,  you know- that deal disguised as climate change.  (Grrrrrr)  Finally,  America is starting to breath again….and she’s getting back on her feet!


President Trump takes an all-American swing with an American made bat  in celebration of products made in America.

America has always had a healthy international trade system with raw materials, and a healthy exchange of products.  The key word is healthy….and President Trump made that clear – we can make deals….just not dumb ones!

trumpDonald-Trump-1012332 The timing for me, and so many others, was an important boost -so desperately needed to get people back to work!  Which brings me to why I was so excited to see President Trump make this big American made industry push.  I have been proudly working hard doing what I can to help launch my daughter, Patty Cummings, new business venture. It is the perfect all American example of the American Dream.  She designed and developed a fitness product that will help get America in shape again.  It is a concept so desperately needed for Americans at all fitness levels and those with physical limitations and recovering from surgeries and injuries.

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She is now manufacturing a product that grew from her entrepreneurial small business seed into a HUGE tree!  It’s called Astro-Durance Bungee Systems – designed by Americans for Americans and the rest of the world too.  Check out her business here Astro-Durance Bungee Systems – it’s the rave of the fitness industry and quite honestly – the future of fitness.  It’s helping other people to open up businesses, thus creating more American jobs!  Manufacturing quality products to distribute here and overseas as well!

Thank you President Trump for helping determined Americans to get back to work and not staying inside the box  they were being placed inside, the one designed by globalists at the top!  AMERICA IS BACK!



By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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