Lin Wood On Fire With Sidney Powell at Georgia Rally – Crowd Roars We Love You and Thank You!

Lin Wood kicked off the rally with a powerful roar demanding justice and pointing his fingers at Kemp while he quoted Martin Luther King! Powerful presentation and if you didn’t know who Lin Wood was before, NOW YOU DO!

lin wood on fire with sidney powell at georgia rally crowd roars we love you and thank you

“You are the heart and soul that makes this country the exceptional place that it is! You inspire us!” said Sidney after a powerful welcome from WE THE PEOPLE! Immediately following her comment shouts of “We love you, we love you,…” bellowed out from the crowd!

Watch full rally here:

The rally was charged with patriots shouting and cheering for justice for all and shouts of freedom, stop the steal and arrests for the deep state traitors!

Watch LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta -  12/2/20 - Conservative Daily News

Sidney Powell said there is no type of voter fraud that was not experience accross the country and Georgia was full of it. Pennsyvania went solid for Trump!

Lin Wood shouted, “All of the power belongs to the people! We’re circling the walls of Jericho and God Almighty is taking the walls down! Send that message to Barr at the Justice Department! DO YOUR JOB! TELL THE F.B.I. Director to do your DAMN JOB! YOU WORK FOR US!”


The rally was a wake up call to every man and woman serving in any capacity of office in the United States of America whether it be municipality, state, or federal level that THEY WORK FOR THE PEOPLE AND WE HAVE THE CONSTITUTION AND WE CHOOSE WHO GOVERNS US, AND WHEN THEY DON’T WE HAVE THE POWER TO BOOT THEM OUT!

Dianne Marshall

By Dianne Marshall

I don't sleep I write! Author, Graphic Artist, Researcher and lover of the truth.

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