Lin Wood Continues His Telegram Public Court Disclosure Proceedings…
This is an exciting time and opportunity to be a part of a live theater reality show where a star Lawyer = LIN WOOD presents his case of being defamated to the AMERICAN PEOPLE IN THE COURTS OF THE REPUBLIC ON AMERICAN SOIL and even the world can watch!
That should be the headline heading every news outlet…but instead it is filled with more defamation garble and lie after lie by the same ones who are out to do their wrap up smears for the enemy who has masked us, mandated toxic jabs, created mass unemployment, sent the FBI after parents who speak out at school board meetings and want to jab our children with nano concoctions that have heart medicines in them. Good grief…one would think this is a terrible horror flick. All the while everyone is asking for donations to keep doing what they are doing which obviously isn’t helping at all, especially when we see things are getting worse and not better. That is if you read the fear headlines!
The only sanity we have in the defamation public disclosure is to know LIN IS TELLING US THE TRUTH! EVERYTHING IS RECORDED, DOCUMENTED, AND OR WE SAW IT IN REAL TIME. Wood has handed his defamation runaways the microphone and they have totally exposed themselves for liars as they know not God and are far away from the Lord….and because of this…they have presented NO CASE, NO REAL FACTS, NO DOCUMENTATION….and Byrnes is now resorting to calling those who love the Lord crazy nuts who are wrong in their religion. He is laying groundwork to present those who love the Lord as certifiable crazy that need removed from society.
When in reality it is the evil Luciferian worshipers who want to beam us up into the 7 lights of Lucifer that are the ones that need removed from society…and God will do that for it is written in our wonderful book called the Bible that Byrnes thinks is whatever? Useless? Foolish? Or to be what? But when you ponder his foundation…it is called ‘America Project’… what exactly is that project? Divide and conquer? Ultra mind control? Gaslight alley? Watch now that Byrnes has dug a big ditch and in over his swollen head….he will resort to screaming and yelling everything he knows at us. That’s what they do. They will create their own form of fear…the kind that if we don’t listen to them…the other boogie men will get us….and deny he is one of them.
So, enter Lin Wood….
Lin Wood: Do you think it a bit odd that Mike Flynn and Patrick “Can’t Spell Lin Right” Byrne allegedly paid $5M of donors’ money for the Arizona audit of the 2020 when they knew that Doug Logan of Cyber Ninjas would be heading up the audit and Byrne admitted to me in his kooky call that Logan was unqualified???
That comment about Logan by Patrick “Burn Sidney Powell Down” Byrne really bothered me. Why?
Because Byrne knew that Doug Logan was at my South Carolina property for weeks with The Not So Honorable Mike Flynn.
I wondered what Logan and Flynn were doing but it was not my place to ask. I assumed that they were looking for election wrongdoing.
I now think they were plotting on how to tank the audits of the 2020 election as part of a Deep State plan for the audits to discourage Trump supporters from trying to FIX 2020.
But I could be wrong. You do the research, connect the dots and draw your own conclusions.
And speak with Dr. Shiva about Doug Logan’s actions with respect to the Arizona audit.
I did.
FINALLY the Flynn Family PR Damage Control Team has been forced to respond to me!!!
Flynn is not very smart. He does not know my experience as a cross-examiner.
As the day progresses, I will slowly but surely rip his PR statement into a thousand pieces and cast it to the wind.
Watch it happen.
Telegram (
GENERAL FLYNN: A couple of points to address this nonsense- and I’m addressing this because we have far more serious problems at hand that our country is facing and this will be the end of it for me—others may have the time, I don’t:
I don’t personally know these people LW mentions, Jarrin, Hancock, nor Kyle Rittenhouse. These must be people who have caused him harm. That is something Lin should deal with. Making them my problem doesn’t change anything. And if Lin raised money for Kyle Rittenhouse, great!
I don’t know this Pegasus thing LW mentions. I’ve had relationships with lots of people and entities, this is not one that I know.
It’s sad that LW has had threats to his family. Doesn’t make it right at all but join the club. That’s what the psychos we deal with do…they threaten us because they fear us.
Prayers and praying: I pray a lot, always have and always will. As I’ve said, they can take away your freedom but never your faith. If I’ve said prayers, they’re meant for good purposes, nothing more nothing less. Period.
Whatever your religion, you decide. Mine is of the Catholic faith…and I do believe we are one nation under God. The left is trying to cause division and are desperate to remove God from everything (let’s not let them do that).
Earning a living, or better stated, recovering lost earnings and costs…you bet. America got me through the past four years, I trust they’ll stand by me in the future.
Any other sins I’ve missed, I’m certain someone will mention one or two. My family and I went through unrelenting political persecution because I stood against the devil herself and helped (in a significant way) DJT get elected as POTUS. Anyone who thinks I’m deep state and then allowed the persecution and slander my family and I went through since 2016 is out of their mind (seriously).
My endorsement of Vernon Jones: I support Vernon and believe he is the best candidate to be the next Gov of Georgia. LW supports another candidate. That’s okay, that is his choice.
Judges and judging: For all the so called people of faith, there are a lot of judges among you all. Keep in mind who the ultimate Judge is and it ain’t me. What I do believe is that we have very serious issues to deal with right here in the United States of America and these massive issues are where we should be focusing our energy.
Now it’s back to my grandkids who I’m trying to spend some precious and quality time with.
God bless America 🙏🏼🇺🇸
Lin Wood:
Keep a close eye on WHO disseminates and praises the Mike Flynn PR Damage Control Statement today.
More Deep State players will be revealed to you.
Just sayin.’
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 10:10 AM]
Like ALL of us, I always reserve the right to change my mind.
The art of a trial lawyer is not just having the ability to rip a witness’ testimony to shreds, but knowing when to do it and more importantly, when NOT to do it.
There are a number of very problematic statements in the well-thought out and planned Flynn Family PR Damage Control Statement.
Jarrin Jackson must have caused me harm??? IF I raised money for Kyle Rittenhouse??? Triples down on Vernon Jones endorsement??? Clearly trying to explain away the apparent occult prayer??? Plus much more to chew on.
I have decided to dismiss the Flynn Family from my “to reveal” list for the day and enjoy the beautiful weather and my puppies this afternoon.
If you have time, let me know your thoughts on the intelligence officer’s propaganda statement. 2 heads are always better than one and We The People have always had my back. I solicit and welcome your input.
And thanks again to ALL the #FightBack donors who chipped in to free Kyle Rittenhouse. You did it. Not me. God bless you.
“A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;”
- Ecclesiastes 3:7
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 10:19 AM]
Stew Peters is must watch TV. No propaganda. Just TRUTH.
WATCH OUT for Mark Meadows!!!
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 10:34 AM]
Stew Peters is a Fountain of Truth as shown in the next two messages.
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 10:34 AM]
(Forwarded from Stew Peters 📢 us)
I just finished reading a “statement” by Gen Flynn.
Although I don’t have first-hand info on a lot of things that are being talked about, I ABSOLUTELY DO have first-hand knowledge and evidence that undeniably proves Vernon Jones is an anti-white racist and witness testimony from a former deputy district attorney, as well as several others, that say Vernon Jones is a serial rapist. (I believe the witnesses over a lifelong Democrat, lifelong politician embroiled in scandal).
I cannot fathom General Flynn expecting anyone to take him seriously after doubling down on his support of such a parasite.
Know them by their fruits.
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 10:34 AM]
(Forwarded from Stew Peters 📢 us)
We must restore a nation Under God.
General Flynn supports a career Democrat, racist, sexual predator and claims to “want” to restore a nation of faith?
Meanwhile, Kandiss Taylor REALLY lives for Jesus AND has worked relentlessly to expose election fraud and fix 2020.
Kandiss Taylor is the ONLY serious candidate for Georgia governor.
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 10:35 AM]
Vernon Jones.
Vernon Jones.
Vernon Jones.
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 10:38 AM]
David “Fraudcock”
David “Fraudcock”
David “Fraudcock.”
Joe Flynn
Joe Flynn
Joe Flynn
Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson
Larry Johnson
Lin Wood
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Today on TruNews, religious conference was held last month in the Mid America Center in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The event was titled Open the Heavens Conference. It was sponsored by Pastors Hank and Brenda Kunneman, the religious leaders of Lord of Host Church in Omaha, Nebraska. The theme of the conference was “it is time to get ready for the revolution of light.”
On today’s edition of TruNews, Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart walk the audience through the connection of General Michael Flynn’s prayer at this event, and its connection to cult leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet of the Church Universal and Triumphant.
Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/7/21
Ass’t. DA for Sex Crimes
Ass’t. DA for Sex Crimes
Ass’t. DA for Sex Crimes
Red Voice Media
Vernon Jones EXPOSED: Rape, Death Threats, Cover-Ups, Criminal Corruption
The Stew Peters Show
Doug Logan
Doug Logan
Doug Logan
Jim Penrose
Jim Penrose
Jim Penrose
Lin Wood (Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson (Jarrin Jackson))
@realgenflynn made a comment about the attacks going his way. That is his right. I’m thankful he’s addressing the issues.
As someone specifically referenced, I will simply state that I was in the infantry.
I attack. I don’t skirt around the perimeter.
Had I wanted to do @linwoodspeakstruth harm, then he’d be dead & in the dirt.
My yes is my yes. My no is my no.
I love Lin Wood. He is my friend & brother in Christ.
I want everyone to go to heaven. I don’t want anyone to go to hell.
Gen Flynn was the intel guy. I was the guy on the ground.
We think differently. We fight differently.
And I’m thankful for that.
Read your Bible. Believe your Bible.
Only the gospel of Jesus Christ saves us from hell. The gospel is for everyone. Dont add or take away from it.
Now, I will crush my #LiveLocal manual bc I want specifics for folks (again, I am used to being on the ground & in the muck) instead of platitudes.
Truly, truly.
Now, go to war.
Lin Wood from Professor….. Who is Larry Johnson?
FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!
Lin 😎
Watch at this link:
Ezra A. Cohen, [11/24/2021 5:49 PM]
“There is a plot in this country to stage a coup.”
Hillary Clinton (11.23.21)
Ezra A. Cohen, [11/25/2021 12:19 PM]
The hunt is on..
And the whole world is on our tail..
Assemble the men.
Ezra A. Cohen, [11/25/2021 10:29 PM]
DeepState #RedFlag #AntiAudit Dan Crenshaw is attacking Lin Wood.
That is all you need to know.
“Dianne Marshall says invest in silver- also just in….What we now know is Kyle Rittenhouse may be going to jail but not for self defense. Defamation of character….and what ever the name is for being part of a coup to _________? Stay tuned more to come.“
Lin Wood
I received the text message below this afternoon while I was trying to get outside to play with my puppies.
Because the message said it was urgent, I returned the call on a third party phone. No answer.
Then I received a phone call back from a female who identified herself as Sherri Owens.
Sherri had a sultry, sexy voice when she gave me her name, but I told her I did not know her.
She then said, “You do know me. I was ‘with you’ at Tomotley when you got the note from President Trump. It was a rainy day.” I responded in a non-sultry, non-sexy voice that I was not at Tomotley when I got the note and no one comes in or out of my property without my security team knowing it. I told this spook not to call me again and then I hung up.
The games the Deep State crime families play. They are devious, but they are not creative.
Now back to the puppies!!!
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Thanks, Mimi.
It is not my number. It is the number from which the Deep State Honey Pot Wannabe sent the text.
Maybe Patriots will be curious to find out information on both numbers. Time will tell.
P.S. I posted on Telegram that I received the note from President Trump on a rainy day. I remember texting Mike Flynn about it. I was honored to receive the note from the President and wanted to share it with one I thought at the time was a “friend” who was later revealed to be an enemy.
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 2:00 PM]
Turns out the text was sent from a cell number of an individual who stables one horse at Huspa. She used to mange the stables under the former owner but I replaced her this month.
Huspa Plantation is not for sale. For some reason, the long-expired listing has remained online.
We The People are excellent detectives!!! Thank you.
Well, I guess I have some work to do on Monday.
One more message and I will return to the puppies!
Stay with me.
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 2:11 PM]
I am aware that my documented information relating to Mike Flynn, Joe, Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Patrick Burn has caused consternation among the ranks of the Patriots.
I have reached out by documented texts to both Mike and Sidney several times to discuss this situation with them over the last few weeks. I have had no meaningful response to date.
Without question, the division presents a challenging situation at a critical time period in our nation’s history.
I hereby formally invite Mike, Joe, Sidney, and Patrick to Tomotley for a face-to-face meeting so that we can amicably discuss the “war” between us and search for a peaceful resolution.
Please share this invitation far and wide.
Let’s see who has the integrity and courage to accept my gracious hospitality one more time.
And who does not.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 8:58 PM]
It is entirely fair to judge the character of a man by the company that he keeps. While it is not the only factor to consider, it speaks volumes.
Mike Flynn embraces Vernon Jones and Patrick Byrne.
What does that say about the character of Mike Flynn?
You decide.
Read Patrick’s 2 messages below.
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 8:58 PM]
(Forwarded from Patrick M. Byrne)
Hi Lin Would,
Ha. That’s funny. No, sorry, but guys like you don’t get to hang out with people like me.
Can you even SEE me from the league you’re in?
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 8:58 PM]
(Forwarded from Patrick M. Byrne)
Wow. So many people flamed out that I am not interested in meeting Lin. How crazy. What different people such are from me. People who come from my culture understand that if someone betrays you by secretly recording you (particular a lawyer of whom you are asking legal questions and seeing if you can hire for your legal issues), then it is beneath your dignity as a man to interact with such riff-raff again. I understand there are a lot of people raised these days not to know the basics of such matters as “honor”, but no, it is not in the realm of possibilities. Obviously.
If you don’t understand, ask your grandad if he is still around. He will explain the rules.
I’ll make you all a deal: When Kyle Rittenhouse tells me to meet Lin, I’ll meet Lin. Until then, UNTIL KYLE RITTENHOUSE’S ACCUSATIONS ARE DISPROVEN BY LIN WOOD, I STAND WITH KYLE RITTENHOUSE.
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 9:17 PM]
Those who attack #FightBack for its heroic efforts to help Kyle Rittenhouse when he needed help the most in September to November of 2020 are attacking the efforts of thousands of Patriots who came to his rescue to help him with his $2M bail, attorneys’ fees, investigative expenses, and the creation of a timeline video that showed the TRUTH of what happened to Kyle that night in Kenosha.
The attackers know not what they do.
I am proud of the Patriots who came to Kyle’s rescue through #FightBack. They are special people who sacrificed for a young boy.
FightBack posted the cash bail as soon as we raised the necessary funds. I signed a $150,000 personal guaranty on a promissory note to get to the bail amount.
I believe that but for the efforts of the #FightBack donors, Kyle could have remained in jail for a year longer until his trial.
I pray that the #FightBack donors they will pay little or no attention to the efforts and errant nonsense of the enemy intended to demean them, #FightBack, and me.
The donor-Patriots should be thanked for what they did.
I thank them and the board members of #FightBack for a job well done.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 9:21 PM]
Thank you my brother in Christ, Joe Oltmann, for providing me with a forum to tell the TRUTH about #FightBack and its efforts to help Kyle Rittenhouse.
TRUTH always prevails over lies. Always means always. Always has. Always will.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 9:31 PM]
Please consider asking the following individuals how much they donated to #FightBack’s efforts to help Kyle Rittenhouse with his attorneys’ fees, expenses, and cash bail:
Michael Flynn
Joe Flynn
Patrick Byrne
Sidney Powell
Tucker Carlson
David Fraudcock
Dan Bongino
Sebastian Gorka
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Will Sommers
Sean Hannity
Remember, #FightBack keeps meticulous financial records.
And ask David Fraudcock how much money he illegally raised at his charities, FreeKyleUSA and The Milo Fund AFTER he committed a felony by stealing and using the #FightBack donor list,
Inquiring minds want to know.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 2:00 PM]
Turns out the text was sent from a cell number of an individual who stables one horse at Huspa. She used to mange the stables under the former owner but I replaced her this month.
Huspa Plantation is not for sale. For some reason, the long-expired listing has remained online.
We The People are excellent detectives!!! Thank you.
Well, I guess I have some work to do on Monday.
One more message and I will return to the puppies!
Stay with me.
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 2:10 PM]
I am aware that my documented information relating to Mike Flynn, Joe, Flynn, Sidney Powell, and Patrick Burn has caused consternation among the ranks of the Patriots.
I have reached out by documented texts to both Mike and Sidney several times to discuss this situation with them over the last few weeks. I have had no meaningful response to date.
Without question, the division presents a challenging situation at a critical time period in our nation’s history.
I hereby formally invite Mike, Joe, Sidney, and Patrick to Tomotley for a face-to-face meeting so that we can amicably discuss the “war” between us and search for a peaceful resolution.
Please share this invitation far and wide.
Let’s see who has the integrity and courage to accept my gracious hospitality one more time.
And who does not.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 9:41 PM]
Has anyone really researched the background on Michael Flynn? I urge you to do so in a search for the TRUTH.
Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Lin Wood, [11/27/2021 9:51 PM]
I am informed that in the past 12 months that Michael Flynn has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees to “inspire” Patriots.
Did you get your money’s worth?
Demand that Michael Flynn start telling you the TRUTH.
You have the right to know.
Ask Flynn or other members of The Flynn Family for the TRUTH.
Well, well, well.
I am now told that the article about Michael Flynn and the CIA/Five Eyes Plot has been removed from the link I posted.
Thankfully, I was able to grab a few screen shots of the article when I first studied it. They are below.
While asking Michael Flynn about his money grab activities from Patriots over the past year, ask him what he really thinks of Q.
You have been played by Michael Flynn.
He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. A life long Democrat who is anti-Trump and wants to fool you into supporting him for President in 2024.
As for me, I am sticking with President Donald J. Trump now and then.
Lin Ain’t For Flynn
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Michael Flynn
Georgia Soros
Michael Flynn
George Soros
Michael Flynn
Georgia Soros
Pray for Michael Flynn.
(Forwarded from Stew Peters 📢 us)
Does this document list General Flynn as a power of attorney for George Soros, or am I reading it wrong?
So many questions.
(Forwarded from Jarrin Jackson)
Why am I getting people sending me this in my private chats? website has something called a power of attorney.
Has George Soros, Michael Flynn, and Michael Adams names.
Soros Management Fund??
Signed August 21, 2021.
Was just sent to me via DM. People are digging & finding all sorts of information.
Can it be true that Michael Flynn is on a power of attorney with George Soros???
Or is this a CIA/Deep State escape trick to discredit Patriot leaders who are seeking TRUTH?
This power of attorney was sent to Jarrin Jackson and me on our reply channels tonight. There are no coincidences.
We need answers from Michael Flynn. He knows the TRUTH.
Remember, Flynn is a master of deceit.
Ha! Did he think he would discredit us to distract from the TRUTH revealed by his own words???
Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
This photo is circulating almost simultaneously with the Flynn-Soros power of attorney.
See how the Deep State operates?
They are very good but not good enough.
Nice try, Michael T. Flynn.
Your texts and your conversations reveal to We The People who you really are.
Now show us the money.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
As I review my reply channel before I rest, I am being swamped with an extraordinary number of messages attacking me for posting the TRUTH about the document circulating on several Patriots’ reply channels.
There are no coincidences.
In real time, I posted the power of attorney and the photos of Michael J. Flynn.
This was a coordinated effort to discredit me and others AND distract from the texts and phone calls which revealed the TRUTH about Michael Flynn.
The games the Deep State plays.
Don’t let Flynn and the Deep State play you. Demand answers from Flynn. He is the one who refuses to address the issues directly. Not me.
Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Time for rest.
The fight for TRUTH is not easy. Especially when you are battling the most powerful and wealthy cabal in the country and the world.
I have done my best one day at a time to reveal to you what I believe you need to know or that would assist you in your own search for TRUTH.
I have always asked that you also do your own research, connect the dots, and draw your own conclusions.
I have shared my TRUTH with you. I pray you will search and find your own TRUTH for yourselves. I suspect we will agree much more than we will disagree if we find the facts.
I know that there is ONE absolute TRUTH:
Jesus Christ, our LORD and SAVIOR is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life.
In the end, that is the only TRUTH that matters.
Stand steady.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
- Luke 12:2-3
“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.”
End of Lin Wood Public Court Disclosure Proceedings… to be continued.
So we know these characters are not who they say they are…the next step is finding out who they work for. THEY AREN’T WORKING FOR WE THE PEOPLE! SO THAT IS A FACT.
As Lin Wood says….this is God separating the wheat from the tares!