Pelosi Hammers Fake News Wrap Up Smear – Blames Patriots & J-6?

There are some strange events taking place that we are supposed to be too dumb to figure out. Once you know what is taking place behind the dark murky veil… you see things clearly from the very onset. But alas… where is the proof? It all goes “POOF” once the money exchanges hands. And it…Continue readingPelosi Hammers Fake News Wrap Up Smear – Blames Patriots & J-6?

Lara Logan, Diamond & Silk Get Real About Child & Human Trafficking and Black Goo!

Are you tired of the lies? Diamond and Silk sure are and Lara Logan sure is! They say it’s time to have a discussion about the real truths on what is happening at our borders, with our children in America and throughout the world! Listen to the interview with Lara Logan. She has a lot…Continue readingLara Logan, Diamond & Silk Get Real About Child & Human Trafficking and Black Goo!

Ultra Mind Control in America – Altering The Brain.

In a nutshell, it is the upgrade to gaslighting and propaganda with extra bells and whistles. Much is learned for the good of mankind under the disguise as Brain Research where they take what is good and mess around with what else they can do with it. And some programs will even put your brain…Continue readingUltra Mind Control in America – Altering The Brain.

This Show Is Off The Rails… Come Out From Her My People!

Trump Jr. said “Enjoy the show.” I can no longer play that channel. This is serious and it is about our lives. There is nothing to enjoy in watching death, despair, insanity, and nothing worse than watching evil lead the masses in their prayers. It is beyond anything sane…it is the Twighlight Zone on steroids.…Continue readingThis Show Is Off The Rails… Come Out From Her My People!

MK Ultra Mind Control – Be Not Deceived By A Road Show…

Through the looking glass…. and what that all means! It started long ago and along the way it picked up speed. Hidden out of sight it was always in our face. We just couldn’t see it because of the philosophical deceits and traditions of men. Colossians 2:8 “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy…Continue readingMK Ultra Mind Control – Be Not Deceived By A Road Show…

Clark is Going To Save America… We Are Waiting!!

Meanwhile the central banksters are in trouble and it’s all Putin and China’s fault and something, something… And Clark says they are teaming up to collapse the US dollar and something, something… oh my head hurts! Why don’t these people tell the rest of the story? They finally at least discovered the BRICS and they…Continue readingClark is Going To Save America… We Are Waiting!!

Ukraine’s On Fire – But Putin Didn’t Light The Match!

It’s time to stop the gaslighting, we are no longer in the dark. The light switch is on and it is time to speak up about what we see! The truth shall set you free! What did Flynn know about Ukraine? Obama? Biden? It’s time to take the gaslighting lantern away from the fake news,…Continue readingUkraine’s On Fire – But Putin Didn’t Light The Match!

NEWSMAX Agrees With Bidens Immigration Trafficking and Throws Lara Logan Under their Bus!

The biggest threat to mind controllers is the freedom of thought. I can hear the children of the devil as they whisper in the shadows….”We cannot have people thinking on their own. They are not to do such things… and if they dare to try… we shall use the power of deception to have them…Continue readingNEWSMAX Agrees With Bidens Immigration Trafficking and Throws Lara Logan Under their Bus!

Where Will Zelensky and the KM NAZI Oligarchs Spend Their Fiat Dollars? Hell is Having a Handbasket Sell-Off!

The Great RESET dialogues and its demagogues have been weighed in the balance and found to be LIARS, DECEIVERS, SNAKES, SHEER EVIL AND SIMPLY WANTING! On their Great RESET World Economic Forum Online Overview, they so boastfully tell us in plain words what their evil plans are, as though they sit as a Queen and…Continue readingWhere Will Zelensky and the KM NAZI Oligarchs Spend Their Fiat Dollars? Hell is Having a Handbasket Sell-Off!

Hunter Biden Laptop Destroys Biden Crime Family! BOOM!

Garrett Ziegler presents the transcript to the Biden Laptop! The work has been done, the evidence is proven. Marco Polo, a nonprofit led by Garrett Ziegler, a former staffer in the President Trump’s Administration, released a 630-page report yesterday with 2,020 citations that fully document 459 crimes committed by the Biden family and their business associates. The…Continue readingHunter Biden Laptop Destroys Biden Crime Family! BOOM!