NO MORE DOUBLE YOUR TROUBLE AND TIME TO PULL OFF SOME MASKS! Whether you are calling yourself a conservative and are a RINO, or calling yourself a Democrat and are a Communist- or calling yourself a Joey and are a Harold, it’s time to pull off the masks and see who is under it!
What would happen if we started pulling on the noses of the 2.0’s? Or stretching a few ears? Or let’s say just pulling on a few cheeks? That may expose some masks, but would it work on doubles… or look a-likes. Would it just make for a new type of frenzy in the world of the Ultra Mind Controlled or would it make a difference?
What would we then do if we saw some doubles exposed? Would that actually solve anything? I’m sure we would have all sorts of news stories on how this is done and has been done to protect V.I.P.’s in public since people are so crazy. They might even throw in a few statements basing the doubles on the past assassinations and the crazy citizens who they blame for such complicated things… and of course the lone shooters and another jab at gun control.
It may even connect with the crazy “what’s your pronoun”, and “what animal or thing do you identify with”? You know like the “furrys” being pushed in the schools.
If you identify as Joey Bigone…then you have the right to be Joey Bigone.
Is this taking the idea that you can grow up to be anything you want in America off the cliff? Or is this just part of the “who’s really behind the mask” game? Whatever it is, my guess is this has all been organized and put into play by a corrupt deep state system as part of a think tank plot to destroy the educational structure and the minds of our children. It’s obvious now that destroying the family unit is a side bonus for the ones behind the mind control organizing.
So with all the deep state organized attacks on the mind, it does us well to look at all the areas under attack from within. If we can even make a list of such a thing, that list would be so long that most would not even be able to wrap the magnitude of its destruction around their minds. Instead they would shout, “liar, liar!” And so, that is a lot of what we are seeing take place.
Whether it is exposing corruption in the federal government, state government, municipalities, school systems, big pharma, the FBI, CIA, NSA, the medical field, and the list of rights to have a parade down Mainstreet naked because a person has a twisted interpretation of the first amendment rights that allow them, or so they believe it does so, to infringe on other peoples first amendment rights. It never allowed things like blocking traffic, breaking into stores and taking whatever they desired, burning down buildings, and knocking innocent people upside the head and beating them to a pulp.
Freedom of speech is our constitutional right and falls under the first amendment, along with freedom of religion, right to peacefully assemble, and petition the government. It is also one of the most misunderstood, misused and abused rights that we have.
So today, let’s take a look at what the First Amendment actually says and what Freedom of Speech actually is…
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Threatening fellow Americans, while burning and looting other people’s property was never in the first amendment.
“Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech”
Seriously, that’s the entire thing. So, does this mean you can defame someone publicly and that’s okay because you have the right to do that? Or you can threaten someone’s life or harass them? No, it does not. Some people have become to believe that they are protected under the first amendment to say and do whatever they darn well please. Well, there is a host of things they cannot do, or say, or act out or they are legally breaking the law. There are many things that people often misunderstand and think they are protected against, when they’re not.
They read the words as though there were no rules governing what that means. But there are. Things like lying.
For example if you call someone a name or shout something like “He’s got a bomb” in an airport or mall, just for kicks and it causes a panic that harms others – that is against the law for you have lied and incited a false panic that caused damage and injuries. Which also lying on the witness stand when you’ve sworn to tell the truth is called perjury. Lying to the police when questioned is obstructing justice. Bearing false witness against others is another crime… such as accusing someone of rape, or doing something they did not do.
You can only call someone a name of something if they actually are, otherwise, you are liable for defamation of their character. This is called slander, and you are libel and can be sued in a civil lawsuit for such slander. This is why the deep state hate it when Lin Wood points out what he is seeing or believes. Because Lin will not say something outright unless he can prove it. He has a career as a defamation lawyer and knows what is and is not free speech!
Freedom of speech does not protect you against falsely accusing someone of a crime or spreading lies about someone in order to hurt them socially or professionally. That being said, you’re also not allowed to actually say you are going to hurt someone.
Threatening statements are criminally illegal, even if you’re joking or just plain stupid in your judgement. You see, threats are not protected under freedom of speech. You don’t have the right to go around threatening to harm others or encouraging others to do the harm.
Here are some Restrictions on Expression, From the Britanica:
Excerpts: “Second, a few narrow categories of speech are not protected from government restrictions. The main such categories are incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, and threats. As the Supreme Court held in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the government may forbid “incitement”—speech “directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless action” and “likely to incite or produce such action” (such as a speech to a mob urging it to attack a nearby building). But speech urging action at some unspecified future time may not be forbidden.
“Defamatory lies (which are called “libel” if written and “slander” if spoken), lying under oath, and fraud may also be punished. In some instances, even negligent factual errors may lead to lawsuits. Such exceptions, however, extend only to factual falsehoods; expression of opinion may not be punished even if the opinion is broadly seen as morally wrong.
“Certain types of hard-core pornography, labeled obscenity by the law, may also be punished, as the Supreme Court held in Miller v. California (1973). Exactly what constitutes obscenity is not clear, but since the 1980s the definition has been quite narrow. Also, obscenities in the sense of merely vulgar words may not be punished (Cohen v. California [1971]).
“Material depicting actual children engaging in sex, or being naked in a sexually suggestive context, is called child pornography and may be punished. Sexually themed material that uses adults who look like children or features hand-drawn or computer-generated pictures of fictional children does not fall within this exception, though some such material might still be punishable as obscenity.
“Fighting words—defined as insults of the kind likely to provoke a physical fight—may also be punished, though general commentary on political, religious, or social matters may not be punished, even if some people are so upset by it that they want to attack the speaker. Personalized threats of illegal conduct, such as death threats, may also be punished. No exception exists for so-called hate speech (see alsohate crime). Racist threats are unprotected by the First Amendment alongside other threats, and personally addressed racist insults might be punishable alongside other fighting words. But such speech may not be specially punished because it is racist, sexist, antigay, or hostile to some religion. Read the entire article: 10 Restrictions on Freedom of Speech You Must Know ( Also read: First Amendment – Religion, Speech, Press | Britannica
Freedom of speech includes the right:
- Not to speak (specifically, the right not to salute the flag).
West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943). - Of students to wear black armbands to school to protest a war (“Students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.”).
Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 U.S. 503 (1969). - To use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages.
Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971). - To contribute money (under certain circumstances) to political campaigns.
Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1 (1976). - To advertise commercial products and professional services (with some restrictions).
Virginia Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Consumer Council, 425 U.S. 748 (1976); Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350 (1977). - To engage in symbolic speech, (e.g., burning the flag in protest).
Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989); United States v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990). - Freedom of speech does not include the right:
- To incite actions that would harm others (e.g., “[S]hout[ing] ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”).
Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919). - To make or distribute obscene materials.
Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957). - To burn draft cards as an anti-war protest.
United States v. O’Brien, 391 U.S. 367 (1968). - To permit students to print articles in a school newspaper over the objections of the school administration.
Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988). - Of students to make an obscene speech at a school-sponsored event.
Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986). - Of students to advocate illegal drug use at a school-sponsored event.
Morse v. Frederick, __ U.S. __ (2007). Source
Now that we have states like Louisiana and Oklahoma coming forward and allowing the Bible and Ten Commandments back into the schools, we are watching all sorts of opinions on what the first amendment means. Mostly all wrong from a screeching left who wants to have naked people parading in the streets and furries in the schools but not anything showing a moral or Godly value.
Porn is porn and you can no longer act like it is education! People have had enough! Pastor from North Carolina says enough!
From an article in the “Atlantic”, titled: “The Supreme Court Has Ushered In a New Era of Religion at School.” From 2022 by Adam Laats, he states that “For two centuries, America had kept questions of church and state at bay. The country is not ready for the ones to come.”
Excerpt: “In prospect, it opens up a vast new world of publicly funded religious schools—using tax money, potentially—to teach kids that dinosaurs walked with humans, that girls primarily come into this world to grow up and bear children, or that only heterosexuals deserve rights. Maine quickly passed a law to keep public money away from avowedly anti-LGBTQ schools, but legislators will only be able to play anti-discrimination whack-a-mole for so long. Carson, not Kennedy, is the decision that could reshape the relationship of Church and school in America—even though prayer in school has long been the symbolic victory conservatives were intent on winning.” Read: The Supreme Court Is Kicking God Back Into School – The Atlantic
In another article by, it explains how the fake news helped do a wrap up smear that allowed the public to believe the Supreme Court decided something different than it did in 1962!
Excerpt: “Now the States are bringing the ten commandments and the Bible back into the schools. The Supreme Courts have to look again on the unconstitutional ruling made on JUNE 25, 1962, the U.S. Supreme Court declared prayer in public schools unconstitutional. In another article Of course, the court did not declare prayer in school unconstitutional, nor could it have. As the quip goes, “As long as teachers give math tests, there will be prayer in schools.” But the public can be forgiven for thinking the court tried to outlaw prayer in America’s public schools. The June 25, 1962, Washington Star blared, “HIGH COURT BANS SCHOOL PRAYER.” The next day’s Chicago Tribune also went big: “SUPREME COURT BANS SCHOOL PRAYERS.” Soon senators were demanding Congress undo the ruling.
“Specified school prayers were not uncommon in 1962; in fact, 13 states required daily prayer or Bible reading in public schools. Three days after lawyers argued Engleat the Supreme Court, Maryland’s highest court upheld a Baltimore rule that each school day in that city begin with a Bible passage and The Lord’s Prayer. A brief in Engel supporting the New York policy was signed by 22 states.
“The truth of the matter is… “The court did not find prayer in public schools unconstitutional, but that it was unconstitutional for government to include a particular prayer in a school program. Engel began a rethinking of the extent to which the ban on establishing religion required changes in prevailing practices.” Read: This Supreme Court Ruling on Prayer in Public Schools Made America Go Nuts (
The fight is against a very dark spirited realm…
It was a runaway press and Marxist organizing for progressive democracy fanning the flames of unrest in the streets that ushered in all sorts of mind control tactics that simply were based on lies and propaganda. Ask who was behind Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals? Circle back to the black operations created by agencies such as the CIA, MI6, Tavistock, FBI and DARPA mind control programs and you just might see the ground work laid to usher in KM Ultra tactics to create civil unrest and pop culture rising in the 50’s and 60’s.
We just might find a lot of John Coleman’s Committee of 300 and the hatching of many radical ideas. Those old enough to remember can recall how they watched new labels such as Baby Boomers and propaganda definitions of that generation enter into an ongoing tag and label for future generations. Complete with make peace not war slogans and drafting the boys off to fight and die in Korea and Viet Nam. While at home families were bombarded with all sorts of TV programming from Andy Griffith, Walt Disney, and Father Knows Best… MASH and prosperity church programming. What could go wrong with that? Uncle Sam needs you!
Along the same milestones we watched a series of assassinations from President Kennedy to Martin Luther King, to Robert Kennedy and several wars in Israel, each one gaining them a bit more territory. Tiny as it was, it was never peace in the middle east or anywhere on the globe where colonies and natural resources were coveted.
But back home in the states, people were out to get the GE automatic washer and own a brand new car. Credit was rolling and oil was the pay dirt… we watched how they presented that and more with the Beverly Hillbillies programming. Or at least the humor they found in the idea of the common U.S. Citizen who hit it big and how that would look, at least to the manor born and bred. It was social class division and why the case for such boundaries in our face. From the programming of Andy of Mayberry where the police were idiots and the Real McCoys where farmers were farming because they just weren’t smart enough to be business men. Do you see the class social distinctions they created? Did I say distinctions? It was more like barriers and the reasons why they just can’t have those crossed.
The way they made the average person look stupid? And we all laughed at it? At least until street drugs got involved and communes became a thing and bombs started dropping on our boys who came home in boxes. Wars with no real cause or end in sight somehow became part of sustaining a so called free world?
Just go to work and learn in school, as we take God out of everything little by little. And doing it a drop at a time, few will ever realize it. Prosperity is the key to all of it, give them a piece of the big pie in the sky and the human mice with blinders on, do the right thing and obey as they run as fast as they can on the systems treadmill of destiny.
No one has time to figure out what is going on in underground labs when you are trying to provide for your family and attend PTA meetings and save for the next modern appliance and that credit thing begins to look very attractive. We can go on and on and show you how the corruption continued to grow and got too big to fail… and how we all got in the boat with a big fat hole in it. But, this is about now that we see where we are and just how deserted this island of despair is… what will American Citizens do to reclaim their constitutional rights and restore the Republic that the nation was founded upon?
One president and a few good governors can’t restore the nation all by themselves. Not when it is fighting against spiritual wickedness in high dark places. The United States of America was founded upon Godly principles and certain God given inalienable rights and liberties. It was a Republic, not a progressive communistic democracy. There was no Club of Rome in the Declaration of Independence, and no World Economic Forum, and certainly no United Nations to dictate by committee what the United States was going to do to “We The People”. That was always the designs of the devil and all his minions who sought to control and rule over the entire world system and get rid of the nasty followers of the way of the Lord. And anyone who followed the teachings of the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.
So of course there was no place found for the ten commandments nor the Word of God in any written form.
Which bring us to this moment in time. Remember and never forget it was the fake news headlines that deceived the public of the ruling of the Supreme Court. It was a runaway fake news commentary discussions from scripts that spread the false interpretations and the public believed the lies and obeyed illegal and unconstitutional state mandates. Some states never listened.
The separation of church and state should outlaw the teaching of a theory of evolution in the schools. It is more a religious belief than anything scientific and has no valid proof of anything that it states. It is therefore a myth, an idea, a theory that falls under a religious belief, one that is anti God. It is a religion that should not be imposed upon children. There is no factual proof of it to be any more than a man made theory, idea…myth, religion followed by those who promote an anti God religious belief. It offends Christianity, Judaism, even Muslim beliefs. And once they did that… it was all systems go, go, a go go! Freedom of speech became a religion of sorts?
It is right there with the moon landing and “What about the curtain rods?”
They had to remove God from the school, and from the entire world of science in order to go to the moon, make the earth a globe and conquer everything God created.
The religion of the state appears to be their science, and everyone was forced to study that religious/science and follow it into climate change, transhumanism, and having nothing, eating bugs, and mind chipped into a state of limbo where they are walking dead with no feelings and happy? It’s a dead world. Always has been and always will be.
The truth is all life is in God and all living is a creation of God and God is Love. We are spirit beings. We are designed to love.
The flesh is but a covering, a garment. Our mind is a process of thinking, feeling and deciding and our earthly flesh body is a garment that houses our soul and both the soul and our spirit moves about on earth in a flesh body. We are the energy of the spirit that is inside of us. God is a spirit, Jesus is the spirit of God our Father that came in the flesh in order to save us and restore us to our Heavenly Father. We are learning how to be with Him in Spirit and In Truth… we have been given the Holy Spirit to reside within us to teach us how to do this. We are learning now how to live in the spirit and be with our Lord and Father who is God, in Spirit and in Truth.
God does not judge our fleshly garments; he looks at our heart and our spirit. We are energy and spirit beings. We are to look upon one another from the heart with love and not at the imperfections of the flesh. We are to learn to live in the spirit. That is why this world is not our forever home. When we die in the flesh, our souls return to the Father who sent us.
On the mount of Transfiguration the disciples who were with Jesus saw him transfigure into a spiritual body of light. Jesus spoke with Moses and Elijah in their heavenly spiritual bodies.
We have untold protection and power with God our Father and His Son and have been given the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and teach us all truth, discernment, Wisdom and to comfort and strengthen us. We are one with God’s Spirit and our home is heavenly, not earthly. We are in the world but not of the world. God’s kingdom is coming upon the earth as it is in heaven. The Lord is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is our friend and the way to the Father. He is within us and is always with us in spirit and in truth.
When we learn this we open up our hearts to all the authority and love God has for us to help us in our trials in this world that is ruled by the dark powers of Satan. This Satanic time clock has been numbered and the deadline to when time shall be no more here on earth, as we count earthly time, is what God shall decide. Meanwhile we are given commands to love God with all our heart, mind, strength and soul and to love our neighbor as ourselves. In doing that we shall have done all that God commands. We have divine protections for we are a divine spirit creation moving about on this earth in a fleshly body that has all things needed built into it. There is no male, nor female, nor Greek, nor Jew in the spirit world. All are one with the Lord and the Lord is one within us. Together we make up the body of Christ.
When Elijah’s servant arose early and went forth he saw a host of soldiers horses and chariots surrounding the city and he said to Elijah, I’m certain in fear, “Alas my master! how shall we do?” Elisha told him to fear not for those who were with them were greater than that who were with them. The servant didn’t understand. So Elisha prayed for the Lord to open his eyes to see.
2 Kings 6:17, 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.
That is seeing in the spirit. Seeing God’s hand over you. This is what we must all learn to do. It is the way of the Lord and walking in faith. See the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. We are spirit bodies inside a fleshly garment. Our heavenly bodies are shining light bodies of pure spirit and love. This is what we are not taught today and what has been hidden, but Jesus told us it was so, therefore it is the truth.
John 4:23-26 23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. 25The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.
Listen to this kid named Logan. He understands God very well.
Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God. Press, press, press!