As Trump Has Said, “America Is Under Siege”!

DONALD TRUMP: “I don’t care about the revenge thing. I know they usually use the word revenge. Will there be revenge? My revenge will be success.”  What President Trump knew long ago, and what he knows today are the unspeakable things! He knows the names of those we never hear and he knows how the machine…Continue readingAs Trump Has Said, “America Is Under Siege”!

WWIII In Progress, Please Refer To Cyber Protocols…

When looking at the US Justice System and President Trump, and listening to the think tanks at DAVOS, and all the mis and dis information campaigns… that means crazy is now unleashed. Go ahead and fact check it! I suppose that also means your firewall has been breeched and it isn’t going to save you.…Continue readingWWIII In Progress, Please Refer To Cyber Protocols…

We Don’t All Live In A Yellow Submarine…

Some of us can see who is making all the stuff up and watching as it all gets ready to go BOOM! But there are many that are filled with indoctrinated nostalgia, gleefully singing along inside the yellow submarine. Can it get any more obvious that this thing is being operated by other sources? At…Continue readingWe Don’t All Live In A Yellow Submarine…

The Loudest Weapon For A Silent Storm Is Truth! Part 2

We left off in Part 1 with the cold hard truth of how little those who want to rule the world care about mankind. To them we are cattle and most need to be taken to the slaughter house, or so it sounded that way to me. I almost heard Madeline Albright from the grave…Continue readingThe Loudest Weapon For A Silent Storm Is Truth! Part 2

The Loudest Weapon For A Silent Storm Is Truth!

We’re fighting a black ops machine! It’s time to stop the crazy ride and get off the Liar Go Round! The Truth Shall Set You Free! Part 1! I was looking through old documents and ran across this gem. I was taken back when I found it in my old collection of things from the…Continue readingThe Loudest Weapon For A Silent Storm Is Truth!

It’s Not About Tucker, and It’s Not About Russia!

It’s about WHO OWNS THE SKYS and sovereignty of nations versus Satanic/NAZI, KM Oligarch Global Control over EVERYTHING! Tucker Carlson is on a “sly roll out” where his findings reveal that Russia is not the same Soviet Union that once bred communism and fear to its populace. In his recent interview with Vladimir Putin, those…Continue readingIt’s Not About Tucker, and It’s Not About Russia!

Who and What Is, Or Owns TESLA?

Was Tesla A Conduit Between Fallen Angels & Our Technology? I find it extremely ironic that Tesla Motors founder and CEO Elon Musk is escalating his warnings that our obsession with Artificial Intelligence technology (AI) is the biggest threat to our human existence.  “With artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon,” he is quoted as…Continue readingWho and What Is, Or Owns TESLA?

Ecocide? You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me?

Radical environmentalists are back at it again, this time they plan to criminalize large-scale industrial enterprises and outlaw fishing and farming! I guess it will be a crime to murder a plant to make bread?  If you can murder worms and insects in the soil first to plant it. Oh just how far will the…Continue readingEcocide? You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me?

Black Ops and A Bot Program In Oz…

What else would you like to call it? Name it… we’re listening. Smile. When the shills and the grift are getting exposed faster than they can grift and shill… then they get sloppy and mess up big league. Why is that? Because they really believe they are super smart, and under grandiose protection of all…Continue readingBlack Ops and A Bot Program In Oz…

Is The U.S. led Global Covert Military Defense War Operation STORM Hitting Now – 2024?

Has the United Nations Headquarters – Palais des Nations in Geneva been closed by the current Wartime President & CIC of the United States, Donald J. Trump? Are all offices shut and dark, and is it now Game Over? Pascal Najadi believes so. The UN is grappling with cash flow problems caused in part by…Continue readingIs The U.S. led Global Covert Military Defense War Operation STORM Hitting Now – 2024?